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    posted a message on Tavern Pass bonus card P2W

    Finley is used in control warrior. You know you can play any of the other 10 meta decks that don't run finley? You're welcomed. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Onyxia's Lair Decks - Having Fun With (Or Against!) Kazakusan
    Quote from Specialforces >>

    For the druid variant there is no consistent counter. Maybe, just maybe quest rogue or a faster priest if druid gets crappy draws

     Aggro druid, beast druid, face hunter, shadow priest, buff paladin, quest rogue. Yep, definitely no counters.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Wildpaw Gnoll confusion???
    Quote from sanchogrande >>

    It does seem like a bug, but it's an intentional interaction to rescue Maestra. They wanted to do something to make her playable, as it turns out that class specific mulligans are not really a thing. 

     It's not a bug at all. If you somehow manage to play a hero card from a different class, future discover cards will discover from that class only. Switching heroes (through hero cards or maestra) is like switching classes thus the gnoll interaction works as intended.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What is the meta difference?

    D5 is people who play off meta / meme decks. D4 is a mix of those named before who managed to get a few wins and people who try hard to climb for legend. D3-D1 tier 1-2 meta decks, you can find decklists everywhere on internet. Dumpster legend is like D5, high legend is meta decks like the ones from D4 to D1. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on 22.0.2 Patch Notes - Balance Changes (BG, Constructed), Arena Update, Bug Fixes & More

    Ah yes, random people on a forum complaining about nerfs as if they know better how to balance. 1 health is a huge deal for heroes that can ping, it eliminates a lot of pressure. Then, that pirate was fine before, got buffed to 2/2 and became one of the best 1 drops in the game and now it got reverted back to being fine.

    What about you wait a bit after these changes instead of calling devs retards? Smh

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on New Druid Legendary Card Revealed - Guff Runetotem

    Boar will rotate to wild, this card buffs minions on board so it could buff auctioneer instead, you are limited to nature spells only if you want the buffs. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Paladin Legendary Card Revealed - Cannonmaster Smythe

    A deck doesn't have to go for only one win condition. For example, this could be a nice package for libram paladin but that deck already plays the degenerate pen flinger strat and no way they change it for this. 

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Developer Interview - Battlegrounds, No 10 Gold For 3 Wins, Next Patch & More

    Uhm, Iksar is doing weekly AMA where he answers ENGLISH questions. Asian people are not the best at speaking english and with china being a big part of blizzard community, they want to make something for them only. That doesn't mean they only care about china.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Which wild cards are you hopeful to see in the core set, and why is it Duskbreaker?

    Definitely Dirty Rat. Good thing is that core set changes every year so they can remove dirty rat if they feel combo players will complain too much about it.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Warlock allowed to destroy entire deck with Tickatus in ranked?
    Quote from Goodlake >>

    Mindrender Illucia isn't even in every Priest deck, whereas Tickatus is in every warlock deck besides Zoo. Every one! That's because there is no downside to playing Tickatus beyond queuing into a bad matchup, whereas poor Illucia play can punish a Priest player as much as the opponent. Stats on mindrender are hard to come by, but the most popular HL Priest deck at legend gives her a 40.5% played WR, compared to a 51% deck WR (Tickatus has >60% played WR). And that's at legend! That should raise some eyebrows when we talk about skill testing.

    Mindrender requires you to recognize the deck you're facing, what the wincon is, when they're likely to have key combo pieces in their hand and can only be played when you yourself aren't holding anything your opponent can use. Tickatus requires you to play Galakrond or Twisting Nether while it's in your hand and then you're taking your opponent to fatigue and then he comes down as soon as it's safe, which is a reasonably easy condition to create with all the removal at Warlock's disposal.

    The reward/punishment framework is a useful one when comparing cards like this. What is the punishment for playing Tickatus poorly? You don't burn the "right" cards? Probably doesn't necessarily matter, you've still put your opponent 5 cards closer to fatigue and have deprived him of 5 resources he was counting on while building the deck, while giving him an 8/8 he has to deal with immediately. Compare to Illucia, where opponents have the opportunity to utilize your own cards for their benefit, including potentially ruining your C'Thun, playing your Galakrond, etc. If you highroll and steal their ETC, Il'Gynoth or Mozaki, then yeah, you've just highrolled and stolen a game against specific combo opponent. Grats. If you don't, then you've wasted a turn, given your opponent potentially valuable resources and generated almost nothing for yourself.

    We can construct hypothetical examples for when either card wins games or when they don't, but the statistics seem to suggest that Tickatus is an "I win" card in the matchups where he's playable (i.e. everything except aggro), while Illucia is a dead card against most opponents that you're potentially better off not playing in all but the most specific cases.

     If we are gonna talk about this let's not be biassed towards the decks we play, alright? I don't know where you get your stats from, but there is not a single tickatus deck that has over 50% winrate, so it's in the same spot as priest (highlander or control). But unlike tickatus warlock, control priest actually sees a lot of play in high legend ranks after some pro player hit top 10 with it. Why is that deck better than tickatus? Because of Illucia obviously and yes, she is in every viable priest deck right now. 

    Tickatus equals "I win" against any archetype except aggro? Well, if I look on hsreplay for some stats you most likely don't care about I see tickatus having the next winrates: 27% against life steal DH, 43% against mozaki mage, 40% against ETC warrior. And now priest: 49% against life steal DH, 52% against mozaki mage, 47% against ETC warrior. Now keep in mind that these stats are from low ranked games, as you go higher in the ranks you can be sure priest will have better winrates while warlock's will be worse (the only reason tickatus warlock has decent winrate against some otk decks is because of the players that can't play the specific otk decks properly).

    Now, is tickatus insta win against control? No. If you play a greedy control deck, with literally no win condition which is a bad idea in this meta, then you deserve to be punished by tickatus. You forget that warlocks draw at least 6-7 cards per game with their hero power? And that's on top of free admission or veiled worshipper. Tickatus only balances the fatigue in control match ups, what about you add hecklebots and c'thun (for the extra 4 cards) and try to see if you lose fatigue? I know it's easier to complain when nobody comes to tell you "look my child, this is now you are supposed to play control vs tickatus, it's not really that hard" but I understand that in game where everyone netdecks the best meta decks and play whatever they find.

    I think you don't understand what "played winrate" means for a card. If I face 15 aggro decks as tickatus warlock and lose all of them before being able to play tick and as you said that's just right, you can't do that in an aggro meta, but then I face a control deck, play tick and win then wow, tickatus has 100% played winrate. That's insane right? As priest you can even try to tempo play illucia, what do you give to your opponent, board clears? I bet they would like to blast their own board. Illucia doesn't have a drawback like tempo tickatus. So priests can play her anytime and still lose, that's why her played winrate isn't that high.

    "Mindrender requires you to recognize the deck you're facing" you are saying this like we are in a meta with 100 viable decks. Yeah you definitely don't know what deck your opponent is playing if you are new to hearthstone. One more thing, you don't have control over what cards you discard with tickatus which is a big factor in "insta winning games", while illucia on the other hand... I mean, just think a bit about what you want to waste from your opponent's hand.

    And again, someone with the old "you can't pressure warlock with all their removals" and again, I look at their winrates and I clearly don't see 70+ as you make it look like. 

    Do me a favor, go back and read again what I said before, you don't need to play the key cards after you swap hands (mozaki, illgynoth, etc). A combo deck doesn't relly on 1 card, there are multiple ways to break their combos.

    Now I can see you are a priest player, do you know what else I see? Tickatus warlock beating the **** out of priests, no matter the archetype so I understand your frustration but you already beat aggro with your 27 aoe cards deck and insta win against otk with 1 single card. And as everyone know, you can't win everytime my friend. So after you lose to a tickatus go out, take your time, remember that those guys will lose to 70% of the meta, come back and lose to some more tickatus warlocks then complain on this forum, just let it out.

    Posted in: Warlock
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