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    posted a message on I'd rather have Druid not become another Aggro-Only class

    I agree, but with the exception of Jade Blossom, which I would like to be made a 4 mana spell. Too many people use this with The Coin + Wild Growth -> Jade Blossom or Innervate + Jade Blossom -> Jade Blossom. This would make a lot of Jade Druid openers slower, which allows for aggro/midrange decks to push for more damage early and Control decks to have more time to play Skulking Geist.

    As for the Innervate discussion, while I think the card represents a big design constraint and has a game-breaking impact in some cases, I don't think its the reason Jade Druid is as out of control as it is now. Nerfs to that card will hit the hardest Aggro/Ramp Druid, but Jade Druid suffers its loss much less than other archetypes (it has a low curve, compared to stuff like Ramp Druid, and a lot of its cheap cards generate huge boards), and I happen to think that that is the most problematic archetype right now (Aggro Druid is certainly strong, but it doesn't warp the meta around itself). Innervate is still probably going to be nerfed/rotated at some point, but I would like Blizzard to take some time to introduce tools for Druid to be able to handle the change (maybe some new decent single target removal, more consistent early game slow ramp, considering Jade Blossom and Mire Keeper will rotate next, etc.). Ramp Druid strategies have been traditionally inconsistent with just Innervate and Wild Growth as the early game ramp cards, removing one of the two (which is what both a nerf/rotation would achieve) would make the archetype unplayable at least for the moment.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Blizzard do you even IQ? FCKIN BAN DK IN ARENA


    While your criticism is valid, there are more constructive ways to talk about this and there are probably threads for it already.

    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on MSG, Ungoro, KFT or Classic?

    I am not sure if you are aware, but MSG rotates out in ~8 months, and KFT/UNG in ~20 months with Classic cards, theoretically, forever in the Standard. Now I am also going to assume that you aren't going to play a lot of Wild, since as a returning player it can be pretty hard to build a large Wild Collection, if you have been gone long at least. Obviously the more some cards are in Standard the better value they represent, so Classic cards are more valuable than MSG cards to an extent.

    The second factor that is also important is to know how many of the missing cards from both sets do you need. This needs to be weighted based on rarities, e.g. its much easier to legendaries you want in a set due to the no duplicates rules so if you want a lot more legendaries from a specific set compared to all others, you're much better off buying from that set. If you need much more from MSG than Classic then MSG is still better even if it represents less value in the long run.

    This is more of a personal decision since while I would recommend Classic, it could be that you want to play more with the missing MSG cards rather than the missing Classic cards in your collection, in which case MSG is better for you.

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on There should be more super powerful 10 mana cards for each class.
    Quote from KeMT >>
    Quote from Infirc >>
    Quote from KeMT >>

    No no no for god's sake NO !

    We need less 10 mana cards that reads "win the game" , wining a game must be a reward for taking the right decisions from turn 1 to turn 10+, not surviving until you have 10 mana and win with an OP totally unbalanced card, games should go toward to player who handled their turns the best no to whomever draws their 10 mana card first.

     so...what about a card like this?, 10 Mana card shoudl do something impactful..ther'es no In Between with them
     There's no debate about how impactful a card should be depending on how expensive it is
    Doom rewards you for exhausting your opponent resources and surviving but can clear your board also, and the more minions it kills, the closer it gets you to fatigue
    Mind Control rewards you depending on what you steal but can stick in your hand if there's no good target, and your opponent can still kill what you took since you can't use it right away
    Pyroblast rewards withr dealing 1/3 of your opponents health but takes your whole turn and leaves you shields down if you don't have a board already, if you managed to bring them down to 10 you win, but if you're behind it doesn't help you come back
    Anyfin Can Happen rewards you for dedicating your whole deck for it but you fill it with subpar stated minions and the first one is rarely enough to kill your opponent
    Thay can have a HUGE impact but still need a setup
    UI (and therefore more super powerful cards in the same vein) do not need a single setup, just play it on curve and win the game because of the insane value, it doesn't reward you for playing well or setting up something or smart deckbuilding, it rewards you for putting it in your deck.
    If we get more super powerful cards in the same vein, games will be decided by "who draws his super power 10 mana card first"
    Beside the fact that your card doesn't totally fit in the class identity (priest doesn't simply destroy all minions without any restriction) it does impact the board but needs you to build your deck in a way so that your opponent doesn't profit from it, it should not cost 10, it's a pseudo Lorewalker Cho

     When doing a realistic analysis of the situation we should be making assessments based on cards that are actually good and playable (and this excludes DOOM! and Mind Control, which are very situational and only played when they can somehow be abused through Bloodbloom and Medivh, the Guardian, respectively).

    Thus let's focus on the other 10 mana cards you mentioned.

    Pyroblast needs build around and is played in a burn strategy, which revolves around lowering your opponent's health as much as possible and then finishing them off with this card, so the drawback of a lost turn is not a real drawback since you are abusing the fact your opponent has no next turn. Even if you don't use it to close a game, you have Ice Block, which guarantees you don't get punished for playing this card followed perhaps by a second Pyroblast the next turn for a total amount of 20 damage. Sure the card requires some build-around, but it gives you the reach you need to win.

    Anyfin Can Happen is the most control crushing card in the game with the right deck design, allowing for OTK, which unlike card advantage actually wins you the game on the spot.

    Ultimate Infestation - as it is right now it is very strong, but the only realistic nerf I can see is to lower everything by 1 on the card. However, if they do that its likely this card will only become more playable, because it is easier to manage drawing 4 then 5. There is value and then there is too much value. The reason why this card is being talked about so much is simply, because Jade Druid can use this card excessively well. Decks that want to run this are heavy-curved decks (or at least decks that play single big minions), since an aggro deck isn't looking to push the game to 10 mana. Now the problem with Jade Druid and UI together is that you can cast this, proceed to empty your hand with 2 - 3 cards that generate insanely big minions, the golems, and so they convert their card advantage, provided by UI, to board advantage that is hard for most opponents to come back from. On its own though this card is unlikely to win games. I also want to say this, using the argument you never play this on turn 10 doesn't tell me much. As Druid you are supposed to do that if you are  playing a Ramp strategy, though atm we do have a lot of Ramp cards and Jade Druid, which make this card that much more frustrating and unfortunately both these problems resolve themselves on the next rotation, in about 8 months and that is what is unacceptable, because 8 months of any deck dominating the game isn't healthy. To confirm what I am saying you merely need play some Ramp Druid with 2 UIs and you will be able to tell that these are both a bit clunky and reduce your draw consistency early, which to Ramp Druid is essential, because playing from behind is hard for them. UI is not a win condition, but combo and Jade Druid can utilize it very effectively to advance their win condition, thus making this much different compared to the other two cards you used as examples.

    I am not saying UI is not very strong or that the individual effects don't cost much more than 10 mana, but any 10 mana cards must have an insane effect that costs much more than the linear value of 10 mana, because it damages your draw consistency and require you sacrifice a whole turn.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast


    I agree with a lot of what you said, but I also wanted to add that I think this will often be the case with the 2nd expansion of each cycle. To elaborate, I don't expect the 2nd expansions of each cycle to be as impactful as the 1st and 3rd ones. Typically the 1st expansion will be introduced at times when the power level of the decks drops the most overall and so its much more likely for new archetypes to find a place in the meta and be competitive. If the 2nd expansion is designed to be on a similar power level than I think its less likely to impact the meta as much, because a good chunk of already competitively viable archetypes are in the mix and if any cards in the 2nd expansion of a cycle aid those decks they will only become stronger (due to both the decks already having been strong and also because people are more experienced in piloting pre-existing decks) and let's not forget that its much cheaper to upgrade a list than to craft an entirely new one. On the 3rd expansion I think they choose to take more risks introducing some very powerful cards, since those will anyway remain in rotation for the smallest period of time (~ 16 months) as we saw with MSG, which means that 3rd expansions of a cycle are more likely to have an impact on the state of the game than the 2nd.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Lich King really should reward a DK Hero each time you beat him

    Then don't play the match 9 million times. To do that thought you'd have to at least be decent at the game and know how to build a deck, much easier to come here and cry about how you should be gifted half the legendaries of an expansion with little to no effort. Talk about entitled little brats. If you want the DKs craft them or open enough packs to get them all, you aren't entitled to anything and if you don't like it you know where the uninstall button is.

    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on The next hero skin
    Quote from Banditheart >>

    What class get's the next glorious hero portrait? And who do you think is the next hero? I hope it's warlock. Druid does not need it, Malfurion Stormrage is already the most badass Druid anyway.

     There, fixed it for you ;).
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How are yall doing with Lich King?
    Quote from utroc123 >>

    I already got him.. hardest one was mage till i found out that you just have to play counterspell on turn one lmao 

     That's pretty cool didn't even think about that and did it the hard way. It wasn't as hard as they hyped it up to be tbh. I had to retry a few of the matches (restarting the mulligan when it was impossible to win with that hand) and it was pretty easy overall.
    To all others who may be interested, certain classes can do very well by running a lot of Murlocs (used them for Paladin, Rogue and Warlock). Needless to say just go face as the AI will sometimes completely ignore your board and by turn 6 you need to have won with that strategy or hope he has no Blizzard. In matchups where you lose a lot of Health at the start and you want to play aggressively Molten Giants are pretty good as well so don't forget to add them if your list has synergy with them. I am sure there is more advice for the matches in general, but I am just giving a few tips off the top of my head here.
    Posted in: Adventures
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    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast
    Quote from futhead_jcos >>

    There are three problems:

    Before this expansion, one way to attack druid was to go wide on the board. Cheap minions can't beat 1/5 Taunts. 

    Two: The Druid Death Knight has ZERO drawbacks. So what you can't get both attack and heal and one turn. 

    Three: Ultimate Infestation is always helpful if your opponent has 5 or less cards.

     Well on the first and second issues I can't exactly say I see your point.
    On the first point, while I agree that 1/5 Taunt may be excessive there are a lot of Aggro/Midrange decks against which it at most buys you a turn and you are still left facing a huge board (I have found Bloodlust Evolve Shaman, Murloc Paladin and Aggro Token Druid to be very effective at clearing this whereas maintaining board presence in their own way). Its slower than Swipe and more interactable. I also think that there should be cards that punish people for going very wide on the board so I like this card and would like to see similar card printed in the future. Having said that, Jade Druid is very strong right now, which makes this card seem particularly strong, because often one turn can be enough for Jade Druid to setup a huge board and get back into the game, however, I think its effectiveness is dependent on the opponent's skill and the meta conditions (e.g Midrange decks with less, but more powerful minions like Dragon Priest have no problems with this and they can always run Shadow Word: Horror)
    On the second point, I can't say that I follow. A lot of the DKs have no drawbacks, even more so than in Druid like Frost Lich Jaina or Uther of the Ebon Blade (hero powers are strict upgrades, but that's not the same with Malfurion the Pestilent) and I doubt that by the time you play Bloodreaver Gul'dan you will really want the Life Tap Hero Power. In fact, the only cases where I think you are sacrificing something important are Warrior, Shaman and Priest, since in the decks you play Hunter and Rogue DKs you want the new Hero Powers to win you the game
    On Ultimate Infestation I agree that its a very strong card, but those are the cards that are run in the end and I think that the reason its so good right now is due to how much ramping there is in the game (in the next rotation alone Druid will lose Jade Blossom and Mire Keeper) so the card will become much less frustrating and I also expect some additional nerf for Druids at this rate.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Prince Valanar + Stitched Tracker Interaction

    First off, that's not how copies work in hearthstone. Typically when you receive a copy of a minion you get back the baseline minion (no buffs/no modifications) unless otherwise stated in the card (e.g. Shadowcaster always gives a 1 mana 1/1 copy to your hand). Second, I don't understand how your scenario works, so we would still need some clarifications. If you went Stitched Tracker into Prince Keleseth and then played him immediately you wouldn't get the buff, since you have a 2 mana card in your deck (the original Prince Keleseth). On the other hand, if you did draw the original Prince Keleseth and played him before the copy, the original wouldn't get buffed either so you shouldn't expect the copy to get a buff anyway (regardless of how you might initially perceive copies to work).

    I think I may be missing something here so could you please go into more detail if your question hasn't been answered?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on How long have some you've been playing Hearthstone?

    Started right before GvG (November 2014).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast
    Quote from byzants >>
    Quote from Criptfeind >>
    Quote from nevr3000 >>
    Well, that's some alternative history to me. Even during Karazhan's shamanstone peak, shamans were globally around 15% of the ladder, and similar in the higher ranks/legend.
     According to VS stats on it, in Karazhans shamanstone peak 25% of the meta were shaman, in then they peaked again in MSG at over 30%, with warrior peaking around 20% 15% is closer to what the leadeing decks in un'goro were on whatever day they had their chance in the sun. 
    Which is pretty comparable to druids 30% on their stats right now. The difference being that the shaman peaks happened after a period of refinement in the meta, when the truly best and most oppressive deck rose to the top against all challengers and couldn't be moved aside. Right now we're still in a very experimental phase, which means druid might very well get radically better or worse. Which is, you know, almost scary a bit, hah. The idea that druid could get EVEN better.... Hopefully that doesn't happen.
    Metastats is listing some druid decks at 65% adjusted wr though over 1500 games, which is completely insane in a meta we can assume is heavily trying to counter it. Aggro shaman was so broken it felt like cheating and it was at about 57% on VS.
    For comparison, PW was the top dog at legend rank during Un'goro at about 52%.
     Well on Vicious Syndicate, PW, Jade Druid, Aggro Druid and Murloc Paladin are all in the 54%-55% winrates right now. Since we don't know how the different sites get to their winrates, we should only make comparisons within the context of one site to get a better comparative view. HSreplay also has some extremely high winrates for top decks for both Paladin and Druid (at 61.1%), but these seem unrealistic to be averages. There must be at least a decent amount of bad players playing these decks to drag the average down and I highly doubt that taking into account most player skill levels (from bad to very good) you could get an average winrate of 60%+ for any deck.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Druid is virtually unbeatable and this needs to be changed fast
    Quote from Criptfeind >>
    Quote from nevr3000 >>
    Well, that's some alternative history to me. Even during Karazhan's shamanstone peak, shamans were globally around 15% of the ladder, and similar in the higher ranks/legend.
     According to VS stats on it, in Karazhans shamanstone peak 25% of the meta were shaman, in then they peaked again in MSG at over 30%, with warrior peaking around 20% 15% is closer to what the leadeing decks in un'goro were on whatever day they had their chance in the sun. 
    Which is pretty comparable to druids 30% on their stats right now. The difference being that the shaman peaks happened after a period of refinement in the meta, when the truly best and most oppressive deck rose to the top against all challengers and couldn't be moved aside. Right now we're still in a very experimental phase, which means druid might very well get radically better or worse. Which is, you know, almost scary a bit, hah. The idea that druid could get EVEN better.... Hopefully that doesn't happen.
      Let's also not forget that now there are 2 Druid decks that are highly competitive (Aggro and Jade). Jade Druid is still not that close to Midrange Shaman (in terms of peak percentage), although if no good decks are found to force Jade down I expect it to reach similar popularity levels (until Blizzard choose to nerf it, which is going to happen if the present situation continues). Vicious Syndicate's Report should be out tomorrow (24/08) according to a previous article they released and there we will get a more complete picture of the situation (some of the data on the Live feature only show data for the last 24 hours).

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on What the... Legendary sleeve !!!
    Quote from One_Man_Army >>

    So what is the sleeve for?

     We have no idea yet. It may be for an announcement they will do in the near future.
    Edit: There is actually some speculation that it may be for an upcoming Twitch Prime event, since HotS is doing something similar. Keep in mind that this is completely unconfirmed.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What the... Legendary sleeve !!!
    Quote from YJHS2000 >>
    Quote from TheRealMalfurion >>
    Quote from Seagull0 >>
    Quote from TheRealMalfurion >>
    Quote from YJHS2000 >>

    straight rip from ES:L, which offers bundles, etc. that include a random legendary opened from a "legendary sleeve" just like that


     Can i just say how much I hate fanboy comments like these. Maybe I will blow your mind with this, but both games have probably ripped off Magic and TESL has ripped off so much from Hearthstone that its not even funny. It could also be that the legendary sleeve just holds the single DK legendary reward and that's it. All games in the same genre typically borrow something for each other and at the end of the day this benefits the customer the most so I don't understand what this need to state this obvious is, but please stop.
     While I agree with your points, I don't understand why you're THAT angry with such comments /:
     I am not exactly angry, more like annoyed/exasperated, because I keep seeing people get overly competitive about "their" games and start comparing or pointing out such things as if it proves something, which it doesn't. Really its pointless to state something so obvious for any reason. I really like TESL, but when I see people coming here and saying how we should play x or y game it can be really annoying, because nobody cares. If anyone wants something different they can go and check those other games and have fun with them. A lot of these people come here to trash Hearthstone and push for the game they like when this is a site primarily about Hearthstone. If you are coming here regularly you are probably most interested in Hearthstone and not in hearing tirades about how everything else is so much better.
     LOL. I started playing TESL the week before Lich King and stopped once Kich Ling came out.  It's ok.  I just happened to get the legendary sleeve in TESL right before I saw this thread and thought it was funny.  90% of TESL is straight ripped from Hearthstone.  If you took my one sentence comment as me "coming here and saying how we should play x or y game," I think you're the one being a little over-competitive about which game you like best...
     Well I just don't appreciate it when people make that comment for that reason and the language you used suggested to me that that was the intention. Sorry I misunderstood, its just that you know, I have seen way too many comments in Hearthpwn where that is the intention even outside the dedicated threads for other games.
    Posted in: General Discussion
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