• -5

    posted a message on Token Druid is King - The Best Rise of Shadows Deck For Each Class

    I don’t get how these are the top decks when there are some that trounce every single deck on this list, including some slightly modded deck recipes. The burn mage with Arugal on particular is just disgusting. Yet to lose a game with it in 19 outings.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Who else gave up Hearthstone with this expansion?

    @Sherman1986 Dude, how come?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on RoS Pack opening results thread

    Best opening ever, 9 legendaries from 91 packs, nearly every epic.


    Also, Big shuffle Warlock is tasty 😁

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The Pepper Thread - Share your good vibes!

    Got a Kingsbane in my free packs, and I gotta say, I am LOVING the new deck builder. I’m just sticking a few legendaries I really haven’t played much of and letting the game build the rest, and it’s spitting out fun, viable decks every time. Loving HS again since they brought it in.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Unidentified Contract
    Quote from LsVictor >>

    So... Wait.. Turn 6 I can play this guy and use a prep for the treasure summoning 2 additional legendary minions that I can even discover?? On turn 6? Man this bad boy is scary...

     What treasure?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Unidentified Contract

    For those saying the Patient Assassin one is crap, you do realise it's a 1/1 stealth poisonous that means you need to waste some form of AoE clearing it in order to not lose the next big minion you drop on the board, right?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Paladin Reveal - Never Surrender

    A lot of people saying this is strong, but Pally has taken a real hit, from a tried-and-trusted cards point of view, with the rotation. This is a pretty sick card, particularly in wild, where the Odd variant can somewhat benefit from it, but we have to see what else the expansion brings to Paladin. There's always one class that looks like it's going to be overpowered, then gets royally screwed over.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Username Change Request Thread
    Quote from Skyryser >>

    Hi there, could you change my username back to Skyryser please? Many thanks!

     Never mind my dear mod, found the solution myself! :)

    Posted in: Site Feedback & Support
  • 0

    posted a message on Username Change Request Thread

    Hi there, could you change my username back to Skyryser please? Many thanks!

    Posted in: Site Feedback & Support
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    posted a message on The King

    That’s an adventure, like ONiK, LoE etc.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Since some of you may miss playing a strong Baku Pally...

    Just as an addendum, since I’ve been playing for the last couple of hours with this deck; Tarim appears virtually every single game. I’m surprised this hasn’t been nerfed, the frequency is absolutely absurd. Not having level up also seems to trick opponents into serious misplays, since they aren’t shooting down the dudes as much anymore. Weird!

    P.S. - due to the lack of responses, I’m guessing not as many people miss playing the deck as I thought XD

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on A Wish for Hearthstone 2.0

    These are really cool ideas. Point 1 seems to be happening slowly anyways, but the idea of classic cards moving to basic seems a given now, in order to make the new player experience better. They could totally be earned by levelling the character further, and rewarding for every level up, so that the golden versions aren’t missed.

    I really like point 4, but I think it would bring some of the heavy duty nerd-rangers out en masse. As well as the whole complaint “p2w” brigade, who are already annoying as it is.

    Point 2 would be awesome, really awesome. Talk about a way to instantly create more design space, with more powerful decks at the expense of draw consistency.

    Let’s hope they trial some of these ideas someday and see how it works out. My gut says these ideas are all counter-commercial though, so chances are slim.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Skyryser's RR Post-Nerf Odd Mech Paladin

    It's a slower deck, so you don;t really end up needing it that much, but it's definitely worth an include.

    Posted in: Skyryser's RR Post-Nerf Odd Mech Paladin
  • 0

    posted a message on Post Nerf Odd Paladin
    Quote from EyeCantSee >>

    Mech Odd Paladin is still a thing, and it's still rockin'. Or, you know, you could just play Odd Rogue now that one of it's biggest threats is gone. Or you can just play any Hunter deck. Looks like the game went from Druidstone to Hunterstone within a few hours.

    It's massively rockin'. I forgot to mention that the above deck works with Farraki Battleaxe instead of Vinecleaver, with the buffed mechs keeping the buffs upon revival. Replaces the 5-slot too, and makes it potentially outlast the next rotation.

    Posted in: Paladin
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