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C'thun Warrior

  • Last updated Mar 4, 2024 (Pre-Rotation Buffs Patch)
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  • 18 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Theorycraft
  • Deck Archetype: C'Thun Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 8360
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/4/2024 (Pre-Rotation Buffs Patch)
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So c'thun warrior has historically been a control deck or at least a midrange deck with an emphasis on control. I'm definitely not trying to change a working algorithm here but as we all know the deck hasn't really been viable in ages even despite receiving buffs in CoT. Here I'm trying to revamp the deck a little with a cool combo (that's probably not newly discovered or anything): Twilight geomancer + last stand to draw our c'thun and double their power.  The mana thirst condition also curves out quite well with c'thun themself, so we're able to potentially drop a 30/30+ c'thun on turn 8 for lethal. That's optimistic but, in my testing, turn 9 definitely does happen (lets us play around rat that way as well). 

Alright so there's the premise. To facilitate this I'm on an honestly relatively bare bones control warrior package. Not playing skipper or barov because I don't really have room and we're not trying to go the long con and get too much armor to count and grind out the opponent or anything like that. This deck functions sort of similarly to quest mage and shudder shaman: prevent your opponent from killing you for 9 turns then drop your win condition and, well, win. It definitely does do that thing however we struggle a little bit with decks that create an astronomical amount of stats turn after turn (which isn't that many in the meta right now) and also faster combo decks that our armor isn't relevant into like druid and mage and certain mine rogue builds.

To briefly discuss a couple other weird includes in the list. Sir finley is needed so we can shuffle back c'thun into our deck to redraw them with last stand. Keep in mind finley places your hand on the bottom such that the right most card will be on the bottom. That means the best time to finley is right when you draw him assuming you don't have control tools or draw we need in hand. That also means that we only screw ourselves out of the combo if we draw c'thun and THEN draw our remaining last stand or both if we hard drew the geomancer. Brann is great because we have a lot of very valuable battlecries. We can get extra power on c'thun for pretty cheap, double up on astalor, and squeeze 10 more armor out of ancient shieldbearer. But that's not all! I'm also running audio amplifier in my etc band specifically because we can brann + c'thun on the same turn with 11 mana for matchups where we need to go the extra distance. This is also my explanation for why I'm on that card I would otherwise never play. Rest of the etc band is to snipe different matchups: call to the stand for combo and sanitize for aggro.

And, last but not least, YES we do need to play every single c'thun buffer. At least in my experience playing any less than every single one means we may not have ancient shieldbearer online on curve and we reeeaaallly need that to be the case because of the pace of the format.

Not a meta relevant deck by any means but definitely solid and you can "do the thing" quite often if you have a nostalgia boner for c'thun. Also passes the bar of being able to consistently beat aggro bots.

ETC band is audio amplifier, call to the stand, and sanitize.