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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    I know everyone is on constructed right now, but I couldnt take it anymore so I go to arena and I lose games like none Ive ever seen and I watch a lot of arena streamers. I lose to a turn 1 blood imp my first game where at least 3 times I was short 1 damage on killing something, so its like a fucking 1 mana save 3 minions from dying, and in arena I just cant compete with that. Then the very fucking next game at 0-1 I get someone who goes turn 2 cruel task master to kill my 2-1, then igneous elemental(the 2-3 elemental thing) then turn 4 tolvir warden, like IM literally playing against constructed decks at like no wins. It just isnt fun I literally feel like I either run away with the game because I curve out or I get fucking bullshitted by some nonsense that never happens. I think im just done for a while, at least I still enjoy watching the game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on meta is worse than before

    you are the fucking problem here, just saying quest rogue is beatable and calling someone salty, how about you back up what you are saying, or maybe enlighten us since you seem to know the magic way to stump quest rogue. The only way to beat them is to either rush them down and hope they have a bad draw, because they can roflstomp aggro if their draw is nuts, or do some sort of freeze exodia mage type shit and hop eyour draw is nuts and theirs is ass. That doesnt seem healthy

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on meta is worse than before

    Im actually getting pretty annoyed with the people that just jump on these threads and say nah dude you are just wrong this meta is awesome. This meta is literally the worst I have seen, and Im not just some hater, I love this game its super fun, but right now if you play standard rank you will either run into quest rogue, midrange(curve) hunter, or aggro/taunt warrior. Its just a big game of rock paper scissors, the meta is interesting right now because there are a lot of decks but they are objectively worse, as in their win percentage is just lower, and eventually everyone likes winning so they will resort to the same old decks and I know you guys can say this always happens, but this time it feels a little more matchup dependent and draw dependent than usual. until I see a hard counter to rogue that is consistent I will probably just stick to arena

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Legendary drop rate for free packs

    I am not one for conspiracies, but I opened 87 packs and got 2 legendaries(the priest and rogue quests) and thats it, not only that but literally almost every pack felt like filler(ie I got 4 commons and a rare) I know everyone can just say aw that sucks dude you got unlucky but it did feel different this time. I am not claiming anything concete but I personally feel like I was ripped off I saved up gold for months did all their quests and I got fucked in the ass this expansion, and I do not feel motivated to use my real money to buy packs because it will be for nothing. I see others saying they got 5 legendaries in 60 packs and thats great, but in my experience I just can not get all the cards I want without spending literally hundreds of dollars

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Group therapy! Need to blow off steam? Mega salty? Here is the place!

    First time playing Arena in Gadgetzan, stopped out of rage during last season. Get a really nice Warlock deck think I could easily go upwards of 7-8 wins. I win the first two easily then I have the third game locked up, I have 3 minions(ill save some detaisl for length sake) he has a knife juggler and one card in his hand(also a warlock) he top decks that 1/1 2/2 3/3 card and I see him play it and think Ive won because he has 6 health and I have PO in my hand, then he hits the 1/27 with his knife juggles to kill my two minions with knives and trades in for the last one, I lose. Disconnect lost me a game I would have otherwise won second game, now im 2-2 and tilted and go second vs a hunter. Im done with arena again, its just a bullshit game where you wait to get fucked by rng.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Bloodfury Potion

    This card looks really bad but in practice I think it will be pretty good, It is not hard to stick some good demons on the board like imp gang boss or malchezars imp, and buffing those would be pretty crazy and almost guarantee board control 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Best control decks?

    thanks I love halazeel the ascended and this deck looks fun, especially since most people will proabbly mulligan incorrectly against it

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Best control decks?

    Thanks some of these sound really fun, can I see the curator hunter and shadowform reno priest?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Best control decks?

    I am not really too concerned with winning this season(or at least getting to legend) but I just want to try some more out of the box control decks, I have done the control warrior but I was just wondering if anyone has a cool really heavy control deck maybe featuring a cool class, like control druid, mage, or even rogue or hunter? It doesnt need to be a top tier deck, but maybe a decent matchup verse shaman would be nice lol

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Does the game even go to turn 10?

    I have been playing a Beast druid deck I put together and have been bouncing around rank 1-3(lel at the people saying Im bad) and the reason I like it is because I curve out very well usually playing strong reasonably sticky minions, only to have them get removed for 1-3 mana by a shaman and have them play a 0 mana 5/5 that now controls the board in addition to all the totem synergy, the only deck I have played that has a slightly positive winrate against them is freeze mage but I dont like playing a deck that has hard counters. 

    I have never run into a mill deck this season, what is your list?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Does the game even go to turn 10?

    Kind of just venting because I have been playing HS for hours today and have only gotten past turn 7 or 8 when playing against freeze mage or malygos druid/rogue(not even then every time) and I just do not understand why they would make this game just get faster and faster it literally just comes down to people throwing card after card down and if you cant handle it you lose. If you miss one drop you basically lose unless you are playing an incredibly slow deck like paladin, and those decks are not really good for laddering. I mean it just seems so simple a problem to fix, literally what would be wrong with giving the heroes more health at the start? I dont know what number but like 40 or even 45. I mean what happens then? Oh no do the cancer decks that just curve out until turn 6 and either kill you or lose go away?? good, I know im salty af in this but I am curious if anyone can give me good reasons why heroes just shouldnt have more health. Aggro decks wouldnt all die, they just wouldnt win by turn 6

    Posted in: Standard Format
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