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    posted a message on Control Warrior, but with 15 DMG burst

    Ive been play testing this exact deck minus the zola but plus a rotface, for several weeks. what a coincidence.

    Posted in: Control Warrior, but with 15 DMG burst
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    posted a message on Beast Draw Shuffle

    So you find a taunt beast, buff it and shuffle into your deck. Rinse and repeat. Try it.

    Posted in: Beast Draw Shuffle
  • 1

    posted a message on Spiteful Priest with Mechs and Dragons

    I been playing spiteful dragon priest  for a couple seasons, it used to be my bread and butter, I want to say I was one of the pioneers who ran/created/optimized this deck back when it first got big.

    That being said recently it has it has been having a hard time keeping up in the metas because it is really just to slow and lacks efficient removal. With only minions to activate removal because you can't include any other low cost spells its kinda difficult. I mean the removal is ok if you have plenty of dragons but you have dragons and mechs. 

    I have been toying around with a few different ideas though but nothing really is sticking. I have tried this with elementals and dragons too which is similar to what you have going.

    I've also tried this with odd cards only but its just not powerful enough.

    I totally agree that it needs to be optimized because it does "feel" so close to being something really special but no one has quite gotten it yet.

    I mean sure you can win games here and there but its probably like a 25% win rate deck.

    Coincidentally I have been thinking over the last week that prince kelseth would do really good in this deck for obvious reasons but didnt want to craft him.

    So what suggestions would I make? Well this deck already runs alot of big cost cards because of the spells and minions needed to make spiteful work.  I would add the second free from amber and remove the lich king. 

    Everyone is saying how the two tribes is not a good idea. I think its kinda true but thats where this deck runs into problems.  Running one other the other is a start. Scaleworm the rush minion 4/4 or 5/4 if dragon in hand is great for removal too. Nightscale The 7 cost generate 3/3 token when creature is healed can be good too but it cost 7 so...

    Most the stuff i mentioned has already been mentioned but i just felt the need to post because well I really love this deck and want to it to be top tier again.  I dont want to seem pessimistic because i think this deck can for sure work but it just needs to be optimized.  

    Good luck m8


    Posted in: Priest
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