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Top10 Legend Patrons Season 27

  • Last updated Jul 18, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • 4 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Patron Warrior
  • Crafting Cost: 4200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 6/9/2016 (Old Gods)
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Hi, I am Schlawutzki and in June 2016 (Season 27) I played only this deck in wild. With a winrate of 75% (78/26) I climbed to Top 10 Legend from Rank 17. 




You never keep:  Grom, Boom

In most cases you also don't keep:  Loatheb (only vs freezemage), Exekute, Inner Rage, Slam, Battle Rage, Whirlwind

You can consider keeping:  Grim Patron (always vs other patron warriors), Bloodhoof Brave, Ravaging Ghoul (vs Zoo, Secret Paladin), Death's Bite (almost always with coin)

You almost always keep:  Armorsmith, Frothing Berserker, Blood To Ichor, Sir Finley (perhaps not vs Freeze Mage)

You always keep:  1 Fiery War Axe, 1 Acolyte of Pain



Sir Finley Mrrgglten

Sir Finley is important in this deck because your own hero power ist basically useless. In most cases it only prevents your face from getting a battle rage target. The only matchups where you could consider keeping Armor Up are Freeze Mage and aggro decks. But even against aggro decks Lesser Heal is better.

In most cases you are looking to get Fireblast because it synergizes with Execute, Acolyte Of Pain, Bloodhoof Brave, Grim Patron and Grommash Hellscream. Sometimes you are forced to take Lesser Heal vs aggro decks. Also in other cases Lesser Heal is a great Hero Power in this deck because you can heal your own Patrons or Acolytes back up. When your hand contains only limited options or if you want to make your patrons as soon as possible (espacially in mirror matches) you could consider taking Life Tap.



Meta Changes

If you don't face a lot of aggro decks, you could replace Bloodhoof Brave with Kor'kron Elite. It gives you more tempo, more burst and is way better vs Stampeding Kodo, Shadow Word Pain and Cabal Shadow Priest. You may also play 1 Bloodhoof Brave and 1 Kor'kron Elite.




Vs Decks without Boardclear for Patrons  (Druid, Hunter, Rogue, Zoo, Secret Paladin, Tempo Mage, Patron Warrior, Face Shaman)

In these matchups your main winning condition are Patrons. Remove your opponents minions with your weapons, make sure not to get too low on hp and you will propably win the moment you make Patrons. Your opponent has no comeback potential.


Vs Decks with Boardclear for Patrons (Murloc or N'zoth Paladin, Priest, Controll Warrior, Midrange Shaman, Reno-/ Handlock)

Even though Patrons are one winning condition they are not the only one in this deck! If you wait until turn 5 or 6 to go all in on your Patrons you will propably loose. So try to draw as much cards as possible and threaten your opponent with your Tempo minions (Frothing Berserker, Ravaging Ghoul, Bloodhoof Brave/ Kor'kron Elite, Loatheb, Dr.Boom). Since these minions have a high power level on their own, sometimes 1 or 2 are enough to force your opponent to play AoE-removals. If they don't have them you win and if they have them, feel free to go for Patrons or continue pressuring with your tempo minions. Just make sure not to overextend into AoEs!


Freeze Mage

In this matchup you are way favoured and have two different parts of playing it. Your key cards are Armorsmith and Loatheb. In most cases you don't play Sir Finley.

At the start you try to build up pressure with your tempo minions, and force the Mage to burn her damage spells as removals. It will come to the point when you can't kill her because she freezes the board and plays Iceblock and at the same time she threatens you with Alexstrasza. At that point you play double Armorsmith with Patrons and create tons of armor by playing your whirlwind effects and you execute Alexstrasza.


Mirror Matches

On my way to Legend i faced a lot of other Patron Warriors. In these matchups most of the time the player who makes his Patrons earlier will win. That means you always keep Grim Patron in your starting hand and try to get Deathsbite and Inner Rage to go for 4 Patrons on turn 5. To increase your chances of this draw, you try to draw faster than your oponent. Play around his Battle Rage and try to get as much cards out of your own Battle Rage and Acolyte as possible. That's why you also shouldn't keep Armorsmith in mirror matches. It prevents your face from getting damaged. In this matchup you could consider picking Life Tap above Fireblast out of Sir Finley.