This one is for my dear internet friend jainaishot! Love this fight (by far, one of the best I have ever seen animation-wise) and this tribute video. Hope he sees this post. He hasn't been very active lately and I don't want to disturb him by sending a private message. :P
Remember people, there is nothing more important in life than those who love you. Never forget it and take care of them as much as you can, because they are the most precious treasure you will ever have! Ignore all the stupidity you hear/read in media every day. Ignore all the stupid promises of happiness and joy they try to sell you. The only thing you have to worry about is to become stronger every day. Stronger to protect your beloved ones, because, in the end, nothing else matters! :)
I always hated House Stark with passion, except for Ned and Arya (before she turned into a stupidly overpowered anime ninja ;)). Despite that, I love this tribute video. :)
This one is for my dear internet friend jainaishot! Love this fight (by far, one of the best I have ever seen animation-wise) and this tribute video. Hope he sees this post. He hasn't been very active lately and I don't want to disturb him by sending a private message. :P
Nice, thanks to you also for sharing! :)
After all these years, still my favorite anime characters. :)
This one is for my dear internet friend jainaishot! Love this fight (by far, one of the best I have ever seen animation-wise) and this tribute video. Hope he sees this post. He hasn't been very active lately and I don't want to disturb him by sending a private message. :P
This is for all those PS1 JRPG fans out there! ;)
Remember people, there is nothing more important in life than those who love you. Never forget it and take care of them as much as you can, because they are the most precious treasure you will ever have! Ignore all the stupidity you hear/read in media every day. Ignore all the stupid promises of happiness and joy they try to sell you. The only thing you have to worry about is to become stronger every day. Stronger to protect your beloved ones, because, in the end, nothing else matters! :)
Final Fantasy VII Remake is so f...king AWESOME!!! Thank you so much
SquaresoftSquare Enix for this, I used to hate you, but not anymore! XDHere is a cool tribute video (a bit old, yeah, I know :P) to a very cool motherf..ker: Rufus Shinra! Hope someone out there enjoys it! :)
Yep, best Mortal Kombat character ever! ;)
When you remember an anime series much more for its cool villains than for its bland main characters. ;)
Still love this intro, except for the stupid screams nearly at the end. :P
I always hated House Stark with passion, except for Ned and Arya (before she turned into a stupidly overpowered anime ninja ;)). Despite that, I love this tribute video. :)
Elia y Elizabeth the full album can be heared through while playing hearthstone and at moments you whould get hella salty you wont .
Seems like this post was a great mistake, LOL! XD
Mistakes were made.
More than ever! :(