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    posted a message on How to save Hearthstone

    This game will not be saved. Each expansion it gets worse and the community is to blame. They will pick the most broken decks every chance they get, not picking skillbased gameplay, but choosing the decks that get them the easiest wins, preferably with as little effort as possible. You can see it on ladder, its infested with them. Ive played since beta and have most of the cards in the game so Im perfectly able to make these decks myself but I refuse to. Frankly, it disgusts me.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Everyone is complaining about highlander priest...

    People complain about Raza priest because its the most broken deck this game has ever seen. Its obscene its not getting nerfed. I have all the cards for it but I feel absolutely disgusted playing it. Autowin for morons.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Game Balance
    Quote from PHM1 >>
    Quote from TanookiJack >>

    Apart from playing against OTK builds that you can't tech against unless you put cards in your deck that make you lose to everything else, the meta is better now than it has been in a long time.

    At least there's no tunnel trogg.

     no tunnel trogg..... in stead we have patches, corridor creeper, scalebane, bone mare, spiteful summoner. all of which are ten times worse than tunnel trogg, and every deck runs 10 of them. The meta is way worse than its ever been, mana cost no longer have any meaning, everything can happen at just about every single turn. 
    wouldn't be surprised if they released a 1 mana 0/1 common, at the end of turn  recruit a 10 drop , in the next expansion...
     Agreed. I have been playing since beta. Raza priest is the most broken deck this game has ever seen, worse than undertaker, secret paladin etc etc. I tried it for a while and I litteraly could not lose if I got the Raza turn 5/ Anduin turn 8 combo. Noone should get handed free wins like this, including me. What a joke.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The most problematic/opressive class? [Standard]
    Quote from Joshirptdich >>
    Quote from DiamondDM13>>
    Quote from Crazy_Gio>>
     Maybe you didn't play hearthstone yet, but when they nerfed patron warrior it was because it was a combo deck that couldn't lose to aggro and killed control (every combo deck in hs kills control, but should be unfavored vs aggro), also they stated that there would be" less burst in standard", that's why they nerfed molten giant too. Now, this deck can deal 30+ dmg in one turn at turn 9. That's not fair to me. The cards that you listed that "should disrupt their combo" actually do nothing. The darkness needs tobe drawn and played before raza and then the candles need to stay in his deck until turn 9/10 otherwise if he just draws 2 of them before that turn it's useless. Dirty rat is not a counter. You can't see what they have in hand, if you can't pair it with a removal  (which is likely, since if you want to kill their combo you need to play it on 4) you might as well lose the game on the spot by pulling lyra or velen. It's just a rng attempt that will make you lose games more than the ones that you win for it. Talking about Freeze mage, it could be countered with healing and was bad vs Hunter. Also it couldn't kill you in one turn, except with thaurissan + alla the burn of their deck + spell Power. Anyway that deck wasn' fair too, ice lance was moved to hof for a reason. 
     I actually have been playing HS since the Beta, which help when it comes to understanding the game a lot better.
    Patron wasn't nerfed because it was good against Aggro and Control, it was nerfed because the ability to push 30+ damage Frothing Berserkers on turn 7 for example, paired with 0 Mana Executes reduced by Thaurissan and the Patrons helping to destroy the remaining of Taunts was nuts. Combo decks being good against Aggro is not a problem, those have existed since the start. Problem is decks that make ridiculously high amounts of Burst Damage really early in the game. Same reason why Quest Rogue was nerfed. That deck has the ability to easily push 20 or more charge damage from hand by turn 5, that is ridiculous, so it was changed. That paired with the fact that at the time each of those decks were changed, there was no counterplay available to stop those problems, made them require nerfs (You didn't have Dirty Rat at the time of Patron, nor was Rat usable against Quest Rogue because that deck had a really high number of minions making it extremely unreliable.)
    Also, not every Combo deck is supposed to lose to Aggro and win against Control, it all depends on how the deck works. Freeze Mage is a Control Combo deck, it's speed means it is much better at dealing with Aggro while having some issues with Control because it is slower. When you take Miracle Rogue, which is essentially a Midrange Speed Combo deck, that deck is faster, so it is much better against Control, but it pays for that with a terrible matchup against Aggro. In case you didn't know, Combo decks all fall into the Aggro, Midrange or Control archtype. They have speeds based on this, and that is what defines what they are good and bad against.
    Razakus Priest can deal 30+ Damage on turn 9? That is impressive since Velen costs 7, Mind Blast 2 and they would require three 0 Mana spells to pair with this assuming they drew perfectly and had targets for the 0 Mana Spells on board, since that needs a Silence, Circle of Healing and another card to work. Is it powerful to deal 30+ Damage on turn 10? Specially if they draw like Gods? Yes, so is every deck when it draws like a God.
    Any Tech Card needs to be draw to be effective... No shit Sherlock... That is how most cards work, they need to be draw to be played and have effect... Darkness requires the Priest to draw 2 Candles before they can play Raza. You might think this is easy, it is not, it is the reason why people don't play Decks based on the Darkness itself, because the likelyhood the opponent draws the Candles in a timely fashion is low. Hence why the Darkness works pretty well, since against Razakus, you don't want them to draw the Candles.
    Dirty Rat is very much a Counter. Razakus Priest is a Combo deck with a quite limited amount of minions. They also use a lot of those minions as card draw, meaning they tend to be played very early in the game. If you time them correctly, you can pull a Raza or a Velen, since they are the likely card to be remaining in the hand. Raza they will try to play it as soon as possible. Velen they hold it to Combo you to death. Pull Velen by properly timing the Rat, and they lose half their Burst Damage. That is very much a Counter to a Combo deck that relies on massive Burst Damage specially in the Matchups where you would use the Dirty Rat.
    Regarding being unable to deal with what you pull from Dirty Rat, that is nonsense. If you play Dirty Rat early, you will pull Card Draw minions or Raza, which is teh cards the Priest will keep in hand. Raza is useless once you pull if from the Hand, you don't want him to activate battlecry, so you have no issues pulling it. If you use Dirty Rat Late in the game, it costs 2 Mana and you have like 8 Mana to deal with Velen. Either way you go about it, you don't get into problems. You just need to time it correctly.
    Freeze Mage was not really bad against Hunter, at least for me I never had many issues dealing with Hunters specially after Flare was nerfed, but then again, I only have around 4000 games of Freeze Mage so I might not have faced enough Hunters to tell... (I'm being sarcastic, it's not a favoured matchup, but also not a bad one, just a neutral matchup).
    Ice Lance was sent to Hall Of Fame not becuse it was unfair, but because they want to rotate Freeze Mage to Wild, they stated that much, so they tried to by removing one of the most important Burst tools. This simply because Freeze Mage has been the dominant Mage decks since Beta, not because it's unfair or unbalanced (They would nerf it if it was, and there was a time when it was unbalanced, with 2 Mana Nova, 3 Mana CoC, 5 Mana Blizzard and 8 Mana Pyro), they simply want to remove long standing Archtypes from Standard to force the creation of new Archtypes and have people play different decks in Standard, not have Freeze Mage be played forever in Standard.
    Sometimes I wonder how people can't understand such simple things.
    Sadly players who think razakus priest is okay and hasnt killed control completely wont rotate out next year
     Raza priest is worse than undetaker. There, I said it. Ridiculous they havent nerfed this crap yet.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
    Quote from Killzun >>

    Nothing like eating your own words... Varied Meta no more... I thought to play about 10 games today. I mean I'm happy I'm winning but how good is that if I'm tired of playing the same decks over and over again... If I can't even enjoy winning, this game has reached its cap and I need to look for something else to play.

     Dont worry mate. MtG Arena is on its way. Once that releases I will never look back.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Shaman lives matter?

    I reached rank 5 with shaman this season using Unstable Mutation together with jades. Wasnt easy but its doable. Its just mind boggling how easy raza priest players have it. Game shouldnt be this way.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Why do people think aggro is easy or scummy?

    Its really simple. When 90% of your games consists of puking your hand onto the table and either making reasonable trades or going face with everything, theres not much respect to be had. Theres little to no skill involved. What ticks people off are that its actually easy to achieve relative high win rates with this stragedy. Some of us want games to be determined by making the best decisions, not by lack of them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Thoughts on Meta

    Meta is garbage. Just play priest and you get free wins 60% of the time. Doesnt matter if its Raza, dragon or big priest. It has never been easier reaching legend than now, when things are so broken.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on If you still think this game is random you are insane

    For what its worth OP, I agree whole heartedly. And Im certain this is applied to both arena and constructed alike. I used to be a pretty good arena player, mostly getting 7+ wins etc. When I had been on a good streak with say, 10+ for three or four runs, Id suddenly run into a losing streak where I faced insanely op decks with multiple legendaries, opponent topdecking the right answer every turn etc. So me and a friend tested it. 

    After a good streak I began the downward slope again. So, my friend recorded the next match. First opponent I faced killed me with 13 consecutive topdecks after we both ran out of steam. I added him to my list and asked for a sceenshot of his decklist, which he happily sent me. Then, with the decklist on hand, we rewatched the match. Every...single...draw... he got the best card in his deck for that exact situation. Were talking mathematically correct answers here, fireball for a 6 toughness minion, frostbolt + ping for 4 toughness etc. 

    That convinced me that there is indeed an algorythm keeping things in check, to try and prevent people from achieveing too high a winrate. Why? Well, it brings in the money ofc. People pay for more runs/packs and so forth. Just think about it for a second. People call it the "tinfoil hat" theory etc, but Hearthstone is not hard math at all. Its 2 + 5, minus 3 etc etc. Basic simple math. Blizzard probably have some of the best coders and programmers in the industry. To create such an algorytm is probably very simple to those guys. 

    Its also why I dont do arena at all anymore, only ladder. But it seems, that I still run into these perfect draw/perfect hands, no matter how bad the odds are. And it always happens after a winstreak. 

    Problem is, it cant be proved cause it would take some serious hacking to their code, which is illegal. But please, dont be so naive and suggest that this is just coincidence. I dont care about losing really, just as long as the game is fair, so Im not salty at all. But I have apx 8k wins from ladder alone, which is a LOT of game through the years, and Ive played since beta. I have no doubt that such an algorythm exists, cause the odds of these things happening is like being hit by lightning ten times in a row. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Seriously, this has gone too far.
    Quote from OgorTheMogre >>

    Well, thats why it is called cancer. Easy wins, easy ranks. Nothing speshial.

    But the joy, that you feel, when achieving high ranks with non-meta deck (elemental shaman for example) is why not everyone is playing the same deck.

    Be different, play normal, non-cancer decks. Be a real player.

     Yeah I kinda agree here. I mean, people blame Blizzard for bad balancing etc, and they DO have a horrible track record there. But doesnt a healthly meta game start with the mentality of the playerbase? Its the players who choose the "easy" decks, not Blizzard forcing them to. Although, if I was blizzard, Id review the meta every two weeks, and make adjustments accordingly som people would always be on their toes. Sadly, then the issue with cost will probably crop up, which is its own problem entirely.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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