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Excavate/Fatigue Aggro

  • Last updated Apr 26, 2024 (AoE and Highlander Changes)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Fatigue Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 12180
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/18/2024 (Whizbang Paladin Changes)
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(The nerfs only hit our Imprisoned horrors. Yes, they were our big bois but we need to try and see this format. Now we have more time to eliminate wheel lock, but there might be some new aggro decks rising. It's about who takes the board. Save your Crescendo 's for the best board clear, try not to use it at fatigue 1.)

Hi, I'm Erenecromancy, a warlock main since I-don't-remember-when, and this is the guide for a new deck.

The main idea is to self-slap until you manage to fill the board with various minions. Avoid going full greed and make the most wise trades. Crazed Conductor gets too much value by increasing fatigue. Usually using her at 2 fatigue makes the greatest benefit; too low to use board clear for a single card, too high to ignore the damage.

Pop'gar the Putrid plus Crescendo makes the board clear free with lifesteal.

Save your Void Virtuoso for the deck-out scenario, or in the late game where you will play lots of self/harm cards. We don't want to play it early because we need to access Imprisoned Horror first. PS: Don't play virtuoso nor Harp early, again! I still forget it and sometimes end up without being able to play Imprisoned horrors.

Symphony of Sins at 5 mana, giving +6/+6 usually ends the game with uncatchable tempo. Just don't put all of your big bois at once in case of a board clear. If against aggro worse than you, just board clear for 6. Felstring Harp heals you even with that, don't forget. And also, burning their sweet, sweet aces with Movement of Envy is another wincon.

Excavate engine is for tempo, and also steal for 7 usually helps, but if you manage to fit something better, feel free to replance.

And also, for demon hunter it's aggro or nothing, if they manage to break the weapon before your domination, it's usually game over.

For wheel warlocks, plague DK's and Brann Warriors, hard mulligan for Dirty Rat, if they manage to trigger them, you'll be in big trouble!

Meta is hard this season, may Fel be with you!

A little update: Zilliax out, Rin, Orchestrator of Doom in. Drain Soul out, Saloon Brewmaster in. Zilliax is pretty useless in this deck because it doesn't contribute much to our playstyle. Rin is a big, big roulette but this is our only chance against one card decks like wheel-lock and brann-warrior. Since they can easily beat us in the grindgame and they usually have lots of response against our board control attempts, it's better for us to burn their important cards. And also it help just-a-tiny-bit against handbuff paladins since they need to re-buff their monsters if we manage to burn their buffed ones. But usually it's a loss against it, dont get your hopes too high.
The brewmaster is for a little test with The Azerite Snake for multiple uses.