Nomi Priest
- Last updated Apr 23, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 12 Minions
- 18 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Combo Priest
- Crafting Cost: 3780
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/23/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- Mintax
- Registered User
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- 13
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It's an interesting deck but I never got to play Nomi in the 5 games I tried. Either I had to concede because their board was too much or they conceded because I killed their game early. You definitely need more hard removal to deal with the big minions I was unable to take down. I know Mass Hysteria is meant to deal with it, but it doesn't seem to be enough with 2 cards for big boards.
In my version without AOE I either deal with big stuff by lazul's + topsy/forbidden words or by burning it with pyro in one big cycle
Another way is to make a taunt wall of ur own with grave horrors+seance, u almost never need seance for nomi vs aggro/tempo matches
So how do you play vs big minion warlock when he gets a board with 8/8, 6/6 and 4/4, and all you have is an auctioneer + some spells, and next turn will be lethal? GG
-1x Auchenai Soul Priest
-2x Mass Hysteria
+2x Forbidden Words
+1x Holy Smite
65% wr in legend across 100+ games.
But you have to accept some games vs aggro as unwinnable if u wont hit pyro and can't cycle early on to get Grave Horrors up. As a compensation u get more reliable T9 with nomi+seance(empty deck)
Unacceptable to loose vs cheap ass aggro when you can easily add some aoe.
my replace:
- Lazul's Scheme × 2
+ Forbidden Words × 2 or (Shadow Word: Death x1 or Holy Nova x1 or Holy Smite × 1)
Have to agree. Forbidden words is flexible enough and works like Lazul's + topsy.