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    posted a message on Hemomancer Class [WIP - Edit: 08/04/17]
    Quote from EquinoxHS >>
    Quote from sagenod >>

    Considering Lifesteal on minions is a key component of the class's survivability, would that be acceptable to include in the basic minions? 

     I'm not sure.  Also, make sure the following keywords are used in the right sets:
    Class Keywords in any set OTHER than Basic
    Spare Parts ONLY in GvG
    Inspire & Joust ONLY in TGT
    Discover only during and after LOE
    Factions (Which use Handbuffs, Jade Golems, and Highlander effects) ONLY in MSoG
    As far as we know, Adapt & Quests ONLY in JTU.
    Hope this helps!
     I had no idea the keywords being restricted to their respective expansions was so important! Although in retrospect it makes plenty of sense.
    With Lifesteal I suppose I'll have to wait until KotFT comes out before I take any liberties. Thank you so much for the advice, I'll update the basic set and now going into classic and the expansions I definitely have a better idea of what my restrictions are. :]
    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Hemomancer Class [WIP - Edit: 08/04/17]

    Considering Lifesteal on minions is a key component of the class's survivability, would that be acceptable to include in the basic minions? 

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on Hemomancer Class [WIP - Edit: 08/04/17]

    Inspire wasn't well received, why? I would like to create cards that synergize well with the hero's hero power and spells. 

    Also, how do I come to a good balance between mana cost and health cost vs the spell effects? I would like to come to a standard method of measuring how cheap mana I can have due to dealing however high damage to my hero along with the spell's effects.

    Edit: Changed Dark Transfer to instead deal 5 damage to the hero.

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    posted a message on Hemomancer Class [WIP - Edit: 08/04/17]

    New to custom Hearthstone and decided to try my hand at designing a class. Tell me what you think, I'd like to hear criticism so that I can get a better understanding of custom Hearthstone.                                                                            Introducing, the Hemomancer.                                                       


    Lord Alder Valdin is an ancient, powerful hemomancer of clandestine origin and intent. He makes his home in the ruined kingdom of Gilneas, where Worgen and Undead constantly battle over the fate of this blood-bathed land, which Lord Valdin uses to great advantage. At the cost of blood, whether it be his own or other's, Lord Valdin commands powerful dark magic with which he sustains himself, supports his allies and devastates his enemies.

     Although they all go by blood mages in the Warcraft universe, I decided to go with the more "official sounding" Hemomancer primarily to differentiate the class from the classic Blood Mage of Warcraft. No verdant spheres or flamestrikes here folks, sorry! In order to properly translate the Hemomancer into Hearthstone logic I had to do some research into blood magic from World of Warcraft. It's bittersweet that blood magic is not as well-developed of a topic as the other forms of magic in the game, because on the downside I don't have a lot to go off of from a lore standpoint, but (I dare say) it also means I get to take a little bit more creative liberty with the class cards. Now according to the information available online, blood magic in World of Warcraft is as follows: "Blood magic is a form of tortured life magic that uses blood as a power source. As the name suggests, bloodmages use blood to perform their rituals. All blood is different, and the correct combinations are required to perform certain tasks. Contrary to popular belief, ancient and powerful bloodmages do not actually drink blood, but eat normal food like everybody else. On Azeroth, it is shunned by many as a dark and forgotten art. In that and many other ways, it shares some distinct characteristics with demonic magic. Blood magic can be used to teleport via bloodstone teleporters, scry for information, and resurrect the dead." (source: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Blood_magic
    With the information I "scryed" from the internet (kek) I feel I've come to gain a pretty good understanding of how the Hemomancer fits into Hearthstone. For this class the core theme will be "power at the cost of (someone's) life." Sounds familiar, right? The warlock does this to an extent, as well, although discard it seems has become the more important keyword for the class. It still fits the "power at a cost" theme, but the discard style of play has mostly lost the players' attention. That's why the hemomancer is more intuitive in its core theme. Power at the the cost of health, not your damn cards! Where the hemomancer further differs from the warlock is in the versatility of its spells. You have a wide toolkit at your disposal that allows for strong, low mana damaging spells, minion support and board control. Combine the self-destructive play style of the warlock, the minion buffing of the paladin, the control of the mage. The hemomancer is able to do all of these very effectively, once again at the cost of health.

    tl;dr? Read the pros and cons.
    -Versatile toolkit of low mana spells that allow for effective damage, control and minion support.
    -Wide array of minions with Taunt, Lifesteal and other effects oriented towards keeping you alive.

    -Self-damage is required to make the most out of the class's spells.
    -Comparatively low range of self-healing spells creates a heavy reliance on minions to keep you alive.












     Expansion (Pending)

    Your positive criticism is always greatly appreciated! :]






    Posted in: Fan Creations
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