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    posted a message on Days of the Frozen Throne Starts Next Week - September 19

    Isn t KoFT rotating out in april ? They re milking it to the last buck with this "special" 30 pack bundle ... freaking blizzard... 

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Activision-Blizzard has gone too far with the Mega Bundle
    Quote from Distemper94 >>

    It's funny how it is compared to Arthas. Yes, we had to EARN Arthas through decks from EVERY SINGLE CLASS specifically designed to beat him. This directly implies that in order to actually beat the guy, you need a pretty kick ass collection in the first place. If you are a free-2-play casual guy who doesn't spend a lot of time in HS and who doesn't have a large enough collection, you're out of luck. Basically EARNING Arthas is utterly contingent on your collection. Period. This argument may apply to people who spent a long time farming their collection for free but otherwise, I won't be surprised if Arthas is more expensive than Mecha-Jaraxxus when it comes to the money spent to acquire collection good enough to beat the Lich King with every class.

     Actually most of the decks to beat the Lich King were quite inexpensive. you just needed a lot of patience. i actually completed this like 2 weeks ago.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Activision-Blizzard has gone too far with the Mega Bundle

    I find it absolutely ridiculous that one would have to spend 2-300 euros for an expansion just to be able to have all the cards released (that is if you're not unlucky, and i m not even taking golden cards into consideration) so that you can benefit almost full experience.

    for 50/80 euros you get almost squadush. if you're lucky you can get away with a meta deck. maybe 2, maybe.

    we're talking about an expansion that takes 3-6 months to develop. hell, let's say 1 year. and it costs 300 euros. why ? there are games (witcher 3!) which cost 5 times less and take years to develop.

    what's the catch with blizzard ? do we need to pay extra for the brand like it's an iphone ?

    doesn't make any sense to me. hopefully valve will have more sense in this regard.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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