• 12

    posted a message on SMOrc RAFAAM LOCK SMOrc

    If you're going to use the curse, run Loatheb!  make it harder for them to get it out of their hand!

    Posted in: SMOrc RAFAAM LOCK SMOrc
  • 8

    posted a message on Warsong Commander Nerf Incoming

    I'm rejoicing because patron warriors were bad for the meta, but they really could have thought of a better way to nerf this.  People are (correctly, IMO) pointing out that Raid Leader is strictly better than Warsong Commander - a class card.  That's just poor design.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #36 - Submission Topic. [CLOSED]

    Shattered Sun Offensive

    IMO, professions, quest items, and factions make the most sense as neutral spells.  I decided to go with a faction that reminded me of my favorite period of WoW.

    Shattered sun cards include Shattered Sun Cleric Aldor Peacekeeper Arcane Golem Fencing Coach.  Battlecries won't take effect, so you could end up with (for 2 mana) a 2/2 (bad), a 3/2 (ok), a 3/3 (good), or a 4/2 with charge (OP).

    The best comparison is Animal Companion, which gives you 4-mana value but costs 3 because of randomness.  This randomness has a lower floor and a higher ceiling.  The only way to make neutral spells more or less equally valuable for most of the classes is to have a high degree of randomness, with an unlikely but fantastic possible outcome.  

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on The Wall 9/28 V1.1

    Other versions included Kvaldir Raider Elemental Destruction and The Black Knight.


    1.)Kvaldir Raider: This was meant to be combo'd with ancestral healing early game, or healing totem midgame.  It's only good against extremely aggressive decks.

    2.) Elemental Destruction: This is entirely meant as a catchup card.  Because it's only 3 mana, you may be able to flood the board that same turn and unlock the overload with Lava Shock

    3.) The Black Knight: There isn't a lot of removal in this deck; it counts on getting board control and making efficient trades.  Against slow decks where you find yourself facing down small numbers of big minions, you'll be using your Ancestral Healings to heal, not taunt.  If you find yourself stuck with them in your hand lategame, The Black Knight can act as another Big Game Hunter with a better body.

    Posted in: The Wall 9/28 V1.1
  • 1

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #34 - Submission Topic [ENDED]


    I'd like to see troggs used more.  They don't currently have any tribe mechanics, and I'm fine with that.  I like the idea of making spells very difficult to use.

    This guy would be good in an opening hand, or behind any taunt.  I like the way he discourages AoE similarly to Nerubian Egg, but for a totally different reason.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 5

    posted a message on Kolento Legend #1 Druid

    double combo just feels dirty to play.  You can also screw yourself pretty badly when you get them in hand early.  Druid has always been fun because of the hard decisions you have to make, trading tempo for efficiency for board presence.  Blowing part of the combo early is part of that decision, and therefore fun, but painful at the same time.

    Posted in: Kolento Legend #1 Druid
  • 0

    posted a message on [Top 200 Legend] Mendi's CW

    I crafted Varian Wrynn like a week ago.  Maybe I should have made Ysera.  Crap.

    I'm running Kel'Thuzad, Nefarian, Dr. Boom, Varian WrynnSylvanas Windrunner and Sneed's Old Shredder on the top end.  Maybe I'm being a bit too greedy?  I've never lost to another control deck but I do lose to Face/Midrange Hunter and Dragon Priest sometimes.  Those matchups are probably only a little under 50% for me though, so maybe it's worth it to have that shiny 100% vs. control.  Not sure.

    Mech mage is laughable, which surprises me.  How am I managing to lose to hunters sometimes, but crush mech mage?

    Posted in: [Top 200 Legend] Mendi's CW
  • 1

    posted a message on Top4Paladin

    I think some people may be onto something calling this the new cancer.  That's fine though - Kezan meta will be fun.

    Posted in: Top4Paladin
  • 0

    posted a message on Kvaldir Raider

    You guys aren't thinking of this correctly.  This card is going to be very good, and Floating Watcher is going to become better.  Hero powers used to be tempo losses or inefficient uses of mana at least.  That's all changing now Floating Watcher was already solid because on turn 7, you get a 6/6 and draw a card, although you take two damage.  Now imagine that you also reduced the cost of that hero power, or have another minion that gets buffed by using it.

    Posted in: Kvaldir Raider
  • 0

    posted a message on New Mage Card - Polymorph Boar

    A minion controlled by the mage would be able to attack, be Polymorph: Boar 'd then attack again.  FANTASTIC.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card - Recruiter

    Stats close enough to decent - such that I wouldn't mind playing him on curve.  Forcing your opponent to remove things inefficiently has value too.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Priest Card - Shadowfiend

    This is most simply combo'd with Power Word: Shield.  That also gives it a better chance of survival to let your next turn's draw get reduced as well.  The body is reasonable enough that getting just one card's cost reduced from this minion is perfectly fine.


    It really doesn't seem like something you'd be inclined to hold until you had Northshire Cleric in hand AS WELL AS a damaged minion on board.  You could, you'd just be silly to wait for it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Priest Card - Shadowfiend

    This is most simply combo'd with Power Word: Shield.  That also gives it a better chance of survival to let your next turn's draw get reduced as well.  The body is reasonable enough that getting just one card's cost reduced from this minion is perfectly fine.


    It really doesn't seem like something you'd be inclined to hold until you had Northshire Cleric in hand AS WELL AS a damaged minion on board.  You could, you'd just be silly to wait for it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Sparring Partner

    Sarcasm noted, but the extra swing might actually be worth the 1 extra mana over fiery win axe, now that cheap taunts are around.  Control warrior already likes Unstable Ghoul and Zombie Chow.  Say you give chow taunt, or coin out Armorsmith and give her taunt.  Playing King's Defender turn 3 (assuming at least one of your taunts lives) seems like a hard counter to aggro.

    I guess what I'm saying is this: The 3 damage on Fiery War Axe can be overkill against aggro early turn minions, like Leper Gnome, Mad Scientist, etc.  Playing your weapon turn 3 is perfectly fine now that this exists.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on New Card - The Skeleton Knight

    The comparisons to Malorne are foolish.  If you're even a little bit ahead, this card makes you STAY ahead.  If you play this on curve to an empty board, and win your coinflips, you probably win the game.  You can engineer the coinflips by designing the deck with low cost removal spells and high cost minions.  Your odds of getting good flips would be pretty high.


    There is a nightmare scenario though: If you play this turn 6 and your opponent plays his BGH on his turn 6, he has 3 mana with which to develop another minion.  Let's say you play this fella again turn 7.  BGH trades into the Skeleton Knight again and your opponent is ahead with his 3 mana minion on his turn.  If you had a 1-mana spell that could kill the BGH, you'd be ok though.   This card isn't bad, it's just kindof difficult to use.  Not insanely difficult though.  If this ate up BGH, you may not mind so much in a deck you built in order to win jousts.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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