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Quad Zeus Miracle Rogue

  • Last updated Nov 20, 2014 (Naxx Launch)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 17 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 2080
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 11/20/2014 (Naxx Launch)
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This deck is inspired by Zeus Shaman.  Last season I played my own variant of Zeus Shaman that included Shade of Naxx as a very hard to remove spell power buff target.  (Ended Rank 4)

A couple days ago I decided to apply the same approach to Miracle Rogue.  Thinking that the draw power would help get the combo pieces in hand, and that shadowstep could allow for repeated placement of the Ancient Mages.  Effectively this allows for a playstyle kind of like Malygos Miracle decks, but with a few trade offs.  You can often times get your spell power in action well before Malygos would be playable, but you have to use up more card slots to accomplish this.


Vs Control: Dig for Shade and 5 drops.  You really want your shade to grow before Holy Nova, Concescrate, Hellfire, Blizzard or Flamestrike can get it.  Don't keep Ancient Mage unless you already have a Shade in hand.

Vs Aggro: Backstab, SI, Worgen, Shade, Deadly Poison can all give you a chance to get far enough for Auctioneer to do his thing.

The tricky parts of this deck is deciding when to hold combo parts and when to burn them to stay alive.  The deck includes contingency plans for when things don't go perfectly as planned.

Plan A: Stealthed SpellPower  - Worgen and Shades on the field early, Buff with Ancient Mage, keep board clear with spell powered fans, Backstabs, bladefury, etc.   Often you can get valued out of your Ancient mage in the form of 2 damage before you shadowstep him back to up the spellpower again.  Finish the game with Spells to the face and a giant growing Shade.

Plan B:  Ancient Mages are hiding in the bottom of the deck.  Try to get miracle to draw.  Look for ways to transition to plan A, or save Shadowsteps for the one Arcane Golem 12 damage burst.  Often combined with a Shade and a Tiger, you're looking at lethal from 20 or so.  

Plan C: Anti-Hunter or Zoo - I won't sugar coat it.  These matchups can hurt, but they are not unwinnable.  Worgen and  Shade often have to trade..  Do your best to make them use at least 2 cards on the shade.  You want them to have to kill command this to get rid of it.  Ancient mage is not useless here.  5 health damage is often enough to let it 2 for 1.  If the spellpower sticks, then you can remove things as fast as they can play them.  Shadowsteps can help with SI agents. 

The biggest downside I see to this version of Miracle Rogue is that it's hard to fit in all the cards you want.  I'd love to squeeze in Thalnos, Farseers, another Sap, another fan, another deadly poison.

I'm sure there are tweaks that can help this vs certain matchups....  This deck is in it's infant form - 2 days old.  Happy to hear about your experiences and alterations.

Hope you enjoy.  Please give feedback,
