• 7

    posted a message on [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp

    I feel mill rogue would be strong against a lot of the control/slower decks out there right now, but this deck should do well against it.  Haven't played that matchup myself tho.

    Posted in: [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp
  • 8

    posted a message on [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp

    A regular, boring, tried and true ramp druid =)

    Posted in: [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp
  • 2

    posted a message on [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp

    If you do get Astral I wouldn't keep anything except Innervate or Wild Growth's, as both allow you to play Astral quicker.  If you are going second and are lucky to get both Astral and Innervate, then I would mulligan the last two for bad cards.

    If you don't have Astral, but have Wild Growth, Grove Tender or Innervate, I would keep any of them.  There's enough 5/6 drops to effectively stay alive with any of those cards.  If you mulligan any of these cards for hopes of Astral, you're gonna have a bad time more often than not.

    I definitely agree Chillmaw would be effective if you're facing a lot of aggro decks.  Taunts in general get good, and could certainly look to put one or two more in, even cheaper stuff like Sludge Belcher.

    Posted in: [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp
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    posted a message on [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp

    If that is all you had in your hand, I would.  Without innervate tho many times I don't end up using Astral Communion, but depends on what else is in your deck.  If you can play a decent curve of cards within a turn or two, it's probably not going to be worth using.  If you're looking at 2+ before playing anything, then I'd likely use Astral.

    Posted in: [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp
  • 2

    posted a message on [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp

    There's definitely wiggle room to add your own flavor.  I would like to add another 4/5 drop, Sludge Belcher and Azure Drakes being the best bets, I'll probably play around with that instead of Nourish and see how it goes!

    Posted in: [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp
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    posted a message on [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp

    If you find yourself facing more aggro/rush decks on ladder I'd consider something like Sludge Belcher (sticky taunt), Keeper of the Grove (a 4 drop, kills knife juggler etc, or silence), or Azure Drake (5 drop and draws another card).  If it's slower, more control stuff you're facing then a couple more big minions I'd go with.

    Posted in: [TGT] Astral Communion Hyper Ramp
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