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    posted a message on Pls. Blizzard make RENO JACKSON part of the basic/classic set!
    Quote from Prod >>
    Quote from rpgalon >>

    So much bullshit being said here,

     And yet somehow you manage to post the biggest bullshit yet.
     I bet with you that if they include more healing cards in the next exp, the kazakus warlock decks will still be competitive.
    The highlander priest doesn't even need Reno if you change some cards.
    Yeah the decks will get weaker but that happens to any deck that loses a strong card.
    Not only that, if they add at least one good neutral highlander legendary like Raza or Kazakus in the next expansion my bet is that highlander priest will be the best deck.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Pls. Blizzard make RENO JACKSON part of the basic/classic set!

    So much bullshit being said here, any card that can heal your hero like healbot can replace reno. You will just need to play more of those heals instead of hoping to draw a single card.

    The only reason he is that important is the lack of heal for some classes.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Too many Reno Jacksons: I am very happy he will rotate out soon.

    Now with Renolock being by far the best deck you guys will learn to hate it too (unless you play Renolock).

    the card turns aggro, midrange and most combo decks into, did you draw Reno or not kind of game.  

    it just warps the match arround it in a not healthy way. It was fine because there was no highlander synergy before this expansion (only warlock hero power).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Drakonid Operative needs to be nerfed

    Most of you guys have no idea how strong the " discover a card from your opponent deck " is. It is far better than any card draw or discover mechanic we had so far.

    If this was 4/4, it would see COMPETITIVE PLAY in ALL reno and dragon priest.

    Really, from the actual cards I'm getting with this, I think I would play it even if it were a 3/3 body. 

    The card is broken good, but Priest is fine.

    Trying to make a deck viable by printing an over the top card is just the most lazy and stupid way to do it, you break wild, you lock the class from future good cards because they could break the game when together with the overpowered one. The only reason you do that is because it's easier to do.

    I don't think it needs a nerf because there is no broken deck in priest, at least not yet. But cards like these make me so angry and sad at the same time.

    F***, Dr. Boom is still in wild and have yet to be nerfed.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Pls. Blizzard make RENO JACKSON part of the basic/classic set!

    No, printing new interesting highlander cards is how you keep the deck competitive and fresh.

    if you keep reno you may find yourself unable to print new highlander cards, the reason for that is highlander cards should be strong and game changers because of the deck restriction penalties, if you add too many highlander cards to standard the deck becomes stupidly stronger because you have too many overpowered cards with drawbacks diluted between them.

    So going from my opinion that you should only have a small pool of highlander cards in standard, keeping Reno means you will have even less new highlander cards and always go for the standard control deck that Reno shines in.

    I also believe that strong cards like kazakus are enough to keep highlander decks alive. My renolock deck wins most games without even seeing Reno, I should change it's name, the game changer so far has been Brann + Kazakus combo.

    Let it go guys.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Finders Keepers

    I was wrong about this card, Working far better than I expected.


    Against aggro you get heal, taunt, AoE and removal.

    Against control you get new big dudes, removal and burst.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on nerf Spirit Claws?

    Wait the god damn expansion, it's not like it is far now...

    I expect midrange Shaman to take a huge hit from all that new shiny AoE, and an even bigger hit by priest (the biggest shaman counter) getting back into the competitive level.

    And this is not even taking into account that Shaman will lose all their early game minions in the next rotation. (And also the control archetype will lose Healing Wave, Elemental Destruction and Lava Shock)

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Priest Card - Drakonid Operative

    This card is just stupid, Blizzard should try to give a bunch of very good cards for Dragon priest, not breaking the game with a single card like they did with cards like Dr. Boom, Mysterious Challenger.

    This is too over the top. By far the best card this expansion.

    Even with shaman getting some nice cards, the huge amount of AoE this expansion is giving will put them in check, not only that, but priest was also a hard counter to shaman decks, the fact priest is shit tier now is one of the reasons shaman is so good.

    A tier 2 priest deck is enough to put shaman in check. this card, plus the potions will make dragon priest an amazing deck.

    I already hate playing 30 min games against shit tier priest and their annoying cards, can't wait to play against a high tier priest deck.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Slow/Control Shaman Viable?

    I'm so afraid of losing Elemental Destruction and not getting a replacement, we at least got  [card] Jinyu Waterspeaker[/card] to replace Healing Wave, but there is nothing to replace a powerfull AoE unless we get something next expansion, but for some reason I think Blizz will not give it to us.

    Posted in: Shaman
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    posted a message on New Card - Justicar Trueheart

    I can't wait for this to go out of standard, I hate this card so much, too much warrior mirrors decided by just who got this card first. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Jade Claws
    Quote from Baylith >>

    thank you for actually seeing that! everyone here just looks at this and say "spirit claws are better" and forget that spirit claws being a "3/3" weapon isn't often the case, I've had that thing as a 1/3 for too many turns to care about the meta hype.

    jade claws are built for anti aggro, which in the developer's view plays 3/2s, makes an early golem, so playing 1 card gives you a weapon AND a minion, and that's value, and the minion is a jade golem, meaning that no matter what turn it is, playing this card never has a downside, early game, it's about the weapon, late game, it's about the golem.

    honestly, all shaman needs is another 2 mana card that combos well with this weapon for the turn after play, and your set to move into jade spirit for the 2/2 drop or the control play with jade lightning, giving it the numbers you need to make that card not be crappy. hell, if that other card also got us a golem, it's a golem curve.

     Also, you don't even need to play this on turn 2, if you see a <2 health minion you play it and go for the kill. Otherwise you can hold it till you have spare mana.

    I think if you try to rush jade golens to get them up fast, you will get far behind too early in the game to the point where any aggro/midrange deck will kill you.

    I like the shaman jade cards because they are the easiest to get an even trade + golem.

    You can hold both weapon and the 4 dmg spell till you can trade at least 1 card for 1 card and mana for mana.

    This is how I think jade golem will be most consistent, you cheat them out, not rush them. Rushing them will probably only work in control matches.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Jade Claws

    The 1/1 token you get playing this on turn 2 is a HUGE bonus. 

    Your opponent can't avoid getting their early x/3 minion killed without expending a card, mana or both. And if they do that you still get your second swing to clear the minion while they spent mana/card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Jade Chieftain
    Quote from hillandder >>
    Quote from SaintKriptik >>

    If we don't get a shaman jade golem card that costs less than 4 I don't think jade golem shaman will see competitive play.

     Shaman cards are so OP, unfair, broken, I don't be surprised if get a spell like "4 manas invoke a jade golem, after that another jade golem and after that another jade golem".
     More like turn your hero power into summon a random jade golem.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Jade Chieftain

    this should be 5/5 taunt, deathrattle: summon a jade golem, at least you would be able to combo with ancestral spirit or nzoth.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Shaman Card - Jade Chieftain

    I'm usually optimistic with cards, but common guys, this card is shit.

    Every turn you play a bad overcosted card to increase your jade golen stats expecting to get value in the future. After you played 4 shit overcosted cards (you should be so far behind or dead by now), you can play a 7 cost card and get a 5/5 and 5/5 Taunt, you are not getting extra value, this is the expected value for a 7 card (I mean, playing a bog creeper, a 6/8 taunt common card have some pros and cons compared to this card after 4 jade golem summons).

    Jade golem shaman looking like a shit idea so far.

    Or you think you can play a 4 mana on turn 4 to summon a 2/3 + 1/1 and not die/lose to everything on ladder? I don't even know how shaman can summon 4 jade golem before turn 7 without dying from the complete lack of tempo.


    Posted in: Card Discussion
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