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The Great Dark Beyond Cards List & Guide
This thread was marked as Locked by xskarma.
Have you read the rules yet? (Required) - Single Choice
you go first
Battletag: Akoz#2512
Region: NA
Trade only: Yes you go first
Battletag: GrumpyMonk#25755
Region: EU
Trade Only: you go first
Battletag: robse#2718
Battletag: Lokhast#2729Region: asiaTrade only: Yes you go first
Battletag: finalattack#6654
Battletag: Nightz#2164Region: EUTrade only: Yes you go first
Battletag: diaboliko2#21224Region: EUTrade only: Yes, and you go first :)
Battle tag: Lellyo #1192
Trade only: Yes, show first
Battletag: Xhadow#1375Region: NATrade? Yes, you go first.
Battletag: Arghmag#e2309Region: EUTrade? Yes, you go first.
Battletag: SummonHuffer#2457
Trade? Yes, you go first.
Battletag: Chadical#1306
Trade?: Yep, you go first
Battletag: Drakaras#2786
Free2play player!
Legendaries that i disenchanted: Dreadscale, Bolvar Fordragon, Herald Volazj, Nat Pagle, Tinkmaster Overspark, Captain Greenskin, Al'Akir the Windlord, Malygos, Madam Goya, Golden Illidan Stormrage, Golden Nozdormu, Golden Lorewalker Cho
Battletag: done
Trade only? Yes
Battletag: Beldroth#2311Region: EUTrade Only: Yes, you go first.
Trade only
I'll show you quest then you'll go first as rules state.
14th time trading
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you go first
Battletag: Akoz#2512Region: NATrade only: Yes you go firstDone
Battletag: GrumpyMonk#25755
Region: EU
Trade Only: you go first
Battletag: robse#2718Region: EUTrade Only: you go firstBattletag: Lokhast#2729Region: asiaTrade only: Yes you go firstBattletag: finalattack#6654
Region: NA
Trade only: Yes you go first
Battletag: Nightz#2164Region: EUTrade only: Yes you go firstBattletag: diaboliko2#21224Region: EUTrade only: Yes, and you go first :)Done
Battle tag: Lellyo #1192
Region: NA
Trade only: Yes, show first
Battletag: Xhadow#1375Region: NATrade? Yes, you go first.Done.
Battletag: Arghmag#e2309Region: EUTrade? Yes, you go first.Battletag: SummonHuffer#2457Region: EUTrade? Yes, you go first.Done.
Battletag: Chadical#1306Region: NATrade?: Yep, you go firstBattletag: Drakaras#2786
Region: EU
Trade? Yes, you go first.
Free2play player!
Legendaries that i disenchanted: Dreadscale, Bolvar Fordragon, Herald Volazj, Nat Pagle, Tinkmaster Overspark, Captain Greenskin, Al'Akir the Windlord, Malygos, Madam Goya, Golden Illidan Stormrage, Golden Nozdormu, Golden Lorewalker Cho
Battletag: doneRegion: NATrade only? YesBattletag: Beldroth#2311Region: EUTrade Only: Yes, you go first.Manyacampeon#1654
Trade only
I'll show you quest then you'll go first as rules state.
14th time trading