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    posted a message on 12 Win Decklists.

    Got this one to 12 wins. It was kinda imba with four Si-7 agents.

    Pick choices are here http://www.heartharena.com/arena-run/v8q324

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Autobalance of arena classes by offering more choices of cards for weaker classes

    I think this idea has no downsides. Say, rogue and paladin always picks from 3 cards. Warriors picks from 4 cards, say, in 20 picks of 30 (if 30 picks of 4 cards won't be enough, fine, pick several crards from 5 cards). Shaman picks from 4 cards in 10 picks of 30.

    Blizzard probably keeps stats for all classes, they can autobalance exact number of extra choices to make a win percentages about equal between classes.

    I think it will make arena much more interesting. All classes will be about equal, so you'll be able to play whatever class you want without penaltizing yourself for picking a weaker class. Also, there will be a bigger range of opponent's classes so it will be more fun to play against a different opponents.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Where did i go wrong?
    Quote from emersizzle >>

    Good arena decks have few terrible cards, not necessarily a bunch of strong ones. With gang up, summoning stone, Ice rager, tall strider - I'm surprised you even got 3 wins. You also have some weak three drops, and no clear bombs/huge tempo swing cards.

     That ^^ Each bad card is usually traded "for free" - enemy trades his good card for your good card plus your bad card (easy example - shielded minibot kills whatever shitty 2/2 you have plus your usually good 2/2, but he can't trade the same way with 2/3 + 3/2). If you get like two bad cards and one or two situational cards in your hand, it's an instant loss to opponent who got only good cards, no matter what you do.
    Besides, there isn't enough reach in that deck. So you drop your bad card, opponent drops his runaway card (say, some of the Inspire ones), you can't kill it with your bad card and gg game over.
    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Your Arena Run In 6 Words

    Damn brainless paladins everywhere. 100% of my losses today are to paladins. It's worse than it was before with Mages.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on After Dr.Boom, Sylvannas, what legendary should I craft next?

    Harrison is good because two top decks are warriors, and it may be a game-winning play against Zoo/Handlock too. I think noone runs BK now. After that, just go for class legendaries.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Taunts or FoN combo?

    You can try my version with double FoN/SR and one AoW.

    Export to BBCode Export to Cockatrice Export to MarkDown Export to Html Clone this deck

    So far it's 64% wins (44 wins 25 losses) from rank 6 with almost all stars to the middle of rank 2

    <colgroup><col style="width: 48pt;" span="3" width="64" /> </colgroup>
      Win Loss
    Facehunt 6 3
    Zoolock 9 3
    Zerg shaman 1 0
    Mech mage 0 1
    Midrange druid 2 4
    Midrange paladin 4 3
    Midrange hunt 2 2
    Tempo mage 2 2
    Midrange warrior 2 0
    Mech shaman 2 0
    Control warrior 4 4
    Dragon warlock 1 0
    Handlock 5 3
    Control rogue 1 0
    Control priest 3 0


    Loss to Mech Mage was because of a crazy start with double Mana Wyrm/Fireball + secrets, usually this decks wins without problems.

    Zoolocks are usually a midrange-y demon versions (they're actualy easier than an old full aggro version), but i put them in aggro section anyway.

    One loss to Facehunt and one loss to Control Warrior were because of my game-losing errors.

    Midrange Warrior - is a Grim Patron version. Not sure if it's really midrange, but it's combo turns are from turn 5 so i guess it has midrange speed.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?
    Quote from Ellestar »

    Edit: Fixed it, i actually changed  Sylvanas Windrunner to Harrison Jones against Warriors/Hunters.

    By the way, it seems like a really good change in a current meta. Harrison Jones is better against Facehunt, in Zoolock it's hard to steal anything better than 1/1 token anyway, and it's basically the only card that allows me to win against Grim Patron Warrior (it ruins his combo, always save it for Death's Bite), and it really helps against Control Warrior too. It's only worse against a Tempo mage, but overall i think it's a positive change, given the most popular decks that i encounter.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?
    Quote from KryptoniteHS»

    Well, the way you win this match-up is by putting on the board threat after threat until the Warrior can't keep up with you anymore. That being said, let's talk about your deck. What is the use of Antique Healbot in your deck? You already have Ancient of Lore to heal yourself up so I dont see any point in running Antique Healbot. That 5-mana spot is pretty special for the Druid so you should try and add a more valuable minion. You should go for one Azure Drake instead of the Healbot, because it offers you even more card draw which is essential for the Druid and also the Spell Damage is really important, considering the fact that Druid has weak AoE. 

    Healbot is much better against Facehunter (THE most popular deck, it seems), against Midrange Hunter, sometimes helps against Zoo, really helps against Mech Mage if it doesn't get a good start, against Oil Rogue (though they're rare now).

    Also, I don't think Ancient of War is a good choice in this deck. You either go full ramp and add Sunwalkers, double Belchers, Sen'jins or even Hogger or you remove the Ancient of War and go for a more midrange combo approach. It's just like you said in your deck's description: it has a higher curve than the "standard" midrange Druid and maybe that's the reason you don't do well against Warrior. My advice is to remove the Ancient of War and put a second Sludge Belcher instead. 

    Ancient of War actually won me so many games it's even hard to count it. It's actually even better than Cenarius at stopping Aggro and Midrange - they usually exhaust all their options by turn 7 or later on other taunts, but they still have the board. Ancient of War completely stops them in their tracks, it's like a 3 for 1 card that wins the board for me. Also, every taunt/heal kinda makes other one stronger, so with Healbot and other heals and Ancient of War most Aggro and even some Midrange decks just run out of steam. 6-4 against Facehunt (and it was slightly favorable before too), 3-0 against Midrange Hunt - both matchups are said to be unfavorable for a common Midrange Druid https://tempostorm.com/articles/meta-snapshot-13-the-rise-of-midrange-hunter-dragon-paladin-and-grim-patron-warrior

    And of course the most important thing: TRY TO CURVE OUT PERFECTLY! This is essential for the Druid and it is the way you win this match-up. Just like I said before: put pressure on them until they run out of removal and can't keep up with you anymore. 

    Yeah, that seems to be the most important thing.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?

    Hmm, my stats against Control Warrior improved to 5/3. I guess it just was some streak of unluck when Warriors played Weapon-Weapon-Loatheb-Emperor-Dr.Balanced-Whatever-Grommash "combo". Basically any deck can win if it draws all top cards for an almost perfect curve.

    Quote from MezumeHS»

    Beating Warriors can be achieved in two ways. One is to rush them down quickly (5/2 .flame or a good shade really help) using your innervates and Wild Growths. Warrior can't keep up if you have 2-3 minions on the board, as their only multi-target removal is brawl, and once it's played, you can actually just spit out your hand and win easily.

    Yeah, if i can keep 2-3 minions on board i win, of course.

    Second way is to play big creatures quickly AND silence their Acolytes. Without the draw, Control Warrior is so helpless that I almost feel sorry for them. Or for myself, if i play the matchup as the warrior.

    That's what i'm trying to do, but i'm not sure, what's better, silence Acolytes or, say, Wrath it and save one silence for Sylvanas Windrunner?


    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?

    Ok, maybe not exactly rarely, it's 3-3 against Control Warrior in last two days, but i think i had lower win/loss before that. I guess these 3 losses in a row to Control Warriors were misleading. Still, it's a lot of losses for a matchup that should be favorable. I have more losses than that only to Facehunter (6 wins 4 losses) and Zoolock (2 wins 4 losses), and same number of losses to Tempo Mage (3 wins 3 losses). But Zoolock (good Swipe or autoloss) and Tempo Mage (damn mirror entities) are unfavorable so it's ok i guess.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?
    Quote from Jwso »

    A warrior player here reporting in. Usually when I lose to druids it's because they play their cards really aggressively and it's impossible to keep my health high. Above 14 is usually possible, but 22 is trickier.

    Yeah, RARELY it works. But usually Warrior is at least 1 turn ahead of me for entire game. Or, more correct, warrior uses taunts/armor ups/removals to never be in combo range while dropping their threats, and i just die. I have no way to deal with multiple legendaries in a row. And even something like Shieldmaiden is waaay better than any my card.

    Say, just now i had Wild Growth + 2 innervates, and warrior still was able to put more stuff on board anyway at the last moment, he wasn't in combo range even once.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?

    This one http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/236152-combo-ramp-druid

    Edit: Fixed it, i actually changed  Sylvanas Windrunner to Harrison Jones against Warriors/Hunters.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on How do you beat $$$ warrior? Any tips?

    Even with wildgrowth start, $$$ warrior seems to drop creatures in about the same speed as me (because they have cheap spells/removals, and druid doesn't have them, so warrior wins in tempo anyway), unconvenient 5 hp creatures (shieldmaiden/loatheb/sylvanas can't be easily killed by any early druid creatures because they usually have 4 attack). And then they just drop their 7 legendaries or something.

    It's listed as 70/30 in Druid's favor https://tempostorm.com/articles/meta-snapshot-13-the-rise-of-midrange-hunter-dragon-paladin-and-grim-patron-warrior, but i have no idea how it can possibly be? It seems that if i don't have some insane hand, i just autolose. Warrior is permanently out of combo range, and he actually has more threats/removals than druid, in addition to having more tempo. Any tips? I really don't understand what can i possibly do wrong in that matchup, but meta article says it's actually heavily favorable for me???

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Shocked by lackluster skill level in arena these days!
    Quote from BearMinimum1 »

    Yea same here started in closed beta as well, that's true I have seen a lot of nonsense aggro decks in arena with a lot of questionable card choices. plus here is some evidence this is the arena run i'm on right now.

    You can see that horrendous curve! Its all 6 drops! but still getting 9-0.

    That's actually isn't a bad curve, you have plenty of 1-2 mana creatures and spells. This deck http://www.heartharena.com/arena-run/49hufl had basically zero early game, and it went to 11-3 with some luck. Somehow i almost always drawn my early game cards anyway. It's just luck.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on Arena Bad Beats
    Quote from iSinti »

    Yeah, sometimes u have good deck and your opponent just has a good curve and has his only 8 good cards r in his first 5 turns and that is enought to take u down.

    BTW did u seriously picked Flame Leviathan ?:DDD How many times did that f*** u up ?:D Blingtron would be perfectly fine, i would even pick Cho over him if i had to :D

    Idk, Flame Leviathan worked fine for me. It's a 7-7 body, not too bad.

    Posted in: The Arena
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