Was playing Priest in wild and came up across a Rogue who copied my deck and then reduced minions to 1 mana and then proceeded to BM me every turn and kept top decking cards to win tempo. After 5 minutes of back and forth he ran out of draw and I finished him off with a double Neptulon.
Good job man. I’ll definitely have to try this! I’m using a similar deck and it’s so much fun to use an oponent’s win condition against them. In my last match I froze a Freeze Shaman’s board down before swapping my coin for his Shudderwock lmao. Theotar can win you the game by himself.
I forgot about the Archbishop, I might have to craft him!
I came by the forums to check out what’s going on, but haven’t played in over two weeks now, nor do I have a desire to. The whole game is now a rock-paper-scissors composition with too many decks that can play solitaire on their own, or cheese a win in the first couple of turns. I found each match, even the ones I won, were maddeningly frustrating and simply just unenjoyable.
I got Legend, which is what I set out to do, so not a wasted journey by any means, but I doubt I’m ever coming back unless something drastically changes.
So I gotta play 3 games of Duels to progress the Hero portrait quest. Wanted to do it quickly so skipped every turn.
Two of Three opponents roped and intentionally missed lethal and BM’d turn after turn, even though it was obvious what I was doing. Didn’t bother me as I alt-tabbed and let them waste their own time, but wow the HS community is a toxic mess.
Gave Duels another try thanks to this quest but already had an older bad Mozaki deck so I played that because I don't care anyway. Not only the opponents were tryharding like their life depended on it but they took care to emote the shit out of me when they had lethal.
I swear no matter what mode you play, players are very aggressive towards seemingly new or bad opponents.
P.S. Whoever does this has serious mental issues.
Yeah exactly. I’m pretty sure they’re mostly people who’ve lost their last few consecutive matches, and got BM’d in the process, so then take it out on whoever plays them next.
So I gotta play 3 games of Duels to progress the Hero portrait quest. Wanted to do it quickly so skipped every turn.
Two of Three opponents roped and intentionally missed lethal and BM’d turn after turn, even though it was obvious what I was doing. Didn’t bother me as I alt-tabbed and let them waste their own time, but wow the HS community is a toxic mess.
Was playing Shudderwock Shaman in Wild, trying to learn the deck, and came up against a Pirate Warrior. In delight he BM'd me as he'd finished his questline and when I drew 2 bombs from my deck after playing Primal Dungeoneer. Thankfully I somehow managed to stay alive until I could play Shudderwock at 1HP left which activated Grumble, gave me more Shudderwocks and armour and froze him out of the board.
I’m normally a Wild player but I screwed around with Thief Rogue in Standard. I’m pretty average with it but had a great gane vs Handbuff Paladin where I discovered Najak Hexxen and with Scabbs and Shadowstep, managed to steal his big minions to make him concede.
Struggling to find the will to play this game anymore. It feels like everyone I play on ladder is the sweatiest try-hard who’s playing a meta deck like they’re in the final of an e-Sports competition. They’ll top-deck an answer to every threat I put down and BM and rope if they can’t.
I’ve hit Legend with various decks, but every game feels like a struggle. Win or lose it’s just not fun.
Fancy playing hyper-aggro? Came up against decks with tech to shut me down about two minutes in. Switched to control and faced hyper-aggro that drew the nuts against me, whilst I’m desperately trying to find my tech to stay alive past turn 5. Then my other opponents seemed to have an answer to every single one of my threats.
Then there’s Ignite Mage that lets you sit and watch for 5 minutes whilst they play solitaire and blow you up.
Fucking infuriating. Guess I should be thankful QL Warlock is dead though.
Would love a Reno deck that doesn’t get rinsed by the hyper-aggro Tier 1 decks. Games are winnable but only if you heavily tech and draw the nuts early on to stay alive.
Having a blast playing Discard Questline Lock in Wild. Always fun to see Plague DKs blow themselves up.
Was playing Priest in wild and came up across a Rogue who copied my deck and then reduced minions to 1 mana and then proceeded to BM me every turn and kept top decking cards to win tempo. After 5 minutes of back and forth he ran out of draw and I finished him off with a double Neptulon.
Get fucked.
Good job man. I’ll definitely have to try this! I’m using a similar deck and it’s so much fun to use an oponent’s win condition against them. In my last match I froze a Freeze Shaman’s board down before swapping my coin for his Shudderwock lmao. Theotar can win you the game by himself.
I forgot about the Archbishop, I might have to craft him!
Replying to LV426:
I came by the forums to check out what’s going on, but haven’t played in over two weeks now, nor do I have a desire to. The whole game is now a rock-paper-scissors composition with too many decks that can play solitaire on their own, or cheese a win in the first couple of turns. I found each match, even the ones I won, were maddeningly frustrating and simply just unenjoyable.
I got Legend, which is what I set out to do, so not a wasted journey by any means, but I doubt I’m ever coming back unless something drastically changes.
Yeah exactly. I’m pretty sure they’re mostly people who’ve lost their last few consecutive matches, and got BM’d in the process, so then take it out on whoever plays them next.
I squelch everyone these days. No exceptions.
So I gotta play 3 games of Duels to progress the Hero portrait quest. Wanted to do it quickly so skipped every turn.
Two of Three opponents roped and intentionally missed lethal and BM’d turn after turn, even though it was obvious what I was doing. Didn’t bother me as I alt-tabbed and let them waste their own time, but wow the HS community is a toxic mess.
I know people think Kazakusan is a scummy card, but oh my god blowing up Pirate Warriors in Wild with Druid is delicious.
Was playing Shudderwock Shaman in Wild, trying to learn the deck, and came up against a Pirate Warrior. In delight he BM'd me as he'd finished his questline and when I drew 2 bombs from my deck after playing Primal Dungeoneer. Thankfully I somehow managed to stay alive until I could play Shudderwock at 1HP left which activated Grumble, gave me more Shudderwocks and armour and froze him out of the board.
GG scrub.
I’m normally a Wild player but I screwed around with Thief Rogue in Standard. I’m pretty average with it but had a great gane vs Handbuff Paladin where I discovered Najak Hexxen and with Scabbs and Shadowstep, managed to steal his big minions to make him concede.
The matchmaking in this game is so laughably rigged.
Struggling to find the will to play this game anymore. It feels like everyone I play on ladder is the sweatiest try-hard who’s playing a meta deck like they’re in the final of an e-Sports competition. They’ll top-deck an answer to every threat I put down and BM and rope if they can’t.
I’ve hit Legend with various decks, but every game feels like a struggle. Win or lose it’s just not fun.
Go back to Wild after a week or so of playing Mercenaries, now that the mini set is out.
Queue into nothing but Pirate Quest Warriors and Odd Quest Hunters.
Yeah, I’ll give it a miss, ta.
Exactly the same issue today in Wild.
Fancy playing hyper-aggro? Came up against decks with tech to shut me down about two minutes in. Switched to control and faced hyper-aggro that drew the nuts against me, whilst I’m desperately trying to find my tech to stay alive past turn 5. Then my other opponents seemed to have an answer to every single one of my threats.
Then there’s Ignite Mage that lets you sit and watch for 5 minutes whilst they play solitaire and blow you up.
Fucking infuriating. Guess I should be thankful QL Warlock is dead though.
Would love a Reno deck that doesn’t get rinsed by the hyper-aggro Tier 1 decks. Games are winnable but only if you heavily tech and draw the nuts early on to stay alive.