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    posted a message on Webspinner King Krush Hype!

    I got to play 1 of them! :D Then it got Mind Control'ed and killed me. :'(

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Webspinner King Krush Hype!

    Ahahahaha XD

    (Full size)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Help me tune this wombo combo priest deck

    I have Stormwind Knights in my wombo combo Priest deck, and they're really great because you're able to completely control the Inner Fire/Divine Spirit combo versus trying to get something with high health on the board and stick on the board for your next turn.

    Oasis Snapjaw... I don't like it as much because everyone knows immediate what you're up to if you stick that on the board. :)

    I also really like Ysera. Already has 12 health, really hard to remove. 1 divine spirit/innerfire = 24 damage :p Plus, bonus Dream Cards.

    Looking at your deck, I would say you really need a lot more minions than you have right now so you actually have targets for divine spirit/inner fire. Sludge Belcher, Yeti, anything with 5 health and up is combo-worthy in my opinion.

    You might also consider high attack minions, then using Crazed Alchemist to swap their health into attack. Just gives you another win condition.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on Cards usable in "Full hand mode"

    I think Druid would become a lot more popular because the "choose one" mechanic would come in very handy.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone The Ultra RNG Game

    Ben Brode made some really interesting comments about the RNG in Hearthstone at one of the Fireside chats. Link to full recap.

    Relevant bits:

    Randomness has been the source of much ire in the Hearthstone community. Whether it’s seeing an opponent draw the perfect card at just the right moment to foil our plans, or Tinkmaster Overspark turning an opposing minion into a Devilsaur when we really need a chicken, randomness can be frustrating. We’ve all had a moment when we felt like we played masterfully, only to have victory snatched away by a single moment of bad luck. It’s easy to feel like the existence of any randomness in a game means that skill matters less. 

    Take a look at this graph, where games of pure luck where there is no skill required are on the left, and games that are purely skill-based with no random elements are on the right. Many players feel that Hearthstone, and all games for that matter, falls somewhere along this spectrum:


    In reality, that graph is totally misleading because the relationship between luck and skill doesn’t work like that. Luck and skill are independent, and a given game can have different amounts of each. The real situation looks more like this:


    Every game you can win or lose falls somewhere on a graph like this. Tic-tac-toe has no randomness, but it also requires almost no skill. There is no Tic-tac-toe world championship, because once you know “the strategy” every game ends in a tie. Some games that are extremely luck-based (like Monopoly) very rarely have moments where you can exercise your superior skill to win.

    Chess is a classic example of a game that includes a lot of skill and no randomness. However, at the highest levels games like this often require massive amounts of memorization, since games often play out in the same way. Bobby Fischer, one of the greatest Chess players of all time, actually proposed randomizing the back row of pieces to help solve this problem with high-level Chess!

    That leaves the games that feature both high randomness and high skill. Games like Poker . . . and Hearthstone! While any particular hand of Poker is random, the best players still win consistently, and Hearthstone is no different. Look at players like Kolento, who place highly in tournaments over and over again.


    Games in this high-randomness, high-skill category have two really cool attributes. First, you are constantly presented with novel situations. If every game of Hearthstone was like the last, it would be easy to memorize a game plan and just execute it over and over again. Instead, randomness makes it necessary be quick thinking and solve new problems in every game. A Hearthstone game is more than one turn, and to win consistently, a player must act and react to changing circumstances turn after turn to make the most of what is happening in a match and set up a victory. In this case, randomness actually increases the amount of skill required to perform well, precisely because it can throw a wrench in our plans and forces us to think on our feet.


    The second great thing about this type of game is the frequency of awesome player stories. When you need one specific minion to win a Brawl or you lose, and BOOM: It all goes down exactly right—your Armorsmith survives and you manage to turn the game around with an incredible play! That’s a great story! Randomness increases the excitement and frequency of these memorable events.

    This combination of novel scenarios and crazy player stories is a huge part of what makes Hearthstone a TON of fun.



    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Spectator Mode Confirmed

    Definitely looking forward to it, especially with all the new cards, it will be useful to pop into a game and see how everyone else is using them.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New card - Madder Bomber discussion

    Definitely going to be fun in Arena :p

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone History. Classic Zoo

    Glad to hear you're feeling better Noodles.

    Posted in: Hearthstone History. Classic Zoo
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    posted a message on The Hearthstone Rules (Parody Post)

    Hilarious post! XD

    I have opened with double Soulfire, double Doomguard, Coin in my hand a few times. *ragequit*



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    posted a message on 4 Legendary GvG Cards - Warrior, Mage, Rogue, Priest [CONFIRMED]
    Quote from McBeard »

    One thing that raises my eyebrows - This appears to be Goblin/Mech themed, and the November card back is also Goblin/Mech themed. Even if this is a hoax, that's a fine point of detail that deserves re-cog-nition.

    I see what you did there.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Should Undertaker be a Legendary?
    Quote from UglyBastard »

    I think the proposed manawyrmication (do I get a cooke for that word?) is a decent solution.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Should Undertaker be a Legendary?

    I was reading through some news today and came across this article on Red Bull's sports website of all places: The Rise of Hearthstone's Undertaker.

    The author proposes that instead of "nerfing" by raising cost or lower stats, that Blizz should make Undertaker a Legendary card so there could only be 1 in a deck.

    It's an interesting suggestion. The more I think about it, the more I'm kind of okay with it. It would keep its utility while not being so overpowered that it causes an entire deck strategy to be built around it. What does everybody else think?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on The Three Competing Resources: Tempo, Card Advantage, and Hero Life by Sar

    Yes, thank you for bumping this up! It was a very informative read, and clarifed some mechanics that I sort of knew and had bee doing but didn't really know the reasoning behind why I was doing.

    I think maybe this is Part 2?

    And also I think this might be Part 3.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Bot Ban Wave

    Last bot I played (yesterday actually, so I guess they haven't found them all), it did turn 1 Rockbiter to my face, turn 3 (+Coin) Lightning stormed my board with 1 Haunted Creeper and 1 Webspinner and Earth Shocked one of the resulting Spectral Spiders. Turn 4 I think it got a taunt totem and played a Creeper. Turn 5, it Lightning Stormed my board again with a solitary Misha THEN totem'ed and got a spell power totem. Herp beep boop derp. This was at rank 9, so it must have been chugging along for quite some time if that was its typical performance.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on HearthPwn's BlizzCon Virtual Ticket Giveaway

    I'm most looking forward to watching the championship HS matches! :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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