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Kill Shot

  • Last updated Mar 17, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 26 Minions
  • 4 Spells
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 https://hsreplay.net/replay/9vic8iTRyhdinnD8qS6ppf = 96 Hero Damage in 1 shot

Use your Taunt minions to delay the game for a set-up. (You have multiple options & combinations to pull this off)

#1 - You start the game with enhanced Hero power from Baku. In your opening hand the goal is to start with clockwork automatons and/or faceless manipulators. Use your taunt minions as chump blockers until your minions have been reduced in cost to allow you to play 3 of them plus the kill shot of 24 damage from your hero power.

#2 - Same strategy as before except you can alternatively start with carnivorous cubes. Continue to use taunt minions as chump blockers while waiting to acquire play dead. One use of play dead will give you two times double hero power (12 damage). Every faceless manipulator, clockwork automaton or play dead stacked upon this set up will continue to double down for a bigger kill shot! 

#3 - I also included Alexstrasza to cut you opponents life in half for an easier kill shot or to boost your own if in a pinch.

I regularly get my hero power to 24, 48 semi often but only once to 96. There is the potential for a 6th clockwork automaton to give you a kill shot of 192 but I just have not been lucky enough to draw the right cards at the right time to make it happen yet.