• 0

    posted a message on Golden Whizbang the Wonderful

    As cool as it would have been to see whizbang in the hero portrait, and it feels like a missed opportunity, ultimately I think it was the right call not to show whizbang to your opponent. There will be lots of good players trying to show off their skill by playing whizbang to legend, and it would be nearly impossible if your opponent knew your exact deck recipe in the mulligan phase. 

    Whizbang is already a fun card that is not powerful. Giving your opponent all that info would make it unplayable at rank 5+.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Subject 9

    I mean, it's already good as a 4/4 draw 1, since that's almost as good as Azure Drake and that card was busted. In a Hunter deck this can easily draw 2-3 secrets which is great value. the beast tag only adds to overall synergy (can also be used by Deathstalker Rexxar btw).

    Currently viable Hunter Secrets are: Freezing Trap, Explosive Trap, Wandering Monster, Rat Trap, Snake Trap, Venomstrike Trap.

    Obviously some lists run more than others, but as of now Hunter is the best cards to make use of secrets and this card would fit reasonably welll into midrange/aggressive decks. Although it might just end up not being consistent enough.

     I disagree with this... Azure Drake was good in a much weaker constructed format, and is really best suited for a control deck that wants flexibility and card replacement. That would make something that is "like Azure Drake" not very good for a midrange or aggro deck. The beast tag is actually anti-synergy, because you can't play this with Kathrena, precluding it from current big recruit hunter. 

    This might see play if Emerald spellstone becomes consistent enough to be broken, but it's already pretty strong as a package in other hunter decks. Why would I want to cut my egg/deathrattle or beast/kathrena packages for this? Lastly, wandering monster is the only GOOD secret for hunter. Yes, explosive trap can be good vs. aggro, and a clever player can make good use of freezing trap in the right meta, but ultimately those secrets see play because people who run emerald spellstone need other secrets to play with wandering monster... and they're all about equally bad. 

    Posted in: News
  • -6

    posted a message on Tess Greymane is Not Disenchantable for Full Value, Clearly a Mistake, Right? [UPDATE]

    Personally, I would push back on the idea that the Tess change is a nerf. Seriously, if you have played Tess, how many times have more than 30 non-class cards gone off after playing Tess AND the cards after 30 made an appreciable impact on the game? Were you not about to win anyway given that you just got 30 cards worth of value for free? If you aren't about to win after Tess, would those extra cards have brought you over the edge? I find that hard to believe. 

    This change seems to be aimed at limiting griefing caused in edge cases. Cards that can go on forever can be abused by clever folk with an intention to cause annoyance. If it doesn't change your WR, I don't see why that change should entitle you to dust. 

    Posted in: News
  • 19

    posted a message on Hearthstone's Next Balance Update Goes Live on May 22

    I took a month break from HS after playing this expansion due to exactly these problems. So much of the game is determined by a draw, be it lackey + pact (easier to draw 2 given hero power), or CtA, or Spiteful. It doesn't make the game unbalanced, but it creates situations where you absolutely cannot be outcomes oriented. You may indeed make all the right plays and deck building decisions, only to lose because your opponent drew spiteful on 6. I don't find this style of play fun, and I'm glad they are making these adjustments. I plan to play more after these changes come into effect.

    Posted in: News
  • 21

    posted a message on New Card Reveal - Countess Ashmore

    Apparently, lifesteal, rush, and deathrattle cards were invited, because everybody knows the menagerie is for guests only.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Card Reveal - Splintergraft

    Al'Akir the Windlord? 10 mana 10/10 with divine shield, windfury, and charge sounds decent. Of course, Al'Akir has to actually survive, and that might be too optimistic.


    Edit: I'm a dummy that didn't notice the class. =P

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on The Enrage Keyword is Being Removed From Hearthstone

    Kudos on those cards! Desert turtle is really cool; I wish they'd print it! 

    Also, (though you may have made these earlier when the power level of constructed was just lower) did you feel Ogre Charger really needed the 50% miss chance? Obviously removing it is inconsistent with the Ogre theme, but a 5 mana 5/4 with charge that costs 2 cards (itself plus the whirlwind effect) doesn't seem THAT strong.

    Posted in: News
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