• 5

    posted a message on Upcoming Wild Tournament Qualification Drama & Blizzard Update

    It got us to click on this link, though... I bet the majority of people wouldn't have, if they didn't bait the headline like that. It's trite and shady, but I gotta admit that SEO and clickbait practices exist for a reason, and that reason is because they usually work.

    I don't know if these practices will ever truly go away now, because curiosity is so powerful and clicking a link is so easy. Even when we know we're being baited, we still usually click on something just to appease our curiosity. I'll be the first to admit that even though it's unquestionably dumb, I still fall prey to it with articles, videos, etc...

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, is OP. Nerf it already.
    Quote from wg15 >>

    You still think it is too strong? The first pro sites dropped it to a Tier 3 region. lel

     The problem with Quest Rogue has never been its power level, since it's really not a viable Rank 1 deck. The problem is that it's not fun to play against; or rather, it feels really bad to lose against Quest Rogue because it can end so quickly, without much interaction. It feels like there's nothing you can do to stop it, if the Rogue draws a good hand.
    And you guys can point out Dirty Rat all day long, but Blizzard doesn't consider a single tech card when they're trying to figure out if a class package is too "not fun" to play against. (Or at least they don't give a card like that as much weight as this thread would suggest.) They have to look at the big picture, specifically from the point-of-view of your average, casual player. That casual player doesn't even know what "tech card" means, which is why it isn't enough to justify leaving the Quest package like it is.
    That's all speculation on my part; I'm just assuming that Blizzard will nerf the package in some way, at some point. Just depends on how popular the deck gets, and how frustrated people get playing against it.
    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Mages, Cost of Hearthstone, DreamHack Austin, Wild Heroic Brawl - Value Town #120

    Does anyone else feel like discover cards like Babbling Book might get nerfed at some point? I don't think it needs it and I hope it doesn't happen, but I sorta have that feeling in my nuts... The kind that whispers to me, "I'm gonna get nerrrrrrfed, WaxPaper..." I guess the jewels are telling me that because Book, for example, doesn't really have much downside.

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on Today in Hearthstone: We Learn Nothing New About Card Pack Drop Rates

    The regulations must not have been as strict as people originally thought... Either that, or Blizzard is flexing its nuts with China and trying to win the showdown game, because they have so much economic influence in China to use as leverage. I'd guess that it's the former, and the news sites that originally reported this didn't dig deep enough to figure out that the regulations don't require strict, exact transparency... In which case, what they provided (which we already knew) was sufficient enough.

    Originally, back when people were assuming the regs would require exact transparency, I figured Blizzard would rather do away with packs in China completely, and change the system to some kind of crafting-only system, with dust as the only currency. Apparently though, if what they provided was actually enough, then yeah they lucked out and the Western gaming media just wasn't digging deep enough (or they were purposely making it seem more sensational that it actually was).

    Either way, I think it's an interesting precedent for gaming in China. I'm curious to see if the trend will continue in other countries as the video game economy proves its value, because in my opinion a little regulation here and there would help consumers. Like this aspect; the RNG thing... There's no reason we should have to feel like we're gambling with unknown odds when we're spending money as customers of video game companies. If it's a gambling game, of course; whatever... But I think we could use a little more transparency with this kinda stuff, because if it's left unchecked, things will just spiral more out-of-control. In-app purchases with random elements are a lot more profitable for companies than single purchases, so gaming companies will run wild with it if we don't put some boundaries on them today.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Top Decks of the Week for April 30

    Maybe this will be the season I finally decide to buy Patches (e.g., the season I finally hit Legend). I kid, I kid... We know it's doable with plenty of other decks. Whether or not it's as easy is another story, I guess. I have about 2 or 3 decks that should be able to hit Legend; Tempo/Kaz Mage, Handlock and then some other second-tier decks that can -- hypothetically -- take it all the way.

    I guess my problem is either skill or time. I usually get complacent around Rank 12 to 10 and start feeling like it's never gonna end, because that's about when I start bouncing back down. Maybe it's just a matter of committing the time. How long does it take a casual player to hit Legend, usually? Say they can play something like 10 matches per day, averaged out... I could probably do that, if I felt like the end was actually in sight.

    Posted in: News
  • 4

    posted a message on Boris Yenkov's Swiss Army Mage

    I use zis deck to vipe out ze imperialist scum, yez?

    Posted in: Boris Yenkov's Swiss Army Mage
  • 7

    posted a message on Ben Brode on Design Space, Game Design, Adventures, and Feedback

    I can't say anything BAD about Hearthpwn aggregating news and interviews like this, although it would serve them better if they pursued some actual journalism themselves, instead of just telling us what everyone else is reporting... They should go out there and get some news; conduct some interviews, do some research and write some actual stories. Websites are getting too complacent with stuff like this these days, because it's a lot cheaper to hire people to aggregate the news than hiring people to hunt down the news and write original content.

    But then again, "recaps" like this are still newsworthy. It's just that with Hearthpwn and a lot of pseudo-news sites these days, that's all there is. I just think Curse should aspire to something higher. They love all the benefits of being considered a news site, even though they technically aren't (most Curse sites are aggregators), but the higher-ups in corporate don't wanna spend the resources to actually BE a news source. I'm sure the staff at sites like Hearthpwn probably feel the same way, because I'm sure they'd love to travel on assignment more and chase down interviews and write up real news stories. But when they're being paid for something paltry like 10 hours worth of freelance work per week, it's tough to motivate yourself to work 20 or 30 hours for free (which is required to actually do the work of a real news reporter).

    Posted in: News
  • -6

    posted a message on Official Blizzard Wild Tournament, Top 64 Ranked Wild Players in May Qualify!

    There's Blizz, trying to remind us that Wild format still exists... I wish there was more incentive to play it, because I might not represent the average player, but I haven't played a Wild game since it all changed. It's like, I'm already too preoccupied with trying to beat the meta in Standard, where everyone else is playing, in order to reach legend. I guess you could always just pick Wild instead, but it kinda seems irrelevant or something.

    Posted in: News
  • 5

    posted a message on The Latest Un'Goro Decks to Try!

    Paladin can be so expensive now, though... It feels like Paladin is the new wallet Warrior or something. I'd love to start playing it again, but I'm missing like 3 or 4 of the main legendaries I see in all the decks now. Maybe there's a budget version, but so far I haven't been able to put one together.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on [Legend #3] - Discardlock Guide

    Is Lakkari Sacrifice so bad that it's literally not worth taking up any one of these 30 cards' slots? I'm just curious because even though it's more of a snowball finisher, it seems hard to believe it's not worth just a single one of these cards, like maybe Runt or Firefly... Maybe I'm wrong, though.

    Posted in: [Legend #3] - Discardlock Guide
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