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    posted a message on Tips for every class in dungeon run

    I need help for Xol. For some reason Beam of Confusion (read: Flummox) gets spawned very often. This spell is already very good if it hits a 1/1, though in my experience it always targets larger creature first even when you have 6 on the board. On top of she beating aggro strategies well with both Beam of Fire (read:Flame) and Flummox. So what did well against this boss? I feel like I can't win to this unless she plays Howlfiend, drafted AoE heavy classes (Hunters and Rogues be sad), or get a Wish and Double Health.

    Posted in: Dungeon Run
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    posted a message on BY THE POWER OF RAGNAROS - Tavern Brawl #115

    I can already see the Tavern Brawl be filled with a certain deck that wins by turn 5, and that people will definitely run counters for it.

    Though it's sad that I know because I found it, the cancer deck....

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on So Hunter is the underdog once more...

    Since the 3 drop slot is packed, you should take out Stitched Tracker and Unleash the Hounds. Also, I always use two Eaglehorn Bow. Five drop slot can be filled by Nesting Roc (and Menagerie Magician with Finja, the Flying Star if you are running Murlocs). Lastly, you probably get some room to put in Toxic Arrow or The Black Knight to punch through those taunts.

    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on New Hunter Card Revealed: Stitched Tracker

    This pulls Deathstalker Rexxar and Wild Pyromancer right? This seems good for control Hunter. It's even more crazy in Wild too since it pulls Belcher and Dreadscale

    EDIT: Does it actually pull Deathstalker Rexxar ?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on A Comprehensive Analysis of the Zombeasts

    From my experience making zombeasts, some cards look very promising: Stegodon (maybe an A), Rat Pack (S) and Stonetusk Boar (feels like an A, because getting right partners is game-winning)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on History of Un'Goro Crater - Keeping up with the Tortollans, Azeroth's Finest Turtle People

    When the quality of your shitpost is so good it's no longer a shitpost.

    Great job!

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Midrange hunter: Dispatch Kodo or Infested Wolf?
    Quote from hillandder >>

    Kodo, it is awesome vs taunt warrior and freeze mage to kill doomsayer.

     ^ This guy is right, even if he got the wrong Kodo.
    Stampeding Kodo hits Doomsayer, Alley Armorsmith and Finja, the Flying Star, so you should use it for a midrange deck. But to answer your question: your list looks like a hybrid hunter, so Dispatch Kodo should work better over both Infested Wolf and Rat Pack.
    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, is OP. Nerf it already.

    Hah, why would Caverns be nerfed? I can see Jades and Time Warp Rogue getting the hate next.

    And some people here are right! Caverns has a lot more counters than other meta decks we have previously (I'm talking to you, Midrange shaman).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Attention Hunter players: what counters you?

    Taunt warrior and Elemental Shaman when using my Hybrid hunter, Aggresive decks and Quest Rogue of any type when using Midrange.


    Posted in: Hunter
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    posted a message on Midrange Dinomancy
    Quote from Nusos04 >>

    I can't seem to win against Quest Rogue, with a Marsh Queen Hunter deck, what do I do? 

     For beating QR, Qhunter isn't a good choice. Firstly you need minions with better survivability/health like Golakka Crawler, more situationally like Houndmaster and Ravasaur Runt, or just a different class with Flame Imp and Voidwalker. Then you also like burn cards (Leeroy/ Kill Command)
    Quote from Chimera>>

    A large majority of the cards in this deck are from 1-4 cost, and i haven't had any easy losses against quest rogues yet. I did remove dred finally after getting some game in with it (hey, i got it from a pack, why not try it ^_^)

    I added 1 Scavenging Hyena but i don't think i am going to lose infest and buzzard for stampede. There's not so many low-cost beasts in this deck so i am not sure i trust the consistency of playing that. I think it is better to take advantage of the tokens that will be summoned on the board through deathrattles, especially with plants for adapt. Stampede says "play" and not "summon" as buzzard does as well, so it would not trigger off of things being only summoned. You can easily get 2-3 draws using buzzard if you play it correctly.

    I'd still say a Kindly Grandmother and the second Infested Wolf would be good, given that SO many things in your deck interact with minions on your board. Otherwise the deck is looking more balanced!
    Good deck SMOrc
    On another note, do you consider Tracking for consistency?
    Posted in: Midrange Dinomancy
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    posted a message on Midrange Dinomancy

    Lack of 2 and 4 drops meant that the deck easily loses to aggro and Quest Rogue. I'd take out Dred and a Rhino for two Golakka or Kindly Grandmother.

    I think 2 Stampedes > Infest and Buzzard, but I can't be sure.

    Posted in: Midrange Dinomancy
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    posted a message on Un'Goro and the end of Fatigue (and smorc?).

    Death of fatigue, very likely. Keeping quests against fatigue decks meant that after some point, there will be swing proactive turns so powerful that normal collectible cards find it hard to beat. Hence the "remove everything" fatigue gameplan in Un'goro needs plenty of massive value removals like Brawl or King Mosh, a plan that is susceptible to pure aggro.

    Of course the above argument is under the assumption that quest is a viable mechanic - because if it isn't, that meant everyone's playing aggro.

    And of course this above talk discounts combo decks, because the only combo deck that seems viable now is Time Warp mage, and we don't know how they'll do.

    But I don't think aggro is dead just yet. While pirates find it tough with Golakka Crawler lying around, the Quest hunter can complete their quests by turn 4 (on coin) then finish the opponent off with 8/8 on curve (on coin).

    EDIT: mispells

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Cruel Dinomancer

    What happens when you kill your own Dinomancer with a Deathwing? Will discarded cards from DW be part of the discarded pool?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Dinomancy

    The hero power is reeally good, because it is a consistent buff to improve trades.

    On the other hand, you probably can't keep a board if you spend 2 mana and a card on just changing the hero power. Or am I wrong?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Elder Longneck

    Huh, another rager?

    There's only so many outcomes you want out of this: +3 health (great), +divine shield (not bad), +stealth (playable), +deathrattle (playable), with the rest being okay only against non-pinging classes.

    36/120 chance of getting one specific outcome (+3 health), 64/120 chance getting one of two desired outcomes (+3 health, +divine shield), 85/120 chance getting any one of three.

    Wouldn't really play this when it is only okay half of the time.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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