I took a break from Hearthstone for about two months now. God how it helps ... Once I have already taken the brake from this game for more than a year and a half and sadly I returned (big mistake). Sometimes it just feels like a job for me. Log in to make a quest and goodbye until the next day. It's exhausting, not to mention meeting the same meta decks over and over again.
I had no idea that Hearthstone is that difficult to play. Three opponents in a row playing like turtles, making all the obvious plays. Just fucking play the game and don't bore me to death.
I just love playing against potential 12 win decks in the arena at score 2-2 and 3-2. All because losers do not know how to play their ridiculously well synergy decks.
1: ffs people/blizz. stop playing fucking rogues. and blizz stop matching me against the same rogue deck repeatedly on ladder.
2: wtf is up with these shitty rogues and getting fucking houndmaster shaw from evolving their evil miscreants turn 4. wtf. fucking 3 rogues in one day? how.
What a bait title. I have expected like 60-65% winrate against Tempo rogue not a 52% looooooooooool
For sure its a bait title, but lets have hope and work to refine the list in order to really have in the future a 60% winrate against tempo rogue. Don't you think that 52% is already a great start since there is not even a deck in the 7 other classes which has a positive winrate against rogue.
What a bait title. I have expected like 60-65% winrate against Tempo rogue not a 52% looooooooooool
For sure its a bait title, but lets have hope and work to refine the list in order to really have in the future a 60% winrate against tempo rogue. Don't you think that 52% is already a great start since there is not even a deck in the 7 other classes which has a positive winrate against rogue.
Fuck Warriors,I don't care if Rogue is OP and they're keeping it in check but right now I hate playing against anything that includes Garrosh/Magni... Elysiana into a copy effect is so ******** that it makes me wish DKs/Exodia were still in rotation... Also,Omega Devastator is stupid enough on its own and the fact that they can generate like 4/5 through discoveries is outrageous... #Iwantbalancechangesnow
I fully agree. I rather lose to any kind of agro instead of this 30 minutes of bullshit. At least games against rogues are quick and more enjoyable. You lose and continue to play, honestly, I lose all the will to play more games after facing Warrior with double Elysiana (even if i win the game). IT'S NOT FUN.
So I have been playing Hearthstone since Naxx (made like a year and a half pause in the meantime). I have achieved pretty much everything in this game except for reaching the legend. My best rank ever is 2 I think. The thing is that I have never bothered to achieve it because I like to play different decks all the time or I get bored (many times I am playing some tier 3,4 decks that I find fun to play).
I have 400 wins with Hunter and I see that Mech hunter version is pretty high on the meta-list (between 1 and 2). I would like to make the push for the golden portrait and I feel now is the time. I am sitting at the rank 5 with 2 stars. What is average % to reach legend rank? Would these 100 victories even be close enough to reach it? Is it even a good idea to play the same deck all the time?
you queue into a tournament until 8-16 players are found. Everyone plays vs his opponent. Early winners can spectate the other matches. Losers can queue into another match/tournament.
Repeat until a winner is found. Winner gets 50 gold.
Thats it. Sounds boring? It is. I don’t know why the community is demanding it so much.
What about you bet your 50g and at the end if you win you take like 80% of the reward pot and the other finalist gets 20%. Doesn't sound that boring anymore right?
But sure now the community is the bad one because it wants more modes. Let's just play this boring tavern brawl and ranked that is the same for the past what? Beginning of the game? sounds right. Arena is the only thing that keeps the game at least a little bit fresh for me.
How is it possible that one class is having so many removals? Obviously, I am talking about Warrior. Why are they waiting with the nerfs? Shield Slam, Brawl, Execute, Omega Devastator (I mean COME ON, why would you ever print card like that for a class with plenty of removals already!?), Supercollider. Generating more Zilliax and Devastators with their stupid hero. It just feels like their team has no clue what they are doing.
The deck can be beaten obviously but it is not fun to play against it at all. Often they say, how you need more skill to pilot control warrior deck then token druid for an example. That's just not true. A deck with so many removals it is literally an auto-pilot deck (if you are at least a decent player). Why would anyone on the HS team think that 45 minutes games are fun to play? It's a waste of time. At the top of that they play Elysiana with panda, so the game can be even longer.
Game = dead
I took a break from Hearthstone for about two months now. God how it helps ... Once I have already taken the brake from this game for more than a year and a half and sadly I returned (big mistake). Sometimes it just feels like a job for me. Log in to make a quest and goodbye until the next day. It's exhausting, not to mention meeting the same meta decks over and over again.
I had no idea that Hearthstone is that difficult to play. Three opponents in a row playing like turtles, making all the obvious plays. Just fucking play the game and don't bore me to death.
nIcE bYe
Meh I'm done with this game.
I just love playing against potential 12 win decks in the arena at score 2-2 and 3-2. All because losers do not know how to play their ridiculously well synergy decks.
32 games, 14 rogues... that's fucking retarded. Switched to Warrior, boom mech hunter.
Ever heard of Warrior?
What a bait title. I have expected like 60-65% winrate against Tempo rogue not a 52% looooooooooool
Here you go my friend: Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!
I fully agree. I rather lose to any kind of agro instead of this 30 minutes of bullshit. At least games against rogues are quick and more enjoyable. You lose and continue to play, honestly, I lose all the will to play more games after facing Warrior with double Elysiana (even if i win the game). IT'S NOT FUN.
So I have been playing Hearthstone since Naxx (made like a year and a half pause in the meantime). I have achieved pretty much everything in this game except for reaching the legend. My best rank ever is 2 I think. The thing is that I have never bothered to achieve it because I like to play different decks all the time or I get bored (many times I am playing some tier 3,4 decks that I find fun to play).
I have 400 wins with Hunter and I see that Mech hunter version is pretty high on the meta-list (between 1 and 2). I would like to make the push for the golden portrait and I feel now is the time. I am sitting at the rank 5 with 2 stars. What is average % to reach legend rank?
Would these 100 victories even be close enough to reach it? Is it even a good idea to play the same deck all the time?
My win rate from rank 8 to 5 was approx. 58%-60%
What about you bet your 50g and at the end if you win you take like 80% of the reward pot and the other finalist gets 20%. Doesn't sound that boring anymore right?
But sure now the community is the bad one because it wants more modes. Let's just play this boring tavern brawl and ranked that is the same for the past what? Beginning of the game? sounds right. Arena is the only thing that keeps the game at least a little bit fresh for me.
Nah this is just an excuse for CW players whose goal is to bore you to death.
How is it possible that one class is having so many removals? Obviously, I am talking about Warrior. Why are they waiting with the nerfs?
Shield Slam, Brawl, Execute, Omega Devastator (I mean COME ON, why would you ever print card like that for a class with plenty of removals already!?), Supercollider. Generating more Zilliax and Devastators with their stupid hero. It just feels like their team has no clue what they are doing.
The deck can be beaten obviously but it is not fun to play against it at all. Often they say, how you need more skill to pilot control warrior deck then token druid for an example. That's just not true. A deck with so many removals it is literally an auto-pilot deck (if you are at least a decent player). Why would anyone on the HS team think that 45 minutes games are fun to play? It's a waste of time. At the top of that they play Elysiana with panda, so the game can be even longer.