• 1

    posted a message on Which is the best for Warrior?

    I couldn't vote for "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!" So I didn't vote.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on Let's just be honest about what you're really wanting from the nerfs


    Quote from Primus7112765 >>

      I dont see how taunt druid, is a meme deck, since its one of the decks that counters the other meta decks well like cubelock and baku decks. Dont be so quick to dismiss it.

    To be fair, it's just a little under 50% winrate and destined to remain there, which according to most people's tier lists puts it in Tier 3; the way I look at things it's near the top of Tier 4 aka not competitively viable but close enough to perhaps warrant experimentation from experimenters.
    But to take that paragraph and summarize it in three words: not competitively viable. I don't get why the bottom half or so of most people's Tier 3 is giving consolation prizes to loser decks that almost but don't quite make it.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Let's just be honest about what you're really wanting from the nerfs

     Hadronox Druid is a one-trick pony. Other than overwhelming Cubelocks, it's a meme deck; it utterly fails to Equality or Vanish; Hex and Polymorph also kinda wreck it. If it ever became a real deck Cubelocks would just run Tinkmaster Overspark to counter it. It's low Tier 3 at best.

    Kingsbane Rogue is basically Year of the Mammoth's Hadronox: not a real deck.

    Control Lock is basically just Cubelock that is worse against combo to be better against aggro and the mirror. Data collectors like HSReplay and Vicious Syndicate can even have trouble differentiating between archetypes because so many cards are shared.

    So you basically listed one actual archetype there: Quest Rogue. And yes, I am pleased that Quest Rogue is viable again. But I'm not blind to how Quest Rogue and Cubelock reinforce each other; Cubelock is one of the few control decks capable of pressuring Quest Rogue enough to have only a slightly unfavorable matchup, while Quest Rogue suppresses slower control decks and draws in aggro for Cubelock to prey upon.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Here is a non exhaustive list of what needs to be nerfed in the upcoming patch, according to the community


    I'm almost convinced that players have this gross misconception that if we nerf a few tier one decks that some weird deck is going to suddenly become playable (like Rush Hunter, Poison Hunter, Lady in White 'Big Priest', etc). That isn't going to happen no matter how many nerfs are implemented.

    I'm not sure how many players think nerfing Tier 1 decks will make Tier 5 garbage playable, but I doubt it's a majority. Furthermore, a moderated version of that belief isn't deluded: nerfs that are done properly (that is, nerfing Tier 1 down to Tier 2 or 3, not into oblivion) can create a more diverse meta by making more Tier 3 decks rise to Tier 2, and more Tier 4 decks rise to Tier 3. I think it's very unusual for an archetype to go up more than 1 tier this way, but it's not as if nerfing powerful archetypes doesn't create a power vacuum waiting to be filled.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 24

    posted a message on Let's just be honest about what you're really wanting from the nerfs


    You're bored with the meta, not because 2-3 decks are dominating it (we actually have many when you consider 2 different spiteful decks, Quest Rogue, Cubelock, Haddronox Druid, 3 variations for aggro pallies, etc), but because you can't play a game with the same meta for more than a month. 

    a month. 

    Year of the Mammoth: Cubelock, Silver Hand Recruits everywhere, and Spiteful Summoner pulling Mind Control
    Year of the Raven: Cubelock, Silver Hand Recruits everywhere, and Spiteful Summoner pulling Ultimate Infestation
    A month. That's just cute.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Here is a non exhaustive list of what needs to be nerfed in the upcoming patch, according to the community


    I can't help, but feel people are begging for nerfs not because most of those decks are problems as much as it is they are bored and are impatient enough to wait for new cards to shake the meta up.

     Um, speaking for myself, yeah. What's wrong with that? How are those two things even separate? I've been impatient to play against something other than boards full of Voidwalkers and Silver Hand Recruits; the Year of the Raven hasn't delivered as far as that goes. Am I supposed to be okay with that?
    I'm not saying "nerf Cube/Control-lock into the ground" or anything, but at a minimum it needs to be rapidly deposed from Tier 1. Might as well try to maximize archetype diversity while conducting necessary Warlock nerf(s).
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Here is a non exhaustive list of what needs to be nerfed in the upcoming patch, according to the community

    In another thread (https://www.hearthpwn.com/forums/hearthstone-game-modes/standard-format/217154-i-have-modeled-58-archetypes-heres-the-future) I simulated the meta assuming pure survival-of-the-fittest behavior and the following were the only decks in the resulting meta (more than 0.1% of total population):

    Cubelock, Odd Rogue, Quest Rogue, Spiteful Druid, non-Quest Odd Control Warrior, Control Priest, Evenadin, Murlocadin, non-Odd Quest Warrior, Oddadin, Keleseth Tempo Rogue.

    Now, real metas don't quite operate like the simulation: people will play fun decks for fun, or blindly copypasta whatever dumb deck TempoStorm says is good. But if it's not on my list of eleven decks, then it's ALREADY possible for the meta to turn against an archetype so hard it becomes unplayable. There is zero reason to nerf any Tempo Rogue card, for example.

    I recommend the following nerfs (and one nerf/buff):

    This nerfs every non-Warrior non-Priest archetype on my list, making room for other decks to rise up... but without nerfing any of the nerfed archetypes into the ground (except maybe Even Paladin, but on the other hand screw CtA). Noteably Spiteful Priest isn't nerfed much through Fungalmancer/Snowfury changes while Spiteful Druid is much more effected.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on IksarHS (game dev) Balance changes post.


    Quote from hillandder >>


    Quote from SMcB >>

    If I was Blizzard the following would be the nerfs.

    This lowers the power levels of Even/Odd/Murloc Paladin, Cube/Control Warlock, Odd/Quest Rogue, and Spiteful Druid - hopefully without outright killing any of those decks.

    No, Preparation don't need to be nerfed, need to be banished for Wild in HoF, because of this $&%! card all f....... rogue spell card release are overcosted, it is a curse for the class, remain this abomination in Standard and nerf will keep the curse and reduces the (insuficient) pay-off.
    I think you might be right about HoF, but nerfing it a bit in the meantime is pretty harmless; Blizzard could give it the Molten Giant treatment and undo the nerf if it goes into HoF next year.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on POLL: Which cards do you want balanced?


    Quote from AMJii >>

    I don't want The Caverns Below get balanced. I want it hacked to pieces and fed to the wolves.

    I wish I could downvote this post.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on POLL: Which cards do you want balanced?


    Quote from DoubleSummon >>

    why nerf prep and fungalmencer? those cards are fine..

    Fungalmancer is not fine. It's one of the most-played 5-drops: Spiteful Druid, Odd Rogue, and Odd Paladin all run two copies (usually). It's so strong it edges out Cobalt Scalebane, which is still sometimes a one-copy addition to those aggro decks. Nerfing Fungalmancer weakens Spiteful Druid with minimal impact on Spiteful Priest and Taunt Druid.
    Preparation is a key card in Quest Rogue. Any other nerf I can think of to that deck would render it unplayable. Furthermore, Preparation's warping effect on design space is readily apparent with cards like WANTED!
    Quote from DoubleSummon >>

    dark pact should stay at 1 so it can be countered by geist.

    Lackey plus 1-cost Dark Pact is 6 mana; Skull into Cube+Pact is a turn 6 play. This means Geist only counters if you have the Coin and play it ASAP - unlikely since Geist is normally a 1-of. Any route other than nerfing Pact would mean nerfing [Skull or Cube] and Lackey, and I'm trying not to completely kill the deck by nerfing 2 of its cards.
    Quote from DoubleSummon >>

    And CTA will just be used by odd paladin.

     When Oddadin can only recruit 1-cost minions with it? Doesn't seem overpowered.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on POLL: Which cards do you want balanced?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on IksarHS (game dev) Balance changes post.

    If I was Blizzard the following would be the nerfs.

    This lowers the power levels of Even/Odd/Murloc Paladin, Cube/Control Warlock, Odd/Quest Rogue, and Spiteful Druid - hopefully without outright killing any of those decks.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on The Dark Pact problem

    Dark Pact should cost 2 mana but otherwise be unchanged.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Factors of winning in HS

    I think the winrate differential between near-zero skill and near-perfect skill should be abkut 50% - that is, about 25% winrate for the near-zero skill player under those conditions. So I voted 50/50.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on I have modeled 58 archetypes. Here's the future.


    Quote from Nanaki404 >>

    there is also the "budget factor". F2P players will tend to stick to their deck even if the winrate decreases (unless it goes REALLY low), and also tend to prefer crafting "cheaper" decks when crafting a new one (or a deck for which they have most cards, but this is much harder to model). The first part could be modeled by having an "inertia" factor that diminishes each generation loss/gain population by some factor. The second part would be harder but possible, but adding data about "dust cost" for each archetype, and having a growth factor for winning decks that is slower if decks cost more dust.

    That's actually a really good suggestion, and it wouldn't be very much work at all: just one extra stat per archetype and changing the gain-shares formula to  (winrate-.5)/dustcost. If I do this type of thing again, I'll incorporate dust cost into the modeling.
    Posted in: Standard Format
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