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    posted a message on Looking for Input on my Deck


    Hi everyone, above is a link to my Priest deck in which I am looking for some input about.

    I spent a good portion spending my time tweaking and subbing out minions to try and find something that fits.

    My style of play is more of controling the board and doing trades with minions allowing me to reach the end game where I then start to go for the face.

    Though as of right now, with the current meta game I seem to be failing alot to the quick pace decks if I do not have the right cards at the right time.

    I think that we all know, that if you rely on certain cards to win a game then it is not a good deck in general but this is why I have come to the forum to see if there are some changes that can be made.

    My main card draws are from the PW:Sheild, Acolyte and Azure Drake.

    My play is to usually play acolyte with Pyromancer while giving Acolyte PW:Sheild to sustain him through the up comming turns while healing him when needed.

    The wild pyromancer also worked well against those pesky warlock rush decks with loads of low minion costs and the blood imps.

    I used to have 2 mind controls, but with the mana change, I decided to go with rag as my turn 8 card, with the dream of turn 8: Raggy, turn 9: Yesera, Turn 10: Mind Control for those big annoying minions.

    I feel that I am very strong mid game with the buff, Taunts and board clearning abilities which leads me to the end game.

    Any advice would be appreciated. I do not play hearthstone as religiously as I would like but I did make it to Diamond 2 Star within 2 weeks of on and off playing as time allowed.

    Thank you in advance


    Posted in: Priest
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