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Mecho my Echo (post UT nerf)

  • Last updated Feb 7, 2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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  • 24 Minions
  • 6 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7680
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/30/2015 (Undertaker Nerf)
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Now that this deck is on day 6, it seems like there's no shot for me to realize my year-long dream of being on the hearthstone main page for popular decks. Fingers crossed we get a spotlight. :) However, this is my most popular deck here, so I thank you all for the support. In celebration of this being my most popular deck, I'm working on a bit of a match-up guide (to come soon!). Still not playing many games, so I don't have huge numbers to back my stats, but hopefully something is more interesting to you all than nothing.

Finally, I decided to bite the bullet and swap annoy-o-tron for Kezan Mystic. The reason being that most mages are now running mirror entity, and hunter and mage make up a huge part of the meta where I am. A well-timed/luckily timed mystic is a great way to mess up combat math, get lethal, and/or steal mad scientist value. I have not yet felt the loss of the 2cc mech or the taunt, but I'm keeping an eye on it. Next thing I'm testing is whether we want 2 echoes and what we might want instead (a few comments and other echo decks say you only need 1, but I'm not yet convinced the chance of poorly drawing both is worse than the value of getting at least one most games).

General idea:
This is my take on the recent echo decks that have been going around. As you probably know, those decks tend to rely on deathrattle minions so as to fill the board for a bigger echo. The large amount of deathrattles naturally makes undertaker fit in there.

HOWEVER, with the undertaker nerf, I think he might not be worth the slots anymore. The next best 1-drops are cogmaster and wyrm. Wyrm doesn't fit as well in a minion-based deck like echoes, so we land on cogmaster for early presence which, of course, means mechs. Mechs also mean we can use goblin blastmage, which is one of the best 4-drops in the game.

NOTE: Big credit to the people who built this archetype up before me, especially Razoir (http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/159244-razoirs-last-boss-legend-minion-mage). I thought Echo was only for molten giants for some time, but they showed me how wrong that was.

Other note: I made a few changes after g4m3sh4rk's suggestions. The changes moved the curve down a little bit, but it's still mostly the same. I'm enjoying the changes so far, so I decided to update. I'll keep updating as I keep testing. Big thanks to him, too. Check out his version here: (http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/184604-decktechs-mecho-my-echo-adaptation).

Why run this deck?:
Whenever I see a "tweak" on an established archetype, I gotta ask "why run this over X." Here, the two established archetypes I can see most easily comparing this to are Aggro Mech Mage and Deathrattle Echo Mage.

(Non-Mech) Echo Mage:
I think this build has three main advantages: 1) it does not need undertaker for early presence/pressure, which I believe will be of value after the nerf makes him basically unable to 2-for-1; 2) it lets me use Goblin Blastmage, who is just nuts to play multiple times in a game; and 3) you get to use multiple mechwarpers (I've had several games with 5+ mechwarpers), which makes half your deck free or reduced cost--great for filling the board before and after an echo. 

(Non-Echo) Mech Mage:
Actual advantages: 1) the unexpected nature can lead to some freebie misplays, which is one reason I almost always prefer to homebrew than netdeck (though fewer than I'd hope); and 2) the re-use of cards gives the deck more legs than the full-aggro version that might run out of steam.
Personal taste advantages: 1) it's more midrange, which I like; and 2) the RNG of some cards here and big-play potential of echo make for more exciting play.

Card choices:
- No Undertaker: one of the basic premises of the deck--if UT only has 2 health, he can no longer two-for-one and becomes less powerful. Maybe cogmaster is a better 1cc drop (Maybe, still testing. Cogmaster also only has 2 health so... it's really a matter of how frequently they get to 3 or higher attack, but it's easier to get a turn 2 3/2 with cogmaster, so there's that). Also, the lack of UT means you can branch out a bit and use more cards without deathrattle. 

- No Dr. Boom: on the very short list of possible alternative cards to try. For now I opted to keep BGH targets off the list. May change if meta/feelings do.

- No burn spells: I love the value of frostbolt and fireball, but Echo requires minions.

- Annoy-o-Tron: Fantastic guy because he buffs cogmaster for a few turns, sticks around for echo and blastmage, and messes with small aggro guys. Cut one to make room for more tail-end drops and I haven't missed him too much.  See note above, have now cut both. Keeping an eye on it, but it seems ok for now.

- Mad Scientist: Just amazing in mage.

- Snowchugger: The 2 and 3 spots are pretty tight. I like the little chugga-chugga, but I had to try to squeeze one in.

- Duplicate: I wanted a third secret and with all the spare parts floating around, the options were limited. This gives the deck a bit more gas and is usually pretty good value.

- Mirror Entity: A staple part of Echo decks as far as I am concerned. It allows you an instant boost to your board and is on-curve if you want an early Echo. For minions without a battle-cry, it is almost as good as removal, because it allows you to trade if you want to.

- BGH: Pretty solid right now due to all the big minions around (mostly Dr. Boom, but also giants, Rag, Fel Reaver, Neptulon, etc.). Also, great to Echo because it makes your opponent want to hold their next fatty.

- Harvest Golem: Not as flashy as the other potential 3-drops (Spider Tank, Tinkertown, another copy of the ones I already have), but it still trades decently and the stickiness of it goes well with Echo.

- Mind Control Tech: Another key card for Echo decks, this allows you to build your board and slow them down. Similarly to BGH, if you can Echo one then your opponent knows he has to play around it the whole rest of the game--value.

- Shade: A step below “key” for an Echo deck, but very good. Shade’s stealth makes him essentially “sticky” for purposes of filling up the board and getting a good Echo. Then, when he does attack, he can often trade up after having grown for a few turns.  Recently cut to make room for bigger cards. I'm not missing it too much just yet because he's not a mech and the 3 slot is pretty full anyway, but he's on the short list to add back in eventually.

- Blastmage: One of the main reasons to go mech. Such value.

- Piloted Sledder: Very solid for Echo due to his decent trade value and, of course, decent deathrattle.

- Antique Healbot: I found myself losing to aggro decks a turn before I had lethal. Since I added healbot, I haven’t lost to hunter or face mage. Obviously, some of that is due to small sample size and normal RNG variance, but some of it is due to the fact that 8 life is a decent chunk and 16 or 14 life after an echo or a duplicate is a whole lot.

- Loatheb: One of the best midrange cards and a fantastic Echo target.

- Sylvanas: Great card already, but even better with Echo. Either I get to copy their minion I’ve stolen or I get to copy Sylvanas to play another Sylvanas. The 6cc is nice because it also allows you to play Echo same turn.

- TBK: Even though Mage already has decent removal, TBK is nice because it can get Echo’d and duplicated. Like Sylvanas, he lets you play him and then Echo same turn. Like BGH and Mind Control, knowledge that you have him in your hand can really mess with opponents’ play.

Other Possible Cards:
I've made a few mentions of my "short list" of alternative cards. It's actually pretty long. Sorry. Here are some other cards I am testing/considering testing if I see the need for a change. You can think of these as meta/sideboard cards, and/or replacements for cards you don't have or don't like.

Unstable Portal, Abusive Sergeant (early game, better trades, adds value to BGH), Ironbeak Owl (I don't have him in there because I'm not afraid of Undertaker anymore, but it's still a very good card), Youthful Brewmaster (reuse battlecries), Shade of Naxxramas (see above), Defender of Argus (obviously, a solid card in a minion-based deck, plus it lets you guide duplicates), Kezan Mystic (mirror match, hunter, other mages), Bomb Lobber (budget TBK and also good in his own right for board control attached to a minion to copy), Harrison Jones (not now, but if weapons come back--the draw is nice), Water Elemental (fat butt means it's more likely to live for an echo; I think I like it better against weapons than ooze for budget decks), Sludge Belcher (lots of mid-game value, great to copy), Dr. Boom (obviously), Troggzor the Earthinator (so I can yell, "TROGGGZORRR!"), Sea Giant (we flood the board, so he can be cheap, but right now too many BGHs), and, of course, another copy of the non-legendary 1-ofs in the deck.

As I stated above, I don't play enough to even estimate at win percentages for matchups, but I certainly have played enough since the UT ban to give little tips and blurbs on most matchups. Here's my take on some key matchups:

Mech Mage: Our early games are fairly similar (duh), so you need to try to get small incremental advantage through favorable trades. Your goal is to take the game to the midgame and win it there. If you take it to midgame, they frequently run out of steam. Don't dilly-dally too much, though, because they have fireballs and other stuff to finish games. Current trend is the secret mirror entity, so keep that in mind. General feel: slightly disfavored.

Hunter: This is one of the matchups where I would keep later-game stuff that is good in the matchup (healbot, blastmage) if the rest of my hand seems able to support it. Other key cards are scientist, chugga, and mind control. Like mage, you just want to make decent trades and keep your life total from getting too low. They tend to have lower-health minions, so your hero power and blastmage pings should really help make good trades. Their burst potential is a little lower than mage, so if you can land 2-3 healbots you are almost guaranteed to win. Kezan mystic has been pretty good here so far. General feel: slightly favorable.

Mustard Pally: A.k.a., almost every pally I have faced since GvG except for this one poor schmuck I owned. This matchup is a slugfest, but I think it is in our favor. I added the one flamestrike to take one quartermaster off the table. Both mustard and Boom beg you to counter with mind-control, which I sometimes do, to decent results. Save TBK for Tirion and BGH for boom if you can. They run board wipes, obviously, so hold a few guys back once you establish some pressure, but their board wipes are fewer now (pyro has anti-synergy with mustard), so you can keep track of them and play accordingly. General feel: slightly favorable.

Druid: I hear there is a very taunt-heavy druid that is or was very popular at the high ranks. I guess I'm not high enough to have been privy to that. I don't see much druid, but when I do it is normal tempo/combo, and I am pretty happy. This is a pretty good matchup where our guys and our tempo plays are great than theirs'. Just make sure to always calculate their next turn from 7 mana on assuming a FoN + SR. Not sure taunt would be much worse, but obviously you'd want to make copies of TBK if you can. I've only played a few fatigue druid games, but I'm not sure how that deck ever beats anything other than rage quits... General feel: favorable.

Zoo: I don't see much warlock these days, but here's an old trick to find out if you are facing zoo or handlock: watch their mulligan. If they only mull 1 (or 2 on coin) cards, they are more likely aggro. If they mull most of their hand, they are most likely searching for a mountain giant. Anyway, zoo is dying down now because mech mage is a new and exciting cheap aggro deck to play, but also because, after the UT nerf, Zoo has a really bad matchup versus mech mage. Mechs are beefy, blastmage and hero power make for good trades, and if they lifetap too much to keep up, they die. We have basically the same situation except instead of ending the game by fireballs, we seal the deal by healbot + echo. Same key cards as other aggro, strategy still to make good trades. General feel: favorable.

Handlock: Also not so common where I am anymore. I think so much mage in the meta means molten is too risky. I haven't played enough game to tell you how this one goes.

Warrior: Their deck is too slow if you get a decent start. They almost don't play cards until turn 5, which is much too late. Plus, they treat the first few turns like you are mech mage (which is part of the benefit generally of this tweak) so they waste things like execute on guys like blastmage! Usually, they play a turn 5 shieldmaiden or brawl to try to get back into the fight, but my board has a bunch of deathrattles and/or a mirror entity, so it doesn't help. Just know that if you give them too long, their endgame is a little better than ours--try to finish them off as fast as possible. General feel: favorable.

Unfortunately, I don’t have too much keen insight for you yet. All my tips right now are pretty obvious: mulligan for early plays and the cards that are good for a particular matchup; make good trades; try to build the board for a nice echo; and always check for lethal!

More on mulligans: I tend to mull hard for early cards, tossing almost anything that costs 3 or more except for mind control versus aggro and goblin blastmage if I have a nice looking setup for him. I'll likewise keep harvest golem if I have a nice early curve going, but usually toss him and expect to pick up a play by turn 3. 100% of the time mull secrets--you prefer to get them with scientist.