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    posted a message on Hunter, Priest, and Rogue Spellstones Have Been Revealed!

    No. No. NO. Hell no! I don't want Big Priest to have more ammunition! That fuck is obnoxious enough as it is. Just...ugh...yuck.

    Good card for all the big priest fans out there, though. But I hate you all.

    As for the Rogue one:


    - My Thaddius N'Zoth Rogue right now

    The hunter one seems atrociously dull, but really strong. The one key point is due to Hunter's abysmal draw (as in no draw at all), the baseline card needs to be good, and 2x 3/3 for 5, boring as it is, puts enough stats in play already to make it worth it for a deck that wouldn't rather run Tundra Rhinos and Nesting Rocs. Also, it's a spell, meaning that if any Kathrena Dino Hunters come around, this won't fuck up their deck construction and fills an important mana slot. Any of the upgraded versions on curve demand immediate AoE or trades or you take so much face damage next turn you'll still be hurting at the start of the next game.

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    posted a message on New Priest Spell - Lesser Diamond Spellstone

    No. No. NO. Hell no! I don't want Big Priest to have more ammunition! That fuck is obnoxious enough as it is. Just...ugh...yuck.

    Good card for all the big priest fans out there, though. But I hate you all.


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    posted a message on New Legendary Paladin Weapon Reveal: Val'anyr

    Could be interesting in a handbuff deck. You definitely need to play a lot of minions because you cannot afford to have a weapon you cannot use when you need to because you have no minions in hand. If this hits Dopplegangster or Saronite Chain Gang, your opponent is in for a lot of pain without AoE. That said, while it does sound attractive to just keep punching down the enemy board, you're going to start running out of health pretty fast, so this is going to require some healing to accompany it. After the first round of play, where you had to pay for it and therefore need to gain value and tempo from it, it can just become a tool to punch face, since it's essentially free face damage afterwards.

    Looks really powerful if it gets out of control but it's not unstoppable. It gets destroyed by some Ooze when you have no minions in hand, it's gone. The minion you put it on gets Sapped, Polymorphed, Hexed, Psychic Screamed, Silenced and you're screwed, and if an opposing Paladin hits the buffed minion with Aldor Peacekeeper, it might take you a while to get the weapon back. Also has inherent limitations to deckbuilding since you might not want to run any other weapons with this, thus making your deck weaker compared to other Paladins. Truesilver isn't nearly as good when you only get to hit once with it before your opponent pops your minion and the Truesilver gets destroyed.

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  • 6

    posted a message on Two New Warrior Cards Reveal: Reckless Flurry & Drywhisker Armorer

    In my (Wild) experience, you can either play an Armor Control Warrior (such as C'Thun, DMH N'Zoth Taunt or mill/fatigue/Iron Juggernaut variants) that have very little use for tiny Whirlwind effects, or you can run a full self-harm Warrior with the DK, Rotface, Mosh, Patrons etc. with plenty of Whirlwind effects and synergies. Reckless Fury is exactly what Armor Control Warrior needed. Sleep with the Fishes was a last ditch effort to acquire some more AoE outside of Brawl and it wasn't great, you had to slot in Whirlwind or Blood Razors to even get your AoE going, using two cards to deal 4 damage. Sleep with the Fishes just did not really fit the theme of the Armor-based Warriors as they had almost no other synergies with the Whirlwinds, and this does not fit the theme of the Whirlwind-based Warriors as those do not stack much armor and later replace their hero with the DK. Ergo, this might give rise to more Armor-based archetypes that would not have an issue reacquiring all the armor they spent very quickly, and it is quite likely that some decks will just go overboard and run Brawl, Sleep and Reckless Fury together to just drain aggro dry. The one obvious issue with this card is that if your opponent has you on the ropes and you topdeck this when not ready for it or you already spent your Shield Block to dig for that damn AoE, this might end up doing nothing, which is not what you want from an AoE effect that's supposed to save you in desperate situations. Also, of course, if your opponent gets you low and you manage to somewhat stabilise, using this to clear the board a few turns later might leave you open to a burn spell they have up their sleeve.

    The playability of this will depend heavily on how much armor Armor Warriors will be able to maintain against aggro past turn 5, as there is no way you get to play this against aggro early. You just won't have the time to maintain any armor until you can combo this with something like Shield Block or manage to Brawl their board down first to slow down the damage and then bring your armor up with cards like Ancient Shieldbearer, Bring It On, Justicar, etc.

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    posted a message on New Warrior Legendary Reveal: Geosculptor Yip

    Smells like a winmore card to me. If you're at 0 armor you can't afford to play this at all, so it won't dig you out of a ditch, and if you're on high armor, you might as well play a better legendary that isn't contingent on you not only having armor, but also having the right amount to not get some trash that might even be detrimental to you. Yes, this does require removal and still leaves something on board, but so does Rotface or Paletress (in Wild) and unlike the two you cannot trigger this multiple times outside of Wild combos. If you get a minion with end of turn effect, it won't trigger, while with the other two it does. Getting a Lich King from this is all fine and dandy but until your next turn that Lich King is just an Ironbark Protector. If you're in a control vs control matchup, it's quite possible your armor will either be so high that you will have very little control over the effect (you might get Tyrantus, you might get a Sea Giant) or you will have none and get nothing and that's where the card is supposed to shine the most. If you have armor on turn 8 against aggro, you've already won. The one redeeming quality that might give this card some hope of seeing occasional play is the fact it has 4 attack, more than 5 health, and more health than attack to screw with Priests in both Standard and Wild.

    TLDR: the Troggzor of the set IMO. Tons of potential but in practice, there are better, more versatile and more reliable options.

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    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Cataclysm

    As excited as I am to see this and slot it into my Discolock, I fear this will get mighty obnoxious if Discolock becomes meta. Good luck dealing with 2 free 3/2s every turn as a class with poor boardclear...like...I dunno, a Rogue, or an already weak class like Hunter. Things like Warlock Quest are fun and exciting until they aren't.

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    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal: Fal'dorei Strider

    Well, Beneath the Grounds sure got a facelift. Let's see if it works on the second attempt. One thing that slightly worries me about this is if you play Gadgetzan Auctioneer + Prep + Cheat Death to ensure you get your draw (either Auctioneer lives or you get a discounted copy of it), you might accidentally draw one of these Spiders and screw up your Secret proc. That said, it's more likely that Cheat Death won't see play because of that interaction rather than this getting cut to not screw with your Secret.

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    posted a message on New Priest Legendary Card Reveal: Temporus

    There's no middle ground with this card. It's either going to suck horribly or it's going to have an entire deck built around it.

    Dunno why but this reminds me of MtG design. Very rarely does it happen in HS where you see a card and think "I have no idea what to do with this" because the card is so detrimental to you yet has so many potentially gamebreaking possiblities at the same time. This could absolutely annihilate against so many decks. You just drop this, let them have their two turns of fun, then you drop Lyra and Priest of the Feast and go crazy for two turns, undoing all they did and getting a massive advantage to boot. Or you simply set this up against a Quest Mage and give them two turns to get their combo. If they don't, you break their Ice Block one turn, kill them the next. In many matchups though, it's a winmore card because you can only afford to play it if you're already safely winning (against aggro and midrange).


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    posted a message on New Card Reveal: Silver Vanguard


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    posted a message on New Priest Minion - Duskbreaker
    Quote from Velrun >>
    Quote from Draco_Cracona >>
    Quote from LordCheesus >>

    Man this new meta is going to be great, With cards like this agro can finally be eradicated as a play style. As a guy who not only loves dragons, but control and big combo, as well as anti meta decks, I absolutely fell in love with this card right away.

    The salt from the agro style players has really added to the flavor of my French fries, thank you so much guys =)

    Trust me. In the long run non agro metas can only mean good things and increase the health of the game. Might actually make people think and make decks on their own instead of relying on hearthpwn to hold their hands for them. Then we'll see how true skill levels play out.

    Trust me.. you're wrong. Wild ATM is a perfect example of a format where aggro is dead. Sounds all rosy and sweet until you realize that your metagame warps heavily around decks that punish control, then goes to almost exclusively OTKs , and you end up with the situation in Wild ATM, where practically every MU is a priest deck warped to beat other priest decks, with a few quest mages, jade druids, and demolocks thrown in for good measure. Not exactly a healthy metagame.

    Wild is swarming with aggro in the high ranks, trust me. It's almost perfect for everyone.
     Agreed. There are so many viable decks in Wild that aggro, control an midrange even each other out. It's impossible to prepare for everything. Next to the abundance of cards I suspect another important reason is not a lot of people are playing Wild and certainly not a lot of top players. If decks would get more refined it could be another story completely. Near the end of every expansion cycle I find myself playing almost exclusively Wild and Brawls. For me at the moment Wild is a huge playground with room for experimentation. And I'm perfectly fine with that.
     Have to disagree, from my experience Midrange is nearly dead in Wild. Aggro decks kill people by turn 4-5 and Control has too much value and too consistent removal to allow midrange to shine, since by the time midrange comes fully online, so does Control's boardclear. Even Jades aren't as much of a menace anymore because aggro kills them before spreading plague and control doesn't give a fuck about their board and just pings them down over two turns with hero power or simply freezes the board until the quest is done. Oh and let's not forget Tempo, such as Keleseth Rogue that plays minions on turn 4 that are bigger than what midrange would get on turn 6. About the only Midrange deck I've had any modicum of success with is Silver Hand Pally because it can get the board relatively early enough and control can sometimes just run out of AoE against the endless dude spam.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Minion - Duskbreaker
    Quote from EsShikyo >>
    Quote from lMarcusl >>
    Quote from Snoxk >>

    I am not happy..one thing against dragon priest (in wild) was aggro,...well not anymore.

    NOT HAPPY :(

     The classic midrangy wild dragon priest won't play this. Those decks win by playing overstated minions turn after turn, 2/3 turn 1, 2/4 turn 2, 3/5 or 3/4 with +3 health turn 3. This just blows up their own board, makes them susceptible to any follow up like consec or storm. This will have to go into some form of control dragon priest, which honestly just can't stand up to Shadowreaper, Quest Mage and all the other control decks currently out there. Good card but doesn't have much of a home in Wild. Solid in Standard though. They don't have Excavated Evil.
     Terrible post right here... Obviously you don't play it when you have board control, DUH? Do you also Dragonfire Potion your own board when you have board control? 
     First off, genius, Dragonfire is a terrible comparison since it doesn't blow up your board if you're a Dragon deck and most decks that run Dragonfire Potion and aren't Dragon decks don't give a damn about the board cause they don't have any in the first place (Kazakus Priests). So the better comparison is Excavated Evil. And yes, not a single Midrange Dragon Priest I've played or played against since BRM on any respectable rank in Wild has run that card, because the strategy of Midrange Dragon Priest has always been to be on the board strong since turn 1. And since they play overstatted minions every turn, they just don't lose the board until the opponent literally Twisting Nethers it away or something. So they have no need for Excavated Evil because it ALWAYS hurts their board because they ALWAYS have a board. This card has the same problem. Let me know when you see a Tempo Mage run Volcanic Potion. I'll be retired by the time you get in touch. Cause it's the same fucking thing.

    As for Dragonfire Potion, Wild Midrange Dragon Priests that heavily mix in non-dragon minions only play two Holy Novas, Wild Midrange  Dragon Priests that only run Dragons and Wyrmrest Agent can Dragonfire without damaging anything of their own, and even those often don't run more than one, if any, because their board position is way too strong to need more than that. So my point stands, the classic Wild Midrange Dragon Priest will not play this any more than they would Excavated Evil. Control Dragon Priest is where this card will live. Duh. Considering I've been playing with and against Dragon Priests in Wild since BRM, I know my shit.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on New Legendary Card Reveal: Zola the Gorgon

    So what you're saying is, if I get a tick from Thaurissan, I can drop a Brann, Iron Juggernaut, then Zola two Iron Juggernauts into my hand? And if I got a Youthful Brewmaster in hand, I can then bounce Brann back to use on the next Iron Juggernaut. Alright Zola, we got a deal, you and I.

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    posted a message on New Priest Minion - Duskbreaker
    Quote from Snoxk >>

    I am not happy..one thing against dragon priest (in wild) was aggro,...well not anymore.

    NOT HAPPY :(

     The classic midrangy wild dragon priest won't play this. Those decks win by playing overstated minions turn after turn, 2/3 turn 1, 2/4 turn 2, 3/5 or 3/4 with +3 health turn 3. This just blows up their own board, makes them susceptible to any follow up like consec or storm. This will have to go into some form of control dragon priest, which honestly just can't stand up to Shadowreaper, Quest Mage and all the other control decks currently out there. Good card but doesn't have much of a home in Wild. Solid in Standard though. They don't have Excavated Evil.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Discuss the Nerf - Fiery War Axe

    That change seems either really short-sighted or just foolish. Warrior now has essentially no way until turn 3 to deal 3 damage to anything. Any deck with a decent 1/3 start (Priests, Mages, Wild Shamans) now just walk all over warrior because it's gone from a class with possibly the best response to those threats (unless Mirror Images happen) to the class with the worst response. Sure, hunter can't deal 3 early either (outside of Wild). But hunter at least plays aggresively for the board early no matter the archetype. Control warrior is now screwed for answers and any midrange/aggressive warrior would now have to play the 1 drop pirate package to have at least some answer, and even that isn't good enough (all pieces would have to live to attack on the next turn to kill a 1/3, Northshire turn 1 on the play laughs in the face of that, and merrily draws cards to boot). Granted, I think with this change aggro pirates are dead, which is welcome, but utterly killing Warrior's early game to do it doesn't seem like the best decision. So either they didn't think it through and didn't realise that Tempo Mage, Priest and Shaman will now shit on Warriors (especially in wild with Tempo Mages and Totem Shamans), or they did realise it and did it knowingly. Also, if Warrior wasn't bad enough in Arena...well now it definitely is. There's the class that sits on rank 8 in Arena, then there's 150 pounds of shit, and then somewhere below that is Warrior.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on The Top Death Knight Decks for Each of Hearthstone's Nine Classes

    IMO that build is terrible. There are no elementals in the deck besides Pyros. I mean what the fuck? I've been using DK Elemental Jaina in Wild and it's really strong. Play it minion heavy with some supporting spells, run Tar Creeper, Water Elly, Servant of Kalimos, Volatile Elemental, Baron Geddon, Pyros and N'Zoth beside some of the usual Mage suspects like Babbling Book and you're set. The games you lose are generally those where you get face-burned or your DK is at the bottom of the deck. There's no way you are losing after DK Jaina is up, cause there is only so many times your opponent can take down a N'Zoth'ed Pyros before they run out of answers. Most of the time the response to Pyros would be to just ignore it and go face, but that's hard to do when it heals you for 10 every time.

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