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    posted a message on A Wild Viable Reno Rogue

     Glad it's been fun for you, Completely understand not having a lot of the cards since it's a 40 card Reno deck it tends to be very expensive.

    Posted in: A Wild Viable Reno Rogue
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    posted a message on Wild Refined Mechathun Rogue

    Very tough matchup, I haven't found a good solution for secret mage yet, but maybe there's a tech card somewhere that can fix it.

    Posted in: Wild Refined Mechathun Rogue
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    posted a message on Wild Refined Mechathun Rogue

    Glad you love it.

    Posted in: Wild Refined Mechathun Rogue
  • 3

    posted a message on A Wild Viable Reno Rogue

    It's at the top of the post, it's "Sideboard: Spirit of the Shark , Kobold Stickyfinger , and Vanish .".

    Posted in: A Wild Viable Reno Rogue
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    posted a message on From Deez Other Side OTK

    Mayor cannot with minion attacks because Mayor only allow for valid targets of an action. Since minions can only attack Opponents and Opponents minions you cannot hit yourself.

    Posted in: From Deez Other Side OTK
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    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.

    I actually have been working on a version of this deck that's more combo focused, try this instead if you're missing some expensive cards but have the combo pieces.


    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
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    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.

    Thanks man, good luck on the ladder :).

    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
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    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.

    Yeah, pretty accurate. I've been able to beat some midrange decks with a good draw but aggro is just to much.

    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
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    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
    Quote from Gaspipebilly >>
    Quote from Spiderhaz >>

    First, Thank you for trying my deck. Second stalling on rogue is a very hard thing to do but possible against most non-token based decks. In order to stall with this deck you have to gain tempo by putting out some small minions on board like acolyte of pain, coldlight, novice engineer etc...  and using Eviserate, Shiv, Coerce, and Walk The Plank to clear medium to big minions. It is SUPER IMPORANT to draw 1 secret passage out of your deck in order to activate Reno and Zeprhys your main 2 sources of survivability. This deck is SUPER favored against Raza Priest, Odd Warrior, Highlander Mage, and any slow decks. I'd say this deck goes even with most slower Warlocks, Deathrattle Hunter, and more Midrange Style decks. This deck is really unfavored against hyper aggro and token decks, Pirate Warrior, Token Druid, and Kingsbane Rogue.

    For mulligans if you ever see a Secret Passage ALWAYS KEEP IT, it's super essential to the deck and combo. But for the matchups I previously described you have to be a little more smart, if it's control like big priest you want to keep a lot of early draw cards like Coldlight, Novice, and Sap to stall. If it's a midrange deck you have to play a bit more tempo based, mulliganing for coerce, walk the plank, and as much draw as you can reasonable keep. Versus Aggro your best bet is to mulligan for reno or zephrys and maybe fan on knives, hopefully can survive for a long enough time to use them effectively and survive till combo turn but often times aggro is just to fast.

    Obviously feel free to edit the deck however you want, but adding a Vanish would delay your combo a bit because it would delay your draw from Polket 1 turn considering it's a 6 cost card.

     Hi again, so I've had some time to play it a bit more and I've been winning a lot more. I think I was just rly unlucky with my draws since I couldn't get removals at the right time. Nowadays I'm only struggling with high agro decks but any upper mid or highlander decks are easy wins. Thank you for your answer and your deck!

    PS: Do need to stress however, I have not played ranked with this deck.



    Thanks for playing my deck, I hope it treats you well and you keep playing it, I don't think we can do anything about the losses to hyper aggro since that's kinda just how playing rogue usually goes, but you're free to edit the deck in whatever way you want and try to fix some matchups. Good luck on the ladder.

    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
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    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.

    First, Thank you for trying my deck. Second stalling on rogue is a very hard thing to do but possible against most non-token based decks. In order to stall with this deck you have to gain tempo by putting out some small minions on board like acolyte of pain, coldlight, novice engineer etc...  and using Eviserate, Shiv, Coerce, and Walk The Plank to clear medium to big minions. It is SUPER IMPORANT to draw 1 secret passage out of your deck in order to activate Reno and Zeprhys your main 2 sources of survivability. This deck is SUPER favored against Raza Priest, Odd Warrior, Highlander Mage, and any slow decks. I'd say this deck goes even with most slower Warlocks, Deathrattle Hunter, and more Midrange Style decks. This deck is really unfavored against hyper aggro and token decks, Pirate Warrior, Token Druid, and Kingsbane Rogue.

    For mulligans if you ever see a Secret Passage ALWAYS KEEP IT, it's super essential to the deck and combo. But for the matchups I previously described you have to be a little more smart, if it's control like big priest you want to keep a lot of early draw cards like Coldlight, Novice, and Sap to stall. If it's a midrange deck you have to play a bit more tempo based, mulliganing for coerce, walk the plank, and as much draw as you can reasonable keep. Versus Aggro your best bet is to mulligan for reno or zephrys and maybe fan on knives, hopefully can survive for a long enough time to use them effectively and survive till combo turn but often times aggro is just to fast.

    Obviously feel free to edit the deck however you want, but adding a Vanish would delay your combo a bit because it would delay your draw from Polket 1 turn considering it's a 6 cost card.

    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
  • 0

    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.

    First, Thank you for trying my deck. Second stalling on rogue is a very hard thing to do but possible against most non-token based decks. In order to stall with this deck you have to gain tempo by putting out some small minions on board like acolyte of pain, coldlight, novice engineer etc...  and using Eviserate, Shiv, Coerce, and Walk The Plank to clear medium to big minions. It is SUPER IMPORANT to draw 1 secret passage out of your deck in order to activate Reno and Zeprhys your main 2 sources of survivability. This deck is SUPER favored against Raza Priest, Odd Warrior, Highlander Mage, and any slow decks. I'd say this deck goes even with most slower Warlocks, Deathrattle Hunter, and more Midrange Style decks. This deck is really unfavored against hyper aggro and token decks, Pirate Warrior, Token Druid, and Kingsbane Rogue.

    For mulligans if you ever see a Secret Passage ALWAYS KEEP IT, it's super essential to the deck and combo. But for the matchups I previously described you have to be a little more smart, if it's control like big priest you want to keep a lot of early draw cards like Coldlight, Novice, and Sap to stall. If it's a midrange deck you have to play a bit more tempo based, mulliganing for coerce, walk the plank, and as much draw as you can reasonable keep. Versus Aggro your best bet is to mulligan for reno or zephrys and maybe fan on knives, hopefully can survive for a long enough time to use them effectively and survive till combo turn but often times aggro is just to fast.

    Obviously feel free to edit the deck however you want, but adding a Vanish would delay your combo a bit because it would delay your draw from Polket 1 turn considering it's a 6 cost card.

    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
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    posted a message on Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.

    Yeah, I'm aware. But no one has a copy right on a hearthstone deck, so I thought I'd make my own version and I did.

    Posted in: Wild Mechathun Rogue, Yes it's real, it works, and is good.
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    posted a message on Discarding Mechathun Op?

    Lol, gotta win anyway you can.

    Posted in: Discarding Mechathun Op?
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    posted a message on Why people see aggro as a no skill archetype

    Aggro is very easy to play. Of course, you need to know when to trade and when not to trade, but compared to other decks Zoo Lock, Tempo Rogue, Old Kingsbane, Old Pirate Warrior, etc... don't take have a lot of decisions making. It's either go face or trade, play a minion or dont. Whereas control and combo have to focus on drawing out cards, keeping card advantage and managing resources. Also as an aggro player you almost never look at your hp, only your opponents.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on "Technically" full dust refund should be applied with buffs too
    Quote from Horkinger >>

    It doesn't specify that you get the full dust value either, but you still get it. Likewise you will not get any dust if a card is made better. Technically, they could give it to you, but I am pretty sure they wont.

    And they didn't give us dust when the mana cost of Molten Giant was reverted to 20.

     That's because molten was Hall Of Famed so you did get your full dust back.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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