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Combo face warrior

  • Last updated Jun 29, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • 3 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Worgen OTK Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 1180
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/29/2016 (Old Gods)
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So, I pretty much only play warrior, and I like experimenting with strange stuff, and I came up with this and it is being pretty successful against shamans and warlocks while still matching up well against the occasional priest, paladin, or even warrior.

It is a pirate deck with a lot of the standard pirate stuff, but it also runs a Raging Worgen one turn kill. The reason why I like this is because it is actually really competetive against slower decks that heal because it has a combo for 30 damage, and because against slower warriors it can deal enough damage through its aggresive pirate cards that the combo is actually useful against them, which was part of my goal: to create a combo deck that could beat slower warrior decks while still winning against aggresive decks. 

Speaking of aggresive decks against them this deck generally tries to control the board with either minions or weapons and go face with the other. Then you unleash a partial combo and wipe out your opponent, or just go with the normal game plan of pirate warriors and go face a bunch in the midgame. 

this deck seems to be very versatile, depending on the game combo pieces can be used for board control or to gain lethal wothout the full combo, or for there intended purpose. I have won games with this deck anywhere from turn 5 to turn 20 so I think it has a lot of options on what to do and so it deals with a lot of opponents.

One think I have to say is my first several games with it were back and forth, win lose win lose win lose, but after a while I got my sea legs, see what I did there?, and started winning most of my games.

So how do you win, well since this deck has so many different game plans it is a bit hard to play, you have to very differently against different decks but I will try and go through the general matchups:

warrior- you have to do some guessing here, if it is a faster deck, you want to go for your pirate and weapon synergy and try to mix face and board control so they don't get out of hand and then hope you can get the right cards to finish the game, if it is a slower deck then you really want a charge in your opening hand, you want to put a lot of you damage into face but not commit to the board too hard. then you want to combo for lethal as quickly as you can, always be looking for ways to get lethal, and try to count out damage.

shaman- unless it is a control shaman, which it usually isn't in sandard, this matchup is pretty easy to play but is luck based to win. control with pirates and wepaons and pings the first few turns and try to keep their initial board empty, then transition to full face and hope you can cobble together some kind of lethal from anything you draw. executes are useful but you don't want to mulligan for them if you have a nice curve, same thing with combo pieces.

rogue- I don't see many rogues but I generally lose to n'zoth rogue because they just out-board control you with their spells and sticky value based minions, miracle rogue you just want to go face with and try to use charge to combo for lethal early. occasionally clear their scary minions.

paladin- usually gonna be a n'zoth paladin, try and keep the board but don't worry too much about face, hold your weapons a lot of the time, and try to burst him down in one turn with combo, this is a slower matchup so you don't have to play too aggressive, but try to apply some pressure as well as get as much draw value as you can. use the combo for an otk

hunter- hope that it is not yogg hunter and if it isn't play like you would against other agro decks, control the board in the first few turns then face face combo face, if it is yogg hunter try to combo him and play a slower game, but in my experience you just sort of lose.

druid- deal with his taunts when they come up and try to balance board control and face damage and use partial combo for lethal as soon as possible, if he drops enough taunts you can't win, so this is kind of luck dependent, but 1 or 2 are probably fine, maybe even 3.

warlock- if this is a renolock you probably win because he does so much damage to himself that you can go for an early lethal, if he drops reno you want to start ignoring his plays and going all face and try to combo him as soon as possibe but until then play out your early game drops and kill his minions and go face with the rest of your damage, often you want to save weapons so he does not reno and make your weapon attacks useless. Zoo is like any other agro matchup control the first few turns, go face after that partial combo for lethal.

mage- mage is your real bane, treat tempo like other agro decks and hope for a big combo, hope you don't lose to all the value. freeze mage is hard to beat because he is impossible to otk most of the time, and you can't really rely on board control because of all his clears. if he does not draw ice block and play it in time you can still win though

priest- n'zoth-dragon priest is hard to beat because they have a lot of taunts, anything else is usually not too bad because you have a 30 damage combo that makes any healing he does obsolete, if he is running dragons though, kill them as quickly and efficiently as possible and hope he does not drop too many taunts for you to handle, ignore most of the rest of his minions unless you can kill them with only one card or even better a single weapon hit.

in terms of mulliganing you want n'zoth's first mate in most opening hands followed by slam and some other pings or some on curve card draw minions maybe try for an early pirate combo for a big weapon, the mulligans are very dependent on what you want to do that game and what you drew initially, usually a bad open is not too bad against slow decks but you need the early board control against fast ones.

hope all 3 of you that see this will enjoy this deck, I certainly have.