- Random swap each turn with a pool of X hero powers (3 seems like the most optimal number).
- Permanent (but slow) gain in power.
For the first one, while I wouldn't build a basic Hero Power like that, I can definitely see it working for Hearthstone so let's give it a shot. Fortunately, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius provides a good template for that. The core principles that I would take from it are that the rotating HPs need to have a) the same cost and b) roughly the same applications. Most of them are "Deal with small minions" but with variations and all of them tend toward a control gameplan. Of course, you don't want your basic HP to limit your class' options in terms of deck-building but at the end of the day, consistancy is worth more than variety when it comes to basics. I would like it better if it was on a predetermined rotation but I understand that you might want it to be random.
Now onto your second goal. I must admit, I don't think it's a good idea. The thing is, in Hearthstone, Hero Powers are not designed too scale throughout the game. While this would bring new player experiences to the game, I think it would also be impossible to balance. The problem is that no other class is built to compete with endless resources : games of Hearthstone are meant to end ! Just look at Jade Idol and the imbalance that it introduced in the game. The developers had to print Skulking Geist, a neutral direct counter, to make it fair. If you want to see this idea through, go ahead, fan design is just for fun after all, but keep in mind that you are doing something fondamentaly broken in the context of Hearthstone. Basic Hero Powers should stay simple and have a low impact if we wish to stay true to the game's core design.
So, with all that analysing, it's time to build something. I don't mean to do your work for you but instead give an exemple of what could be done and hopefuly help in the creation of a final version for your class' HP. I also love to build HPs so...
The power level is a bit on the strong side but still reasonable, the idea being that randomness is the main balance factor. I went for 2 mana because it's standard and I don't want to do too many crazy things at once. They offer a variety of options which work in a mid-range gameplan but still let you make decisions each turn. Runic Blade is good for tempo, finishing off your opponent and empowering your weapons. Raise Dead keeps you on the board but you can't really abuse it (still their might be some sacrifice-trigger applications). Marrowrend gives you damage and sustain with some potential synergies. In this current build, I would have them cycle in a random order. I don't know if I like it more when the HP changes every turn or when it changes only when you use it but regardless. Also the flavor is based on the three DK specializations but I tried to be a bit more subtle about it.
So there is how I would rework your Basic Hero Power for the Deathknight. Feel free to take, adapt or scrap these ideas. Exploring every possibility is in my experience the best way to come up with the best Hero Powers so feel free to pitch as many versions as you can come up with. Also let me know what you think of my design !
@Devizz I get that you are attached to your idea for a Hero Power but I'd like to change your mind
First things first : changing Hero Power doesn't mean that you have to scrape your idea. You can make a spell that changes the Hero Power or a Hero card. I think it would be better because it would let players choose to play with this more complex and random HP.
So then, why change ? Well, for one, the fact that it's very umpredictable makes it hard to play with. Shaman is in a similar situation but at least the HP always summon a minion, always a Totem and each individual Totem is easy to understand and remember. The same can be said about Dr. Boom. The five effects are very simple and most of them are tempo oriented so it's different each turn but it's somewhat consistant. The changing mana cost and the random rotation also make it very hard to plan future turn, which is kind of a shame because it seems you want to push for a more intricate gameplay. Finaly I get why you want the HP to grow stronger over the course of a game but that is very much backwards considering the design in Hearthstone. As the gale progresses, players get access to more and more powerful cards and Hero Powers become less relevant. If you give your class an infinite ressource that is going to out scale every other deck (except maybe Jade Druid and Kingsbane Rogue) you are going to create something that is frustrating to play against. Not only that, but DK players will be insentivized to rely on this strategy instead of developping control archetype : just stall the game as long as possible and you will win by default.
I think you can rework this HP if you don't want to change it. First, I would unify the mana costs. It make it much more consistant even if the effects change. Second, I would try to design effects that accomplish similar goals. Maybe you want this Hero Power to be defensive, maybe it's a control tool, maybe it's agressive, maybe it focuses on tempo. Either way, choose something and design 3 effect that work in that direction with different approches. Finaly, think about the rotation cycle. Which one comes first in a game ? Do they cycle randomly ? Maybe they only change after being used. Keep in mind the player experience you want to deliver : do you want them to plan their next move or adapt to whatever tools they have right now ? How much knowledge do they need to play the class well ? How punishing is it to missuse the HP ?
I think it's great to make a more complex Hero Power but you have to think about the implications of such a design in a game like Hearthstone. Take Odd Shaman. It's never played. Not only is the upgraded Hero Power not worth it, being able to choose a Totem is in theory a good tactical option but in practice it's too much work for minimal adventages. Cards are already complex in Hearthstone, you don't need a Hero Power that forces you to bend your brain every game. Furthermore, if it's too complicated to use, players will most likely ignore it.
Hope this is useful and helps you think about what you want for your class.
Love the concept ! It's great that Demon Hunter inspires people to design their own class. Death Kight is a safe pick as it is well established both in WoW and Hearthstone and I think you did a good job representing it.
That being said, I have a few points I'd like to discuss.
First your keyword "Syphon". While I like the mechanic, I think it's not very on brand for Hearthstone. Only one keyword in the game works with a number (Overload) and I think it's for the sake of simplicity. It's fine if you want to keep it that way but I think something like "If a minion died this turn" or "If a friendly minion died this turn" would be better.
Then your Hero Power. I must say, I don't like it. Having 3 different effects make it confusing. Which one do you start with ? Do they change in a predetermined patern or at random ? Does Unholy Presence grant permanent Attack ? Also each effect is very distinct and the fact that they have different costs make it very hard to plan your turns ahead. I like Frost Presence so I think you should either keep that one only or find something completly new. I made a thread about Hero Powers where you can find inspiration, borrow ideas or pitch new concepts : https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/237382-custom-hero-powers
I'll read all the cards eventualy and maybe review them one by one if I find the courage but I wanted to start with basic elements.
Hope to see more of this !
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Ok I'll do that !
So let's first look at your two stated goals for this rework :
For the first one, while I wouldn't build a basic Hero Power like that, I can definitely see it working for Hearthstone so let's give it a shot. Fortunately, Dr. Boom, Mad Genius provides a good template for that. The core principles that I would take from it are that the rotating HPs need to have a) the same cost and b) roughly the same applications. Most of them are "Deal with small minions" but with variations and all of them tend toward a control gameplan. Of course, you don't want your basic HP to limit your class' options in terms of deck-building but at the end of the day, consistancy is worth more than variety when it comes to basics. I would like it better if it was on a predetermined rotation but I understand that you might want it to be random.
Now onto your second goal. I must admit, I don't think it's a good idea. The thing is, in Hearthstone, Hero Powers are not designed too scale throughout the game. While this would bring new player experiences to the game, I think it would also be impossible to balance. The problem is that no other class is built to compete with endless resources : games of Hearthstone are meant to end ! Just look at Jade Idol and the imbalance that it introduced in the game. The developers had to print Skulking Geist, a neutral direct counter, to make it fair. If you want to see this idea through, go ahead, fan design is just for fun after all, but keep in mind that you are doing something fondamentaly broken in the context of Hearthstone. Basic Hero Powers should stay simple and have a low impact if we wish to stay true to the game's core design.
So, with all that analysing, it's time to build something. I don't mean to do your work for you but instead give an exemple of what could be done and hopefuly help in the creation of a final version for your class' HP. I also love to build HPs so...
The power level is a bit on the strong side but still reasonable, the idea being that randomness is the main balance factor. I went for 2 mana because it's standard and I don't want to do too many crazy things at once. They offer a variety of options which work in a mid-range gameplan but still let you make decisions each turn. Runic Blade is good for tempo, finishing off your opponent and empowering your weapons. Raise Dead keeps you on the board but you can't really abuse it (still their might be some sacrifice-trigger applications). Marrowrend gives you damage and sustain with some potential synergies. In this current build, I would have them cycle in a random order. I don't know if I like it more when the HP changes every turn or when it changes only when you use it but regardless. Also the flavor is based on the three DK specializations but I tried to be a bit more subtle about it.
So there is how I would rework your Basic Hero Power for the Deathknight. Feel free to take, adapt or scrap these ideas. Exploring every possibility is in my experience the best way to come up with the best Hero Powers so feel free to pitch as many versions as you can come up with. Also let me know what you think of my design !
@Devizz I get that you are attached to your idea for a Hero Power but I'd like to change your mind
First things first : changing Hero Power doesn't mean that you have to scrape your idea. You can make a spell that changes the Hero Power or a Hero card. I think it would be better because it would let players choose to play with this more complex and random HP.
So then, why change ? Well, for one, the fact that it's very umpredictable makes it hard to play with. Shaman is in a similar situation but at least the HP always summon a minion, always a Totem and each individual Totem is easy to understand and remember. The same can be said about Dr. Boom. The five effects are very simple and most of them are tempo oriented so it's different each turn but it's somewhat consistant. The changing mana cost and the random rotation also make it very hard to plan future turn, which is kind of a shame because it seems you want to push for a more intricate gameplay. Finaly I get why you want the HP to grow stronger over the course of a game but that is very much backwards considering the design in Hearthstone. As the gale progresses, players get access to more and more powerful cards and Hero Powers become less relevant. If you give your class an infinite ressource that is going to out scale every other deck (except maybe Jade Druid and Kingsbane Rogue) you are going to create something that is frustrating to play against. Not only that, but DK players will be insentivized to rely on this strategy instead of developping control archetype : just stall the game as long as possible and you will win by default.
I think you can rework this HP if you don't want to change it. First, I would unify the mana costs. It make it much more consistant even if the effects change. Second, I would try to design effects that accomplish similar goals. Maybe you want this Hero Power to be defensive, maybe it's a control tool, maybe it's agressive, maybe it focuses on tempo. Either way, choose something and design 3 effect that work in that direction with different approches. Finaly, think about the rotation cycle. Which one comes first in a game ? Do they cycle randomly ? Maybe they only change after being used. Keep in mind the player experience you want to deliver : do you want them to plan their next move or adapt to whatever tools they have right now ? How much knowledge do they need to play the class well ? How punishing is it to missuse the HP ?
I think it's great to make a more complex Hero Power but you have to think about the implications of such a design in a game like Hearthstone. Take Odd Shaman. It's never played. Not only is the upgraded Hero Power not worth it, being able to choose a Totem is in theory a good tactical option but in practice it's too much work for minimal adventages. Cards are already complex in Hearthstone, you don't need a Hero Power that forces you to bend your brain every game. Furthermore, if it's too complicated to use, players will most likely ignore it.
Hope this is useful and helps you think about what you want for your class.
Love the concept ! It's great that Demon Hunter inspires people to design their own class. Death Kight is a safe pick as it is well established both in WoW and Hearthstone and I think you did a good job representing it.
That being said, I have a few points I'd like to discuss.
First your keyword "Syphon". While I like the mechanic, I think it's not very on brand for Hearthstone. Only one keyword in the game works with a number (Overload) and I think it's for the sake of simplicity. It's fine if you want to keep it that way but I think something like "If a minion died this turn" or "If a friendly minion died this turn" would be better.
Then your Hero Power. I must say, I don't like it. Having 3 different effects make it confusing. Which one do you start with ? Do they change in a predetermined patern or at random ? Does Unholy Presence grant permanent Attack ? Also each effect is very distinct and the fact that they have different costs make it very hard to plan your turns ahead. I like Frost Presence so I think you should either keep that one only or find something completly new. I made a thread about Hero Powers where you can find inspiration, borrow ideas or pitch new concepts : https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-general/fan-creations/237382-custom-hero-powers
I'll read all the cards eventualy and maybe review them one by one if I find the courage but I wanted to start with basic elements.
Hope to see more of this !