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    posted a message on Going to buy 80 packs. Which set(s) to buy?

    One more question: is the 15% coins that I'm getting back an ongoing thing? Is there always a 15% coinback for all purchases? I've read that there are bigger coin backs during special events or tournaments. Are there any big events coming soon that are likely to have a coin back associated with them?


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    posted a message on Going to buy 80 packs. Which set(s) to buy?

    I've opened ~150 classic packs and ~20 WotoG. Already own both adventures.

    I've got 10500 amazon coins right now and it appears they have a 15% coin back (i'm assuming it's a coin back, They're giving me 750 coins back for every 5k I spend).

    With 15% back, I've calculated that I can get 2x 40 packs and also get a hero. What packs should I be getting? I'm missing a few key epics and legendaries from classic, but already have most of the rares. On the other hand, the only ToG cards that I'm looking for are epic or higher. 

    I'm realistic and know I won't be getting more than one or two cards off this list, but the cards I'm looking for are:

    Ragnaros, Sylvanas, Yogg, Twin Emperor, Call of the Wild, Doomsayer, N'zoth, grommash, Edwin, Harrison, Tirion

    Should I go 40classic/40WotoG? or 80 in one set?

    Posted in: General Discussion
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