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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    Grand Lackey Erkh - While he is neutral and sort-of useful in singleton decks, his main purpose is to crank out lots of 4/4s after Dark Pharaoh Tekahn has been played. This means that his tier will likely never exceed Tekahn's. I'd put him at tier 4 currently and can't really see him going above tier 3 unless something miraculous happens.

    Sky Gen'ral Kragg - Auto include in quest hunter and for that he merits tier 1 status. Use in other decks is nebulous though as quest druid and quest warlock don't need it, quest priest doesn't want it to pollute the rez pool, and quest shaman and quest rogue got power crept out of the meta. For those Galakrond rogues who are still running the quest, stop as it's not worth it and you're making everyone look bad. :P

    The Amazing Reno - Auto include in any viable non-aggro mage deck, which at the moment is only singleton mage; a tier 3 deck. Reno is tier 2 by being a staple of a lesser deck. If mage goes up or down, his tier will follow.

    The Fist of Ra-den - Shaman is in a bad bad state and Ra-den isn't helping much. It's not a bad card, it's just that it's in a bad class. It's tier 4 at the moment and will be until the meta gets turned upside-down and shaken again.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Bug Fix Patch - Small Client Update: 15.2.2

    I'll miss the Titanic Lackey bug. I mean, not really but it was pretty funny that they had to use non-gold lackey generators during the Grand Master matches so that it wouldn't happen.

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide
    Quote from Sillyraptor >>

    Is Myra's Unstable Element viable in any decks right now? I accidentally crafted it instead of a different card with the recent nerfs and d/eing Luna's and don't wanna be out 1600 dust.

     Myra's is an amazing card. It's probably the very best rogue legendary and that's in a class that contains Edwin VanCleef.

    By the way, for future reference you can undo a card craft as long as you don't click off of it.

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide
    Quote from SnoderFaner >>

    I have a few suggestions to improve the guide further:

    • Firstly, Countess Ashmore should be dropped to T4; she sees little niche play in mech paladin, otherwise she's cut from most other decks due to being too slow, she also has low winrate.
    • Is there any particular reason why Flobbidinous Floop is in T3 while other quest druid staples are in T2? His winrate is on par with other legendaries in T2, and also sees play in some token variants.
    • Myra Rotspring should be T5: deathrattle rogue is not currently viable, but even when it was semi-viable pre-rotation she didn't see play much play; she also has very bad winrate currently.
    • Lady in White should be T5 too, she has very bad winrate and silence priest is almost non-existent as a deck.

    Countess Ashmore? She's still a perfectly playable card. In fact, Zephrys the Great might give her a chance to shine. I wouldn't move her lower than tier 3 right now.

    Flobbidinous Floop should probably be the very same tier as Elise the Enlightened as they are usually part of the same win condition. Keeper Stalladris and Wardruid Loti are the more proactive of the bunch. That being said, I don't expect Untapped Potential to make a comeback post nerfs. Sure, people will play it but it's going to be a tier 3 deck at best as it collapses to highlander hunter which isn't being nerfed.

    If it were my call, both Myra Rotspring and Lady in White would be tier 5'd long ago. Myra wasn't even relevant when deathrattle rogue was still being played and the existence of Sahket Sapper only makes her worse. Lady in White has always been a problematic card to get value from, where you have to build your deck around her with no guarantee that you'll ever draw her. So absolutely send Myra to the trash; no card printed in the final Year of the Dragon expansion will likely make her viable. As for Lady in White? There already exists an archetype that she can be easily slotted into and that is wall priest. Wall priest is a tier 4 deck, but it is still being refined and as it stands now, Lady is a great choice as she is a game swing when played but the deck still has a win condition without her. When people give up on wall priest, she can be moved to tier 5 but for now she's a niche tier 4 card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Arena Changes, Solo Adventure Hints & More - Blizzard Community Q&A
    Quote from duchailu >>

    ...try to give constructive crisicism...

     In my linked write-up, I suggested 3 different ways that they could lower the power level of Conjurer's Calling without destroying it. FYI, Hall of Faming Mountain Giant was not one of them, because it solves absolutely nothing while still removing a viable card from standard. Kibler hates the non-rotating basic and classic cards, and while I can respect that, I can also disagree. Hearthstone already has tons of worthless cards. Removing a playable (but not oppressive) card like Mountain Giant and replacing it with a worthless card (like Icicle or Barrens Stablehand) only gives players more pack filler.

    In a perfect world, most of the cards in the game would be playable. Players could build decks to suit their personal preferences. In the current game, there are terribly broken cards all the way down to utterly pointless cards.

    Broken cards are cards like:

    • Dr. Boom, Mad Genius - Once played, all of your mechs have rush. Your opponent cannot do anything about it. 1/5 chance of being able to discover a mech is a nice plus.
    • Conjurer's Calling - Read my fucking write-up. ;) It is essentially a full heal and duplicate spell that also has twinspell. It has stupidly low mana cost for what it does.
    • Luna's Pocket Galaxy - Sure it's a 5 mana "do nothing" card, but you give up short term tempo that turn to completely own tempo for the rest of the game.

    Useless cards are:

    • Arena Patron - Even at 3 mana this card wouldn't be good due to your opponent being able to deal with it before you could get any value. At 5 mana it's moronic. Buff this to 3 mana and it may see play. It may still be bad, but it could be interesting.
    • Eager Underling - It's like Fungalmancer but 1 mana cheaper, and worthless because it's a deathrattle.
    • Duskfallen Avianna - This card makes me angry when I remember it exists.

    In general, you should nerf the broken cards and buff the useless cards. However, you should never nerf a broken card down to useless status (Warsong Commander) or buff a useless card to broken status. You also should not print broken cards to compete with existing broken cards.

    Imagine we have a new card printed called "Iksar's Iridescent Idiot" which is a 1 mana 1/1 with a battlecry of "1 in 10 chance of destroying the enemy hero". It would be broken and everyone would use it. The solution would not be to print "Iksar's Indigo Iguana" next expansion which has a battlecry of "1 in 9 chance of destroying the enemy hero"! Sadly it appears that's what Hearthstone "balance" has come to at this point.


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    posted a message on Arena Changes, Solo Adventure Hints & More - Blizzard Community Q&A
    Quote from JoshoPrime >>
    Quote from psykechan >>
    Quote from debug4 >>

    cc is not a problem, mountain giant is, i do agree with kibler

     Fuck Kibler. Conjurer's Calling has been a problem since launch. I wrote a write-up on why it was a problem week 1 of Rise of Shadows! https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90625-conjurers-calling?page=2#c17

    Mountain Giant has never been oppressive until now. Handlock has used it for literal years and it's been fine. You want to Hall of Fame Mountain Giant now because it is the problem? Fine. Hall of Fame Mountain Giant, as well as Sea Giant while you're at it. Getting huge 10 mana taunts from CC'ing Sea Giant is obviously a problem with it and not CC. Better get rid of Rabble Bouncer as well!

    Oh and let's get rid of the worst mana cheating offender right now: Luna's Pocket Galaxy. You want to Hall of Fame Mountain Giant? Fine, but Luna's Fucking Pocket Fucking Galaxy goes too. It takes a lot of work to make a card more of an "I WIN" than Dr. Boom, Mad Genius but LPG is that card. I think it actually has a higher mulligan winrate than Barnes did at his peak. Team 5 should feel proud, and then very ashamed. LPG was a terrible choice to buff. It was a bad card, but at least at 7 mana it didn't shit all over the meta.

     Mountain giant was a problem in warlok since handlock existed for first time, just because 1 or 2 clases can abuse it it doesn't mean the card isn't a problem when it happens, as i said, nerf the new cards every time you want, the core problems will come back again and again and you will point expansion cards again

     There's a difference between a problem, and an advantage. To start with, an early Mountain Giant was an 8/8 on turn four (ignoring Baku the Mooneater shenanigans) and the trade-off was that you gave up tempo on the previous turns. There was a chance that your opponent would just trade their board into your giant to kill it, or at the very least, wound it so they could kill it with spells or taunt minions. Sometimes you were able to have an unanswered giant stick and be able to get a face hit or two. This was advantageous but not oppressive. Getting an early giant was equivalent to pumping up an early Mana Wyrm or spending all of your resources to get a large Edwin VanCleef.

    The problem with Conjurer's Calling is that when the giant hits the board, it must be answered immediately and completely. Trading minions to simply wound the giant is simply throwing board resources away because CC is essentially a heal and duplicate spell. Even if you don't trade, your opponent gets a free trade into your strongest minion. As long as it doesn't kill the giant, CC will provide two full health minions for you to deal with... which since it has twinspell means that your problems aren't over. Explain how this is a problem with MG and not CC. Seriously, I really don't understand why people can think CC is a balanced card.

    If you read my write-up I explain why it's broken and suggest several ways to fix it. My favorite fix is to apply a modifier to a minion on the board that shows how much mana it took when it was played. If you play a 3 mana Mountain Giant, hovering over it shows a yellow 3 on the mana gem instead of a white 12. Playing Conjurer's Calling (or evolve effects, etc.) would treat it as a 3 cost minion. Silencing it or returning it to the hand would reset it back to the normal stats.

    Kripparian has brought this up as well. https://youtu.be/ec5sQM37aHY?t=815

    Conjurer's Calling would still be undercosted at 3 mana but at least wouldn't be so stupid oppressive.

    Posted in: News
  • 13

    posted a message on Arena Changes, Solo Adventure Hints & More - Blizzard Community Q&A
    Quote from debug4 >>

    cc is not a problem, mountain giant is, i do agree with kibler

     Fuck Kibler. Conjurer's Calling has been a problem since launch. I wrote a write-up on why it was a problem week 1 of Rise of Shadows! https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/90625-conjurers-calling?page=2#c17

    Mountain Giant has never been oppressive until now. Handlock has used it for literal years and it's been fine. You want to Hall of Fame Mountain Giant now because it is the problem? Fine. Hall of Fame Mountain Giant, as well as Sea Giant while you're at it. Getting huge 10 mana taunts from CC'ing Sea Giant is obviously a problem with it and not CC. Better get rid of Rabble Bouncer as well!

    Oh and let's get rid of the worst mana cheating offender right now: Luna's Pocket Galaxy. You want to Hall of Fame Mountain Giant? Fine, but Luna's Fucking Pocket Fucking Galaxy goes too. It takes a lot of work to make a card more of an "I WIN" than Dr. Boom, Mad Genius but LPG is that card. I think it actually has a higher mulligan winrate than Barnes did at his peak. Team 5 should feel proud, and then very ashamed. LPG was a terrible choice to buff. It was a bad card, but at least at 7 mana it didn't shit all over the meta.

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  • 3

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    We've now had over a complete week of Saviors of Uldum meta and while it is in no way settled, it's to the point where we can talk tier lists for legendaries, both SoA's and what it has done with the existing ones.

    I'd also like to point out that while Zephrys the Great may soon be a candidate for the elite 'recommended craft' group that Leeroy Jenkins and Zilliax occupy, SN1P-SN4P is definitely a candidate for the coveted unicorn icon. Condolences to everyone who missed out on the Rise of the Mech golden copy; not only do you have to deal with only having a regular version but you have to spend dust crafting it too. :(

    Vicious Syndicate has put out their first data reaper report of the meta. This tier list is derived from that report as well as the usual suspects including horseplay hsreplay.net and the CompetitiveHS subreddit.

    Tier 1

    • Armagedillo - Staple in taunt control warrior.
    • Dinotamer Brann - Highlander hunter is tier 1 and Brann provides amazing tempo swing (as well as lethal).
    • High Priest Amet - Staple in combo priest.
    • Reno the Relicologist - Highlander mage is tier 1 and Reno provides amazing tempo swing.
    • Siamat - Great in highlander decks. All around useful and versatile. While good, he is not the new Zilliax due to no lifesteal.
    • Zephrys the Great - Must have in highlander decks. Great even in regular decks that draw out the duplicates.

    Tier 2

    • King Phaoris - Great finisher for decks that use large amount of spells.
    • Vessina - Staple in aggro overload shaman.

    Tier 3

    Tier 4

    Tier 5

    Other movers and shakers:

    • Luna's Pocket Galaxy - Up to Tier 1 from Tier 2. Luna's is used in every mage deck and provides enormous value.
    • Chef Nomi - Up to Tier 2 from Tier 3. Nomi is a fallback win condition for TTS paladin as well as a late game plan for druid.
    • Harrison Jones - Down to Tier 2 from Tier 3. Weapon removal isn't as big of a priority as it used to be.
    • Arch-Villain Rafaam - Down to Tier 3 from Tier 2. Zoolock is focusing on more aggro.
    • Darius Crowley - Down to Tier 3 from Tier 1. With the meta being either extreme control or extreme aggro, tempo Crowley doesn't have a place to fit.
    • Hagatha the Witch - Down to Tier 3 from Tier 2. Shaman is not winning the control game
    • Heistbaron Togwaggle - Down to Tier 3 from Tier 2. Rogue is focusing on more aggro.
    • Hex Lord Malacrass - Up to Tier 3 from Tier 4. Malacrass is providing excellent value in highlander mage.
    • Madame Lazul - Up to Tier 4 from Tier 5. Lazul is finding some successful experimentation in combo priest.

    In general, Zephrys is a safe craft. Siamat is also likely to be a safe craft albeit less flashy. The other Tier 1 SoU cards are required if you're going to be playing tier 1 decks. I would not recommend crafting any quest though as they are evenly divided between 'Playable', 'Almost Playable', and 'Bad'. If there is a nerf that allows tempo decks to shine, the non-bad quests (everything except warrior, mage, and warlock) might be worth it.

    A note about Sir Finley. (AKA: Please don't hate me SlydE) Tip the Scales pally is a Tier 1 deck, and Sir Finley can provide extra reach toward lethal in that deck. If you are playing TTS pally, by all means add Sir Finley. However, Finley's value in other decks gets worse the longer the game goes on, unlike the other singleton cards (especially Zephris and Elise). Unless someone can come up with a working highlander deck, Finley's success will be tied to TTS.

    A note about nerfs. With the meta dominated by extreme control decks and extreme aggro decks trying to confront them, there is little room for tempo decks. If value kings Dr. Boom, Mad Genius or Luna's Pocket Galaxy are nerfed, the meta should open wide. So don't go dusting those tempo cards just yet.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Masters Tour: Seoul - Free Packs from Twitch!

    If you watch all of the streams, you'll get 2 packs. I've been tuning in regularly to this and ever since twitch "classic pack" drops were a thing I've never received even one. As far as I am concerned, they are a scam until proven otherwise. :P

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  • 2

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    Terrorsquid66, To be fair, Boomsday's legendaries did get a post launch buff from the Rise of the Mech patch though (buffing Luna's Pocket Galaxy, The Storm Bringer, Flark's Boom-Zooka, and Dr. Morrigan as well as adding the amazing SN1P-SN4P) which even if you exclude the buffs, SN1P-SN4P alone raises the power level.

    Anyway, we've had almost 3 days of Saviors of Uldum, and while the meta is by no means settled, we can look at some trends and at least see how wrong I was. It's still pretty early; craft at your own risk.

    Quests are a fun thing as unlike other cards they always start in your hand unless you mulligan them away. This means that horseplay's hsreplay's played win rate may be pretty close to what the card's actual win rate is.

    1. 52.2% - Making Mummies
    2. 49.9% - Untapped Potential
    3. 48.7% - Corrupt the Waters
    4. 47.6% - Bazaar Burglary
    5. 47.0% - Activate the Obelisk
    6. 46.9% - Unseal the Vault
    7. 42.5% - Raid the Sky Temple
    8. 42.2% - Hack the System
    9. 37.4% - Supreme Archaeology

    The winner of the "Worst quest in the set" goes to the warlock quest! Congratulations! While I personally didn't think it was good, I am a little disappointed that it's doing worse than the warrior quest... the one that I rated on par with the druid quest (yes Highwayman37, you were right there. I was still right with Reno though). The big winner here is the paladin quest with people early on realizing that the best way of making mummies use of it was to grit your teeth, play a bunch of bad reborn minions, and by turn 7 put down Mechano-Egg and start Making Mechies. This doesn't mean that the other quests are not worth playing, it just means that they have a lot of refinement to do. Shameless link.

    So grats to all who got good quests. I got the warlock quest... just like I did in Un Goro... :P

    So let's look at the Zephrey and the League of Singleton Explorers. I'm including the deck win rate here as well as just the played WR is decieving.

    1. DeckWR: 59.0% - PlayWR: 69.7% - Dinotamer Brann
    2. DeckWR: 57.6% - PlayWR: 61.6% - Reno the Relicologist
    3. DeckWR: 56.3% - PlayWR: 55.7% - Zephrys the Great
    4. DeckWR: 48.2% - PlayWR: 50.9% - Elise the Enlightened
    5. DeckWR: 57.5% - PlayWR: 48.7% - Sir Finley of the Sands

    Highlander hunter and mage are doing pretty well. Druid is doing less so. What's going on with highlander paladin though? Highlander paladin isn't a thing, instead people are playing highroll paladin. Highroll paladin uses Prismatic Lens to pull out Tip the Scales and swap the costs with a minion (most likely a murloc) and flood the board early for a hopeful win. If that doesn't work, they fall back on using Zephry and Sir Finley and lastly Chef Nomi to try to pull out a win. This explains Sir Finley's low played win rate without having to think that he's just a terrible draw from Underbelly Angler.

    So what are some other winners and losers? Armagedillo is the best performing card, but control warrior already had a great shell (hehe). King Phaoris and Siamat are the neutral legendaries to keep an eye on (performing roughly as well as Zephrey) and Vessina and Dark Pharaoh Tekahn are rounding out the top 5 of the rest. High Priest Amet is the last to have a positive deck and play WR. Colossus of the Moon has a high play WR but a low deck WR which is very odd as the most popular deck that runs it tries to cheat it to the board with Duel!. This may be an outlier.

    Anka, the Buried is doing abysmal, which is not surprising in early experimental decks of this type. Octosari is also doing pretty badly which is probably explainable as no one knows what to do with it.

    Recommended crafts? NONE! But... Zephrey if you want to play singleton decks, King Phaoris and Siamat if you want collection flexibility, any one of the top 5 quests (they are fun and are performing OK), Tekahn if you want to climb the ladder, and Armagedillo if you hate fun.

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    Time for a quick pre-release tier guess. This expansion marks the return of Quests, Highlander mechanics, and really questionable legendaries, but it does have some stand-outs.

    Tier 1

    Tier 2

    • Bazaar Burglary - Decent reward and not that hard to complete, this quest is probably going to see some play in multiple rogue archetypes, not just thief rogue.
    • Corrupt the Waters - Double battlecries is an interesting ability to have on a hero power. Fortunately the quest is almost an auto-complete with all of those Lackeys running around.
    • Dark Pharaoh Tekahn - This kind of "For the rest of the game" effect is pretty powerful and turning 1/1s into 4/4s isn't to be taken lightly. The problem is though that you're only getting a total of 8 Lackeys from your deck. Is it enough? In fact, it is, even if you can only make use of a single upgraded Lackey. He'll shine in Magic Carpet zoo and may see play in other archetypes.
    • High Priest Amet - I am probably wrong to put him this high up but I believe this is the sleeper of the set. His effect is on summon which means that you can do crazy Reborn trades when he comes into play and end up with an obscenely healthy board. At the very least he will give us some memes.
    • Reno the Relicologist - People are complaining that he isn't as strong as old Reno Jackson and that's true, but they aren't focusing on the fact that his effect only affects the opponent's board. Look at how powerful Dyn-o-matic is currently and imagine that you don't have to care if your opponent has mechs or if you have friendly non-mechs. Dare I say that if you are against aggro you'll want to keep a 6 cost card in your mulligan.
    • Siamat - Nice and versatile without being too overpowering. Good all around but especially useful for highlander decks and Shudderwock fans.

    Tier 3

    • Anka, the Buried - Will she be the Mecha'thun combo enabler? People will defeinitely be trying to figure that out.
    • Armagedillo - I think this will slide easily into the meta. Imagine a 6 mana 4/7 minion that said "If Zilliax is in your hand, give it +2/+2". Would you play it? You would certainly consider it. In wild with Fire Plume's Heart this is even better.
    • Dinotamer Brann - If you are trying to make use of Zephry, you may as well include new Brann. 7 mana for 10/12 worth of stats with 8/8 of it having charge isn't bad.
    • Elise the Enlightened - Probably the weakest Elise card but she is still viable. She isn't going to be a combo enabler but she can shore up part of a highlander deck's weakness.
    • Raid the Sky Temple - This actually has negative synergy with hand mage as they are trying to play an early Mountain Giant to hit it with Conjurer's Calling. So why the tier 3 placement? You can always mulligan the quest away, and it's not like you won't still have a chance to complete it later in the game even if you do.
    • Vessina - Good, but not as good as people think due to her not activating her own ability and probably not sticking on the board long enough to get use.

    Tier 4

    • Activate the Obelisk - 15 health is a huge amount and it's almost positive that some of that healing will be a tempo loss which you may not be able to make up later after you get the admittedly decent reward. To make this quest work you will likely have to rely on AoE healing effects. On the plus side, Holy Nova could become part of the meta again.
    • King Phaoris - If you're playing the new mage quest in your Mana Cyclone deck, you can fill your board with random minions. Um, OK I guess.
    • Making Mummies - Yes the reward is great but to complete the quest you're going to have to draw and play several mediocre cards. Is it worth trying? Sure. You may even have fun with it. I mean Kibler enjoyed his Plot Twist warlock deck.
    • Sir Finley of the Sands - Baku the Mooneater has shown us that the best part of upgraded hero powers is at the beginning of the game. Instead of 3 of 8 choices, you'll get 3 of 9 choices now so it'll be even harder to get your preferred hero power for the situation. He's not bad, but he is too unreliable to be an auto-include in a Zephry deck.
    • Supreme Archaeology - This card isn't going to set the meta aflame. The reward is acceptable and the quest is able to be  completed early enough if, and it's a big if, you are able to abuse Plot Twist. This could mark a return of handlock to the meta as long as they can reliably deal with both aggro and Conjurer's Calling.
    • Unseal the Vault - Remember how hyped people were over The Marsh Queen? Remember how it didn't succeed?  This time won't be much different. Some insane genius will design a deck that will complete the quest by playing Zul'jin and create the next Pogo-rogue archetype for people to show disappointing results on ladder.

    Tier 5

    • Colossus of the Moon - A 10 mana do nothing card. This will see lots of play when Conjurer's Calling is cast on Sea Giant but you'll never ever want to actually put it in a deck.
    • Hack the System - This card is just good enough for people to try it in wild pirate warrior and be subsequently disappointed.
    • Octosari - Drawing on Deathrattle has always been a potential liability and this will almost certainly overdraw you. Bad for control, too slow for aggro, can't even Treachery it in wild. This is a sari excuse for a card. Sari not sari.
    • Untapped Potential - With ramp nerfed to the ground, this is just a gradual tempo destruction for a dubious reward. Fandral Staghelm was viable back in the day but he isn't even being run in modern jade druid.

    All in all not bad. Better than Rastakahn's Rumble but not as good as Boomsday Project. I look forward to playing with some of these cards.









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    posted a message on The HearthPwn Tavern Is Closing Its Doors

    Thanks hearthpwn. Fuck you curse gaming.

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    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide
    Quote from beppe946 >>

    Hi everyone,

    a few weeks ago I managed to hit rank 5 with Midrange Hunter despite having Zul'jin in my deck. Since then I've played very little in ranked due to university exams and a couple of days ago (after the Balance Patch) I started climbing again, but I haven't been able to go beyond Rank 4. Because of that, I'm now considering to craft Zul'jin in order to get that nice late game push and to justify most of the spells I'm running.

    Now, some questions: considering that I'm playing a regular Midrange Hunter list (more or less this one), is it a deck worth the craft? Cause I'm feeling like I'm being annihilated by this new meta: maybe it's not that good anymore (or maybe it's just some bad luck of mine). Moreover, I think that there will soon be another balance patch, as the Devs left intended a week ago. Considering this case scenario, would this craft lose some of its value?


    I'm going to assume that you did not have Zul'jin in your Midrange Hunter deck since you are considering crafting him. Also, there is going to be a balance patch (18 card buffs and 1 card nerf) on June 3rd which will likely affect the meta in some way. If you are on the fence on crafting, please hold on for a few weeks.

    However, since I would still very recommend crafting Zul'jin, lets look at his strengths, status post the rogue nerf, and speculate about usage post the Boomsday Buff patch.

    Zul'jin's power comes from being able a single card to "reload" your board, and in some cases, your hand. He is most useful with secrets, summoning spells (with one exception), and and enemy-targeted spells like Deadly Shot. He is somewhat less useful with neutral-targeted spells like Kill Command as it can (and will!) hit your side of the board, or spells like Tracking where you don't get to discover what card you pull. Well worth the 10 mana to play, plus as a nice bonus you get 5 armor and permanent Steamwheedle Sniper effect for the rest of the game.

    Of the five hunter archetypes (Secret Hunter, Midrange Beast Hunter, Bomb Mech Hunter, Deathrattle Mech Hunter, and Spell Hunter), Zul'jin was in use in all but Bomb Hunter which tried to close games before turn 10. Midrange Hunter also tried to close games before 10 but if you did have to go longer, he was invaluable.

    Tempo rogue was one of hunter's boogeymen being able to kill much faster. Tempo rogue is dead now, however, all hunter archetypes still struggle against Token Druid, Murloc Shaman, and Zoo Warlock; decks that can flood the board so that hunter can't keep up. If hunter can survive into late game, they will often win simply due to value from Zul'jin. Bomb Hunter suffered at the hands of Tempo Rogue like all of the other archetypes, but it preyed upon Tempo Rogue's counter deck Control Warrior. With Control Warrior not having their favorite prey anymore their numbers dwindle so Bomb Hunter's advantage dwindles too. Terribly sorry for those who crafted Boommaster Flark but Zul'jin is by far the superior late game card.

    With the Boomsday Buffs approaching, we have to look at if the two buffed hunter cards (Necromechanic and Flark's Boom-Zooka) and SN1P-SN4P will help, and we have to see if there are any distinct problems that other buffed classes will impose.

    SN1P-SN4P will be a moderate boost to Bomb Hunter and a very minor boost to Deathrattle Hunter. Will it make Bomb Hunter want to use Zul'jin? No. Will it make Zul'jin better in Deathrattle Hunter? Not really as it makes Nine Lives slightly worse filling up precious Zul'jin board space with 1/1s.

    Will the Flark's Boom-Zooka buff make a difference? Ha ha ha no, not in standard at least. Wild Big Charge Beast Hunter may climb up to being a tier 4 deck, so at least there's that.

    How about Necromechanic? This one is very interesting. Houndmaster Shaw has shown us that even playing a minion like this on curve is viable as it can be difficult to clear. Deathrattle Hunter will definitely use this and Bomb Hunter may think about it over SN1P-SN4P. Having Nine Lives trigger twice off of Zul'Jin is not bad but it's certainly no game changer.

    About the other classes? Warrior and Paladin may improve slightly. I don't think that they will give hunter too many problems. Shaman and Mage are getting a slight buff that will make them better against hunter. That's about it though.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Legendary Tier List & Crafting Guide

    I consider Lorewalker Cho to be a Tier 4 card. It has uses. They aren't great, but they are there.

    Harbinger Celestia on the other hand is just a bad card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on 5 Decks for Your Unpopular Rise of Shadows Legendaries
    Quote from sundarkssh >>

    I know these are Regis Killbin's decks, but let's give a shout to Trump's Omega Coffee Warlock. That thing was nuts on his stream, and I would definitely craft 2 Omega Agents if I wasn't saving up for Dr. Boom.

     Give credit to WabekaHS who came up with the idea. ;)

    Posted in: News
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