Sure. On turn 6 they gonna fill the board with a bunch of 0 drops.
Blizzord pls nerf!
Sure. On turn 6 they gonna fill the board with a bunch of 0 drops.
Blizzord pls nerf!
No. It will just slap a mustache over it, like in Evil Twin treasure (confirmed by devs). Like this one:
Early access cards? This is very worrying.
Prerelease cards that are uncraftable until release seems extra scummy - if the card is meta, this is pure P2W. And Corridor Sleeper looks pretty damn good to me
after 10 years, Hearthstone team finally trying p2w mechanics
Okay, this could be my new favorite HS expansion, just by all the reference along I already love it.
Zilliax is most likely the coolest card ever printed. And the Miniaturize keyword has so much potential. The only thing i'm not totally sure if is you have to play the minions to get the 1/1 or also works when summon. Cause Cora said play, but looks like the type of Keyword that should trigger when summon.
Holy shit this comment is only getting worse, didn't think it would be possible. Seems like you're a fun guy
Because without defensive keywords it's a liability in the deck and it would be played far less than intended by Blizzard.
Boulderfist ogre is unplayable and irrelevant so don't pretend you're mad because there's a strictly better card, ogre wasn't even good 10 years ago in vanilla and powercreep of bad cards is good design.
The obvious dream target is Fanottem, Lord of the Opera but drawing something else big like Sargeras, the Destroyer is great too. That's a lot of stats for turn 6, I don't see why you wouldn't run this in any Warlock deck with a few big minions.
Edit: I forgot about the new location too, Forge of Wills. That's a lot of stats for turn 5 or 6 and one of the big minions will have rush, the other taunt. Straight up game winning in some matchups if you can draw both this and the location by then.
I mean it's a good card but for a card called "jailor of yogg Sharon" it's just a bit boring
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Haha, I knew it. It still not bad though, I was expecting to break the game or something.
I look at Harth card and I only see bugs. Who wants to bet it will be bugged when will launch ? Probably will break your game or will make you restart your pc.
Damn, I was expecting something better. This is weak af. Hopefully the other legendary is better.
What is this deck supposed to do lmao ? Now you are making decks just for the views and subscribes. Not nice man.
I smell an aggro player here. You know why ? Because aggro players smell like whiny little bitches. Druid had ramp before Kazakusan. Now you all complain about it. Finally, we have a fun meta with controls deck roaming around free. The problem is that it really doesn't matter the expansion or new cards/decks coming. There will ALWAYS be whiny bitches like you. That's how the game is constructed and always was: there will always be an opressing deck no matter the expansion and people will play that because they want wins fast. Simple as that.
Don't craft anything. The deck is really bad. No early game cards, you will never manage to do OTK with so many aggro's around. It's just a plain bad deck.
0 new cards from the original deck. Copy/paste just for views. Downvoted.
Bro, I always appreciated the awesome and off meta decks you come up with. They really are fun, just like this one. But I have to say, ever since Ben Brode left the team, the gameplat itself is going downhill with every damn expansion. Aggresive decks are absolutely dominating the meta for years now and there is nothing to do. Every deck you play that doesn't have immediate board impact, it's an auto-concede. The meta is so fast and aggresive and the games are done already by Turn 4-5. You have face huntard, quest warrior, poison rogue, all these super aggresive decks leave you with no answer. Doesn't matter how many times they nerf or buff the cards, the meta will eventually stabilize to a hyper aggro meta. I personally think there is nothing to do anymore, maybe release an expansion that has 0 aggro support. But then, you will have OTK meta, which are even worse.
Duels and battlegrounds are the only fun left in this game.
Thank you for your decks tho. Keep up the good work.
Wow, I was really hopeful for this deck, honestly. Congrats for the ideas but I have to say, how the hell you had that winrate ? You used photoshop or something ? I just played over 7 games and won only one. It doesn't have a single chance against any of the meta decks, maybe against Quest Hunter and Mage but that's about it. Do not craft anything for the deck even though it is tempting.
Is this supposed to be a joke ? Pala had at least one Tier 1 Deck ever since they introduced Librams, which was how many expansions ago ? 4 ?