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    posted a message on Possibly massive bug???????? (Coldarra Drake combo)

    Now that Priest has more access to other classes cards than thier own, obviously there will be a few untested combinations. Unfortunately, this came unstuck in an untimely matter for me.

    I was playing renolock against reno priest. Game went on and on blah blah blah until I transformed into Jaraxuss. It is important to note that he had already used the new priest legendary so his hero power was free.

    Anyway, after playing a whole bunch of mage cards, he played Sir Finley and picked the mage hero power. I was confused as this game was going down to fatigue but then he proceeds to play Coldarra drake. Wait a minute...unlimited hero powers for one damage each and no cost? It couldn't be real. Well, it was. I got 15 hero powers in a row. And died. 

    You may be wondering why I didn't find this hilarious and really funny. Which brings me to my other point, priest is ridiculously unfun to play against. It is 20 minutes of playing all the worst bitsof other classes. While being an rng fest. If this had been any other class I probably would still be laughing. 

    Anyway I just wanted to check if this was intentional or not. I have screenshots to prove it if necessary. Thanks

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Poor performance on IOS since Morgl patch

    On ipad air and it has temporarily caused me to quit the game because it is just so damn frustrating. Takes all my turns double the time they should and unless Blizzard fix this fast I might not even get past rank 20 this season! (I was away for the first ten days of the season and I was playing arena up until the lag started)

    I also have this problem where I frequently crash at the end of a match or when someone I am spectating ends their match. Has happened for about 2 months now.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Ben Brode's math error

    Don't forget that there will be many new cards released before then. Although LOE was the best set of cards released by far!

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Need Help With a Reincarnate Shaman Deck

    I too completely forgot about eggs. I guess that shows that I am still in standard mode, so forgive me if I forget any more cards like that. Anyway, you do raise a fair point with the eggs with no rockhiters in your deck, but I would not rule them out. I personally would already have one rockbiter in the deck for early removal, but even without one,the eggs can still get value. If you do not play infested tauren, it looks like you will be keeping your defender of argus, which does combo well with the eggs. Also, especially when you sre running 2 copies of ED, they are insane as they leave a body after the board clear. One problem is that they are a tad weak with Nzoth, but I think maybe one copy of it woukd be worth it

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Need Help With a Reincarnate Shaman Deck
    Quote from Justice171 >>

    I often think of ancestral spirit as a Cairne, it practically is. I am looking at this deck and I think of a deck I made a while ago that contained Leeroy Jenkins and a bit more carddraw. 

    Often turn 10 I'd end up going Leeroy + ancestral + reincarnate for 18 burst damage at least. Was a very fun deck, might want to consider adding a tech like charge in for this effect :)

     That is a great combo-I never thought of using ancestral spirit like that. Possibly a bit situational but i guess the whole point of the deck is to have fun, so why not add it?
    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Need Help With a Reincarnate Shaman Deck

    It definitely looks better and from what you said I am assuming you are still missing quite a few of the cards. As I said before, damage spells are the key to a successful early game. I personlly use 1 rockbiter, 1 lightning bolt and 2 storm cracks in my control shaman, which are how you can deal with aggro. As abusing kel said, master of evolution is not right in this deck and I would take it out straight away for at least an azure drake. I have not tried defender or argus, but it seems ok with totems. I would also consider taking out the healing wave because I cannot see you winning many jousts at the moment, but when you can sub in the legendaries it may be more effective. Last of all, mana tide is 1000x better than acolyte of pain in this deck, as it gives totem synergy as well as it can be protected easier. You have no activators for acolyte as it stands and with mana tide you get a guarenteed card straight away. Thanks

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Haha perfect timing here. Just scored possibly my greatest win of all time with my custom renolock. Was ahead the whole game, but my opponent (golden portrait) topdecked some ridiculous cards among some massive misplays. Played Jaraxxus as a hail mary play from 3 health and managed to just survive with 1 health (opponent topdecked PO), but was at 8 health. I knocked off one of his minions and played rag as my final stand (could of just survived another turn, but with my opponents luck I had no chance). He managed to hit face in 1/7 odds to grant me an amazing win. 

    Real reason I was on here was to complain about the toxic casual decks. Was trying to finish a warlock quest so chucked together a renounce darkness deck and versed 2 golden heroes (including our friend ^^^^^^^^^^^), with only midrange or aggro shaman, zoolock, hunter and thief priest (I HATE PRIEST) in about 10 losses in a row. So I raged, made up my own renolock deck and queued it,  and that game ^^^^^  came after a further two losses

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Need Help With a Reincarnate Shaman Deck

    I have not personally made a deathrattle shaman since before LoE, but it was my favourite deck back then (~150 ranked wins) so I stil have an ok idea of how it is played. First opinions:

    -I would take out zombie chow in favour of a lightning bolt-bolt helps remove those pesky 1/3 minions and combos really well with Hallazeal

    -Take out flamewreathed faceless for an infested tauren for better early game control

    -Up to you on this one, but in my control shaman (similar to tidesoftimes list), I use 2x stormcrack over totem golem for a similar reason to lightning bolt over chow, but I think this one is more of a preference than necessity

    -Master of evolution seems really bad in this deck. I would replace it with an Elemental destruction if you feel like you want another one, a baron rivendare if you want to add a more gimmicky side to the deck or an ancestral spirit. Another infested tauren would not be out of place either. Or, an enternal sentinel/lava shock if you decide to add another ED

    -Feral spirit also seems average, I would replace with stormcracks if you do not already have them, or a second reincarnate, or possibly one tusker totemic

    -Last of all, hammer of twighlight seems average to me, but it may work for you. But, I would personally replace it with Kel'Thuzad

    The only other thing I can think that is wrong with this deck is the obvious lack of card draw. I would try subbing in Azure drakes, mana tide totems and ancestral knowledge until you get the right formula. However, in the end it is all up to what you want in your deck. Thanks

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on What is the best deck that you have made?

    Personally, I just crafted a 'hand'rogue, which used the scaled nightmare+2x cold blood + conceal 20 damage combo, with handlock-esque tech cards such as mountain giant. Suprisingly strong and a blast to play. 

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    Have not posted on here in a couple of months, but I feel really screwed over by rng. I packed renounce darkness so I thought it would be fun to build a deck around it. I only had one, but was thinking that warlocks draw through their deck efficiently enough to find it sooner than later. 

    First game: 17 cards in, opponent has lethal on board and i need a miracle to win, i tap and pick up renounce darkness. 0-1

    Second game: Against a warrior who brawled when he had sylvanas and i had only a 1/1 and a 2/1. He also executed my 2/1 dark pedler. 6 cards left in deck. No renounce. 0-2

    Third-Fifth game: Pretty much same as the second game, I drew my whole deck but just could not find renounce. After game four, I actually had to go and check it was still in my deck, as i had drawn 72 cards from games 1-4 and picked up renounce 1 time. Fifth game, drew 20 cards, no renounce. 0-5

    92 cards drawn for one renounce. 75 in a row. And that is excluding mulliganing, where i mulliganed my entire hand every match searching for renounce. 5 losses. I finally pick up renounce in the mulligan against a priest, and get 2 cursed blades from my first four cards. I end up winning as he thoughtsteals my cursed blades and plays it for some reason, and i kill him with a lucky charge topdeck to put on my azure drake for 12 damage. But 75 damn draws, more including mulliganing, without drawing the one card i wanted

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on The entire priest class needs a rework

    Everyone has completely missed the point. At not one stage did I call priest OP, sure, it hard counters my ramp druid, but I understand perfectly well how bad of a position it is. And that is why it needs a rework. It is terrible right now, and has no good cards of its own, which is why it requires to run cards that taked other class's cards. 

    I hate priest because it is just so damn frustrating to play against, and not just because of entomb. Thoughtsteal, shifting shade and cabal is judt as annoying to play agaisht in my opinion. True, I have not gotten past rank 10 in a couple of seasons (3 i think), but that is due to my high work load and lack of time.

    I have played wuite a lot of priest (level 40 something hero) and enjoy playing as it, however saying that I do not play thoughsteal, and only put in entomb because I needed to actually win these games. I do not play shifting shade either, just because I understand how stealing good cards feels like I am "cheating".

    I did not create this thread to complain how good priest is. I made it to say that priest is incrediblly lost at the moment, with no strong decks. And the decks it does have are dragon priest, cthun priest (boring and worst then druid and warrior) and control priest, which was the other part of the thread, me saying how frustrating it is to play against. Even playing with my miracle rogue, I would rather que into anything other then priest (and shaman I guess-hard counter to miracle). 


    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on The entire priest class needs a rework

    I am going to be honest here. I hate priest now more than I have hated any other deck in Hearthstone. Not because it is string, because it is just very frustrating to play against, especially using ramp druid. As a control player, I have always hated that preists have the ability to copy or steal your cards. Just recently, I had a priest play my rag against me 3 times before mind controlling my one. It is like your opponent discarding your cards, like in mill rogue, it makes me boil up inside. 

    Shifting shade is a terrible idea for a card. Copy from opponents class like burgle? Fine. But when it is from my deck it is incredibly frustrating. 

    I am not salty because of a loss. I am frustratedly at the entire archetype of thief priest. I do not mind normal control priest, I just hate all the stealing cards. Entomb is just ridiculous and that alone is enough for me to autoconcede in casual, and concede extra-willinglin ranked. 

    Blizzard obviously have no idea what they want to do with priest atm, like shaman before tgt, so decided to let them be other classes instead. 

    Of course I dislike losing to aggro shaman or zoo and whatever, but I get over than in a matter of seconds. Against priest, win or loss, I feel cheated and robbed, and with games going for half and hour with effectively only one player's deck being used. Priest feels like a boring mirror match to me, and it is pretty much 100% rng. 

    My suggestion is that Blizzard focuses on expanding the amount of deck archetypes they have, and giving them a better early game with a more powerful turn 3 than thoughtsteal.

    Sorry if this makes no sense and has heaps of errors. It is late at night but i wanted to get this off my mind. Thanks for reading


    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide
    Quote from m0n0cl3 >>

    Control hunter isn't really viable cause they lack aoe. But ok. Just choose Sylvana's, she is the best (neutral) legendary of this game, after tirion. Rag is always nice but not staple in every deck. Do not choose baron, he has seen only in control warrior. Maybe ysera or twin emperor if you play a lot of c'thun. At least go for a classic legendary!

     Thanks for the reply. I am not trying to offend you or anything but I think you have pretty much completely missed the point of my post. It is not my main account, is it just a fun experiment I am doing. I am not looking for the best deck out there, or to get to legend. I just want to have fun, because looking back on it, the first few months of hs was the most fun for me. Even my wacky gimmick decks on my main account are not fun for me at the moment, so I am seeing how this goes, and so far I am having a blast. 
    Anyway, I do not care about classic legendaries or whatever, because I wont play this account for long. When bored of it, I might even make another to try another new account. I am not interested in Sylvannas or Rag because I already use them a lot, and I am looming for something new. I am no expert at control hunter but I think Ysera would be pretty terrible in it and it is not a cthun deck. 
    With Geddon, you even said yourself hunter lacks aoe, and geddon supplies that, and he also a strong finisher. I packed Giant Sand Worm, who I am currently using in a trial, but I think Geddon would replace him pretty well. 
    Sorry for the confusion and thank you
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on It finally happen i got a golden legendary

    I am seriously pissed off right now after opening my first golden legendary...on the new 100% f2p account I just made and will throw away when i get bored. To top it off, it was the boogeymonster as well. 

    About a year and a half worth of packs was all outdone in my first 13 packs (having a mindblank to which pack it was but think it was about 8 or 9). 

    Honestly I am more amused than salty, at least i got a good story out of it :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary Tier Crafting Guide

    Made a new 100% f2p account just for fun and decided to create control hunter as my main deck, simply because I have never played it before and it looks pretty fun. Only other deck I have is a cthun druid, which i just used to get my account on the road. I also managed to unpack my first golden legendary (can you believe that by the way? 250+ packs opened on main account without one. 8 packs in on my account that i will probably never play again after a month and i open one. And it was the boogeymonster.) Anyway, I have actually managed to make a pretty solid list, with some lucky pulls from my 13 free WotOG packs and still have almost 1600 dust left. I dont have any doomsayers, but i am not really missing them anyway, so i decided i will craft a legendary just for the lolz. 

    Obviously all of the hunter ones seem viable enough (but acidmaw of course). I dont have too many hood deathrattle minions apart from highmanes, so Princess Huharan is probably less viable. Of the neutrals, I am leaning away from Rag who be the obvious choice because I want a new experience, and i already use rag in most decks. One legendary who I like the look of but do not own is Baron Geddon, and he seems decent enough in control hunter. Thoughts? I am open to any suggestions. Thanks in advance

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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