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    posted a message on Demon Hunter Nerfs Coming Today - Blizzard Developers Tweet

    If those are the only scenarios you can see, then you are blind. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Demon Hunter 73% Winrate....WTF

    The deck with 76% winrate has the smallest playrate of the other decks. DH is currently overrepresented in general, so while it's definitely performing adequately, it's not known where it stacks up yet. 

    Posted in: Demon Hunter
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    posted a message on Buff / Fix Lord Jaraxxus [Poll]

    As much as I love lord J, we do need to keep in mind that he has the strongest hero power of any hero to date, with the possible exception of the even more elusive Ragnaros hero. Only a few SOMETIMES can out-stat a 6-6 each turn, but those that can (Rexxar, Dr Boom on specific turns, Hagatha very occasionally) have to spend much more mana to do it. As just "Gain 5 armor and equip a 3-8 weapon", which you can just play when you're evenish on board? Followed by a 6-6 every turn for the rest of the game? That would genuinely be the strongest hero power in the game, and given they're pushing heroes to be more build arounds and battlecry loaded, I'm not sure they're interested in taking a cute classic card and making it a stronger mix of Deathstalker Rexxar and Frostlich Jaina. They specifically said they don't want games to end the same way every time, and a hero like Jaraxxus, as a true hero card, would genuinely be too strong for modern Hearthstone.

    Side note: people say there's power creep because yeti doesn't see play, but yeti didn't actually see play in the top meta of Pre-Expansion Hearthstone, with the exceptions of Druid and Shaman, both of which were midrange classes that have been nerfed into the ground (Innervate, wild growth, force of nature, ancient of lore, rockbiter weapon, hex, flametongue totem). And those classes were middle of the pack compared to the big beasts of Freeze mage, Handlock, and Miracle rogue, all of which have also been stripped and nerfed into unrecognizability. Nothing in standard compares to the raw power of classic miracle rogue, so the implication that just because better cards exist than chillwind yeti doesn't actually mean the power of the modern standard rotation is any stronger. Don't underestimate how powerful a card can become if you take it and redesign it towards a structure it was never meant to fill. 


    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Flaw in new ladder system

    Get a load of this guy

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Is there any deck meeteg THESE requirements?
    Quote from jsager99 >>

    If you want them to absolutely despise you, you can do an old-school Jade Druid. Basically the entire deck is made using cards from Gadgetzan and Knights. Also, the core only requires two epics (UI) and two legendaries (Aya and Malfurian), but can easily go without the legends. The rest of the cards are either rare or common. You can go without the legendaries and build the deck for something like 1.5k dust.

     Please read the post next time. 

    Galakrond Rogue is a pretty solid option. 



    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Unnerfed Reno Priest or Cubelock

    Reno priest is more flexible in the wild meta, whereas cube lock jumps up or down. I think Reno priest is the more safe craft, esp since all the reno-esque cards, and all the anduin combo cards, are useful in other contexts, but cube lock's core pieces require other expensive investments to use elsewhere. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on New card nerf reverts

    It takes a mind specifically committed to complaining to see "cards people want to play with got unnerfed!" and responding with "fuck quest reno mage specifically"

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Demon Hunter Common Card Revealed - Crimson Sigil Runner

    Cards when mulligan'd maintain their position in your hand. 

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on The worst part of playing HS

    One of the interesting ways hearthstone contrasts with Chess is that, it is impossible to lose a game of chess and blame it on anyone but yourself. In Hearthstone, this is easy, and this post is proof. Both the person making the post and the guy in the middle saying "salt is the truth" have both fallen for Hearthstone's (and really most game's) greatest trick: diverting of blame. RNG and collection are such easy scapegoats, as is simplicity of system. If you're feeling games are decided this often, you're either playing poorly, or getting trapped by the meta. Probably both. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Deck tracker has Auto Squelch!! :D
    Quote from ADXE >>

    If someone greets, I greet back and then quickly squelch.  These are usually the people who will emote later on when they have lethal.  

    Thank you/ Well Played.  

    I lost, why would I think the game was Well Played?  I drew crap and had no way to stop you from destroying me.  

    Or RNG kept me from having any advantage. 

    I don't want to know that since you won, you want to quickly emote me to rub it in a little harder.  


     This comment facinates me. "Why would you think I played well?" Victory and loss are not the be all end all descriptions of play, and attributing your loss to rng and card draw is a mistake. 

    Appreciate the polite acknowledgement; it helps. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on All Player Decks for the 2018 HCT European Fall Playoffs

    I want to add to this that, with the exception of entirely archetype defining cards like Shudderwock, Genn, and Baku, the Witchwood cannot come near to boasting this success. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on All Player Decks for the 2018 HCT European Fall Playoffs

    Druid's popularity wasn't a question, and likely was not something the set tried to fix. The Cards for sets are designed nearly years in advance, sets can't be considered meta game responses. 

    As for the sheer  power of the set, you'll struggle to find any decks that don't have new cards, which compared to witchwood is staggering. 
    Those cards are the most played, needing multiple valuable archetypes to play them, or a very dominant class. Consider that no new druid card is in the top played, and suddenly the design seems less flawed given that this means that the elevation of druid was not as extreme as was doomsdayed. 
    Add to that, every Warrior Deck ran Dr. Boom, that the mechanical whelp has become a deathrattle archetype staple, that tempo mage and big spell mage both got archetypical buffs, that shaman has a functional tempo shudderwock list, and suddenly the set looks pretty impressive. 

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Faeria - Strategy Card Game (now on Nintendo Switch)

    This looks fantastic, and I'm honestly really excited to look into it further. I've played a lot of Hearthstone, and I've been playing games like Chess and Catan all my life, so seeing this is quite exciting!

    Posted in: Other Games
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    posted a message on Final Boomsday Card Reveal Livestream - August 1st!

    It's not so much a matter of contract, but a matter of familiarity and proximity. Day9 has been working on presenting media stuff for them for years and has working social relationships with most of the people there. Day9 is a really, really low risk candidate who they know can work an audience, and who as a bonus has experience with Hearthstone. 

    Hearthstone Pros would look at the cards differently than Day9 would. I'm sure firebat doesn't care about timmy cards like Tyrantus, but Day9 geeked out over that. He has the capacity to sit back from his perspective as well, and rate a card by its use to professionals, himself, and to newer players. And, again, combine all that with familiarity with the team and expertise in presenting content, and he becomes a flavorful pick quite easily. 

    That, and, you need a happy person to do the reveals. You can't have someone like Kripp or Kolento doing the reveal. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal - Eternium Rover

    Value refers specifically to generating card advantage or stat advantage on board. Health of the players, while an important stat, is not a factor that contributes to value. Extra cards and extra damage for the board or minions to play can generate lots of value, but you can never kill a minion by generating armor. As such, killing it's not really important. Removing this with anything other than trading on board is a waste, were it not for the growing threat with magnetic. 
    Cleric generates value because it draws cards, not because healing is involved.

    Posted in: News
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