Well, the short answer is yes, legend has become easier to achieve.
However, this is greatly exaggerated. Essentially what has happened is that a lot of the people who were rank 5 regulars in the old system have managed to get to legend. This is because the grind has become much less. Essentially, all of the people who are 'good enough' to hit legend are now able to. In the past, the consensus was if you could hit rank 5 every season with ease, if you grinded enough you would make it to legend. Most people just weren't willing to make that grind.
However, now many less games are required. The star bonus quickly accelerates you to Diamond (Typically 10 or 5), and you only have to have to be 15 games positive from D5, as opposed to the 25 from rank 5.
Essentially, it takes less games to hit D5 then it did to hit rank 5, and it takes less games to hit legend from D5 than it did from rank 5. As such, legend is unmistakably easier to achieve.
HOWEVER: I see lots of players saying 'everyone can hit legend now, its so easy, hurr hurr.' These people are simply incorrect. Bad players are still 'skill capped' at whatever level of play they are. The reason people get stuck in gold, platinum, or diamond is because they aren't skilled enough to climb further. These players will not climb and will not hit legend until they improve.
The difference is that the good players are no longer 'grind capped' (I just made that term up) by the sheer number of games it used to take to hit legend. For 'legend worthy' players who have a positive winrate against other players from D5 to legend, legend is now much easier to achieve. For bad players, it is still impossible.
This is in absolutely no way a bad thing. The game has become less grindy, and everyone should be happy about this.
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Well said