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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Forbidden Shaping

    I think this will be staple. Unless Blizzard releases a bunch of battlecry cards with bad stats across all mana slots, this card should see a lot of play. It helps in the aggro matchup by being an extra early drop while it helps in the control matchup by being an 8 mana bomb. The flexibility alone makes this card absolutely amazing. Sure, there are plenty of cards that you will lose value on because this doesn't trigger battlecries, but this varies by mana slot, and you don't have to play it on a mana slot with lots of bad minions. If I have other options, I would always save it for that 8 mana play because it is a great card in that slot. If not, it's a good throwaway card in a pinch.

    I think the card is amazing and has great design. Keep it up, Blizzard!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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