• 3

    posted a message on Ivory Knight

    But with how discover works, you have three choices, so you will never pick eye for an eye (unless your opponent is at 1 HP)

    Posted in: Ivory Knight
  • 9

    posted a message on Ivory Knight

    Time to review another new card... because I want to get most of the new set out of way as I play with the cards.

    Time for Ivory Knight 

    The Breakdown

    This is a 6 mana 4/4 minion. So... 3.4 mana of stats? Well that is the only bad news. Now for the good news! This card lets you discover a spell! With how discover works, (only letting you get cards from your class and neutral cards, but their are no neutral spells) you will be presented with 3 random paladin spells to choose from, the chosen spell is added to your hand. And what is more? You gain life based on that spells cost! (honestly my first thought when I saw this was oh look! A paladin Antique Healbot)

    I love using the EqualityConsecration combo, and I found that this card has a pretty high chance of grabbing my missing piece for this combo. 

    Some people are trying to say this card is bad because you can get the WORST paladin spell, Eye for an Eye,off it. My answer... no... sure you can... but you will always have 3 CHOICES! If you see and Eye for an EyeHand of Protection, and Divine Strength, you will NOT pick the Eye for an Eye, the divine shield or the buff will be better. But that is the WORSE case possible off this discover. You MIGHT get the choice of Equality, ConsecrationBlessing of KingsStand Against DarknessHammer of Wrath, or EVEN Avenging Wrath or EVEN Lay on Hands. You have to admit, this card is INSANE! Letting you use an extra spell... and HEALING you? 

    Sure the effect is still RNG, but I have not yet been faced with 3 bad choices. 


    Ivory Knight is a good replacement for paladins for the previous rotated Antique Healbot


    I hope you enjoyed reading this! If you see something I missed or want me to review a certain card just let me know :) 

    A list of all my previous reviews is here on this DA journal.

    Posted in: Ivory Knight
  • 4

    posted a message on Chillmaw

    I am crazy! past midnight but I want to do another review!!!

    This card is one of my dragon ladies! (yes! I know it is a girl because the flavor text)

    The Breakdown

    Chillmaw is a 7 mana 6/6, not overly bad. She has taunt, which is really good to have, so she does protect you. And, when this lovely dies you get a free Hellfire. The only requirement is that you have another dragon in your hand and that is not to hard to pull off. Though to be honest I use her in my N'Zoth, the Corruptor deck mainly because reusable taunt (and I do have a few other dragons so she triggers her ability sometimes), of course she is WAY better in a REAL dragon deck. 

    Chillmaw's ability makes her one of the best support pieces for dragon decks, it is always good to clear your opponents board of a pesky Moroes and a few other small to medium sized minions! As long as you are using a dragon deck she is one of the best taunts in the game! (even though no taunt is better then Tirion Fordring). 

    I highly recommend her for anyone who is like me...and is OBSESSED with playing dragon control and killing ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING JUST FOR FUN! *evil laughter*



    Chillmaw is an efficient way for dragon decks to deal with large boards of small minions. You could use her in a N'zoth deck but unless you are also using dragons you have better choices. 



    I hope you enjoyed reading this! See anything I missed? Want me to review a card? Just let me know :D 

    A DA journal containing links to all my reviews is here!

    Posted in: Chillmaw
  • 3

    posted a message on Rend Blackhand

    Even just "Battlecry: Destroy a Legendary Minion" would be better then he is now. 

    Posted in: Rend Blackhand
  • 7

    posted a message on Rend Blackhand

    Ok! Time to review... for the third time today! 

    I will call this a memorial review because he will soon be no longer obtainable except by crafting thanks to rotation, and he is totally not worth crafting.

    So why would I review a card that will soon be forgotten? Because I can never forget my 3rd legendary!

    The breakdown

    Rend Blackhand is a 7 mana 8/4, these stats are terrible, worse then Core Hound. Luckily this guy gets... an oddly specific ability to back up his terrible stats! If you have a dragon in your hand, you kill your opponent's legendary! Yay for super-oddly-specific abilities that have a requirement and need specific targets! When I was a new player the first expansion I bought was Blackrock Mountain, and I was SOOOO happy to see this guy (because I was tired of loosing to legendaries). However it did not take me long to realize that he was not that good... his ability was just asking for to much to work all the time and if I played him without his ability his 4 HP would just get him killed! 

    However I still used him for quite some time, then I got a Big Game Hunter and used it instead. But I have good memories of games when he did work, one opponent even conceded when I killed their Ragnaros the Firelord. So I can't be to hard on this guy, especially when he is not TOOOO bad in the current meta game (still terrible). But I think he was blizzards attempt at giving new players a tool to deal with legendaries just by playing in adventure mode, even though I think they could have just given him a WAY cooler ability or removed the requirement to activate his ability. The better ability, would have made him even more useful for a new player. 

    The best thing about him is he looks bad ass. 

    He is definitely something that is fun to get off a RNG effect like Elise Starseeker assuming you get a dragon as well. But I don't think he is something that you would waste a spot in your deck for. I have had fun with this guy in some tavern brawls (like the one where all minions have charge and taunt) but I DO NOT recommend him in arena. The odds of your opponent actually getting a legendary is Arena is to low! 

    When he actually works he is allot of fun, unfortunately his ability having the activation requirement and the limit on what he can kill... makes him worse than most legendaries out there.


    Rend Blackhand is a neat idea for a card that kills legendaries but with his poor stats AND an activation requirement he is to oddly specific to be of much use. His HP is so low that anything your opponent played before him has a good chance of killing him. 

    And he is TERRIBLE in arena because the odds of your opponent having a legendary in that game mode is REALLY low. If he appears, pick one of the guys beside him.



    I hope you enjoyed reading this! Found something I missed? Want me to review a card? Let me know!

    A list of all reviews I have done is in this DA journal!

    Posted in: Rend Blackhand
  • 7

    posted a message on Tirion Fordring

    I felt like I needed to do a review for Tirion Fordring because I play paladin class  most of the time.

    This card is easily one of the STRONGEST legendaries in the game, which is good considdering the fact that you expect a class legendary to be super powerful since class cards are meant to be more powerful then neutral (except in some sad cases). Pretty much any paladin player who has him is going to use him. 

    The Breakdown!

    Tirion Fordring is a 8 mana 6/6. His stats are not quite worth 8 mana but his abilities sure are. This noble paladin had Divine Shield and Taunt!  (Giant ass Annoy-o-Tron) What else? Well... a REALLY powerful deathrattle! He equips you with a 5/3 weapon, this weapon is good for removal or up to 15 face damage! This makes this guy a great way to stabilize a loosing board or push an already winning board the rest of the way.

    He has INSANE synergy with N'Zoth, the Corruptor! If he dies, N'zoth can bring him back! 

    He also works well with the new Barnes. Barnes putting a 1/1 tirion into play is not a bad thing. You still get a 1/1 taunt with divine shield, and you get a 5/3 weapon to bash things in the face with just because you can.

    His main weakness are Hex, Entomb and Polymorph, he is also vulnerable to silence effects but they are not nearly as bad, better no ability 6/6 then a no ability 1/1. 

    Wanna know the best part? This guy is in the classic set... this means that he will ALWAYS be allowed in the standard format! 

    Craftable? If you play a ton of paladin like I do, yes!  If not... then why would you craft a paladin legend?

    And his entrance quote is SOOO bad ass with the background music! 


    Tirion Fordring is the most bad ass paladin legendary in the game! He is ultra powerful and makes a good combo with Barnes and N'Zoth, the Corruptor. The only thing you really need to worry about is Hex, Entomb and Polymorph

    Tirion always being standard legal is a pretty good reason to always keep him handy! 


    I hope you enjoyed reading this! If you saw anything I missed or want me to review a card just let me know! 

    See a list of my other reviews here!


    Posted in: Tirion Fordring
  • 2

    posted a message on Moroes

    I realized I forgot to mention how well he works with Darkshire Councilman and Knife Juggler

    Posted in: Moroes
  • 6

    posted a message on Moroes

    Alright Everyone! Time for my first attempt at fully reviewing a card :D I decided I would go over each new legendary from the new adventure as soon as I get a chance to play with them. 

    The Break Down

    If we view his stats and mana cost we see a 3 mana 1/1, so he is definitely not a power house because he can flex his muscles about as well as a Murloc Tinyfin. But then we come to his abilities. First off, he has stealth. Stealth is one REALLY annoying ability because it keeps you from attacking this Wisp or targeting him until he attacks! (but really? why would you attack with him). Now for what makes this guy good... his next ability summons a 1/1 minion at the end of each of your turns. So in a way he is like an Imp Master  with stealth but he does not kill himself. The longer this guy lasts the MORE annoying he gets. Basically any class can get a free Paladin hero power EVERY turn. 

    But he has a major weakness... He dies to mass removal effects like Holy Nova and Consecration, he even dies to Arcane Explosion! Because of this a good strategy would be to give him a HP increase or give him Divine Shield. 

    Moroes is a great way to fill your board quickly. Effects like this are HIGHLY annoying! If you can get this guy out exactly on turn 3 (or 2 with the coin) your opponent will have a difficult time  dealing with all your minions unless they can draw a mass removal effect. Even if you have to play him later he is still an annoying little threat that your opponent will want off the board. 


    Moroes is a powerful neutral minion for only 3 mana. I have had the chance to play with him a bit in my paladin deck and it is definitely one of my favorite low-mana-legendaries. He is a SUPER good way to fill the field with minions but he is weak against mass removal. So the best strategy is to have a way to buff his HP or grant it Divine Sheild to make him harder to kill. 

    If well protected this annoying little pest can prove to be big trouble for your opponent.

    And we cant forget! My next favorite thing on a legendary is humor. And his flavor text is very silly ;)

    I am hoping to bring you another review of the new legendaries next week :D 

    Thanks for Reading!

    See something I forgot in my review? Let me know! Have a card you want me to review? Let me know! 

    A list of all my Reviews is here!

    Posted in: Moroes
  • 1

    posted a message on Pack Opening Day

    Well! I will be opening 53 packs on youtube :) Not that much but it will still be fun! 

    At least we all get... C'Thun 

    I am hoping for Deathwing, Dragonlord

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 12

    posted a message on Hallazeal the Ascended

    Board wipe and Reno Jackson just by playing Elemental Destruction? Yes please! 

    Posted in: Hallazeal the Ascended
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