Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Why are decks I just created deleted after a few mins? >>
by godofclown
3 529
Should I DE these legendaries? >>
by godofclown
32 2,564
Complusory for deck creators to always write up guides >>
by godofclown
20 1,394
Why are people not putting Malygos into Freeze Mage? >>
by godofclown
17 3,158
Normal Freeze Mage vs Duplicate Freeze Mage >>
by godofclown
3 961
Freeze Mage vs Dragon Priest >>
by godofclown
8 1,823
How useful is Brann Bronze-beard in RenoLock >>
by godofclown
13 2,271
Can you get healed if you hp goes pass 0? >>
by godofclown
4 1,167
What beats Control Warrior? >>
by godofclown
60 6,776
Freeze Mage vs Secret Paladin vs Dragon Priest in the current meta >>
by godofclown
16 4,132
1000+ dust What can i DE and Craft? >>
by godofclown
11 1,793
How important is Mal'Ganis in DemonLock and ZooLock?? >>
by godofclown
18 3,712
I got 1600dust what should i craft????? >>
by godofclown
27 2,593
New to Druid Need Help! Ramp Druid vs Combo Druid vs Midrange Druid >>
by godofclown
4 1,471
Freeze mage still viable in this aggressive meta? Rank 15-5? >>
by godofclown
4 1,365
How important is Mal'Ganis in Zoolock/DemonLock? Should I craft it? >>
by godofclown
0 1,033