• 3

    posted a message on The Rogue Quest, The Caverns Below, is OP. Nerf it already.

    Sir, what did you flavor this with? Oh, just salt?  Interesting....

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on My packs broken down somewhat
    Quote from ZZ0di >>

    Nice breakdown. Really interesting numbers, never seen more in depth pack opening stats. 

    Personally, I just opened the 58 packs (50 pre ordered + 8 gifted from blizz) and got 6 legendaries! I was never this lucky, I was expecting 1-3 legendaries total.

    I got Sunkeeper Tarim, Sherazin, Corpse Flower, 2x Elise the Trailblazer, Hemet, Jungle Hunter and Ozruk.

    Are you serious? 
    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Addicted to collecting...

    I had to decide that I was not going to invest that much money on this game, and so I started to DE my golden cards, even legendaries that I have acquired :( But it is awesome that you have been able to get so many. I am curious to see how you fare when there are three expansions a year! Also, my bigger hobby is LEGO, so I feel you on the monies spent.... lol

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Un'Goro Legendary Crafting Tiers

    So, I watched the stream and I have to say that I am kind of impressed by Un'Goro cards so far. So with that in mind I wanted to kind of Give my thoughts on all of the legendaries ( Quests excluded) and kind of rank them with how much I think they will see play and what will not. If you guys disagree with me please let me know, I love seeing how people think cards will turn out and then when the expansion drops seeing who was right.


    Must Crafts

    Spiritsinger Umbra - I see so much synergy with this card especially at 4 mana cost. I think you can pull it later in game and have big combos, or have it earlier and double up a few cheap death rattle minions to get double value. The fact that it is neutral makes it an easy craft target

    The Voraxx- As far as i understand it this card has a lot of utility and is definitely something that people will want to remove or it will make your board crazy. So, at four mana and another neutral I think this card can fit into a lot of decks and will see decent amount of play.

    Clutchmother Zavas- I believe that this will give discolock the discardable target that keeps getting better and keeps returning which is very attractive at two mana, it can keep building and then go down to help finish off an opponent. I definitely think this will help create another deck archetype that had been around, but wasn't quite perfect.

    Sunkeeper Tarim - Along with the likes ofLost in the Jungle and Firefly and Igneous Elemental I think that Sunkeeper will definitely fill the void, at least in paladin control decks and also swarming  (murloc)decks pretty well. I think he has great utility to buff small minions and neutralize big opponents and the fact that he is a taunt that will hopefully absorb a couple of minions at 6 mana makes him one of the best class legendaries in the set.

    Definitely Keeps

    Kalimos, Primal Lord - Even though he is an eight mana 7/7 i think the utility of his invocations definitely makes him useful in what I believe will be a slower meta. I think Blizzard has done a good job with this set in trying to change the meta and I think cards like this will definitely help make the metas not so stale. Also, the fact that he has a battlecry instead of a deathrattle ala  Rhonin and the fact that the invocations are 0 mana make him an immediate impact on the board and an immediate impact on my heart.

    I can't believe I am saying this but....Hemet, Jungle Hunter I think this card is such a cool design, especially in a control deck. He will free up all of your early game cards from being drawn when you are late in a game and hoping to only draw big cards to help gain control of the board. For example in the ramp druid deck that a lot of people are suspecting will be great i think the fact that you can get rid of low mana cost cards will definitely help you make your ramp deck guarantee you will draw useful cards later in the game. I think this will also be true of the taunt warriors that will be coming and so forth. Interesting design and worth keeping.

    Sherazin, Corpse Flower- To be honest when I first saw this card revealed I was disappointed. I mean a 4 mana card with 5 dmg and 3 life... garbage, but then as the big card dump revealed cards like Razorpetal Lasher and Razorpetal Volley i started to see where it will be useful. Think of all of these cards including The Caverns Below and how you will be able to play 4 cards in a turn with all of the card generation that Rogue will be adding and I can definitely see this card being useful. Admittedly this could definitely be a bust, but I think the potential for this new deck type will make this an interesting card in the coming weeks

    Elise the Trailblazer 5/5 body for 5 is not terrible in it's own right, but then you also get a pack with five random cards in it, that I believe have their chances skewed to deliver different rarities of cards into your deck. I think it is a really cool idea and if you get the gold version of it... pretty awesome. I am curious to see how it works out in my supposed slower meta and how it works overall.

    Wait and See

    King Mosh - I think that this card will fit in with the more controlling warrior that they are trying to push, but I believe that with all of these giant minions coming I think that big minion removal will be coming back hard. With that in mind, this card is 9 mana and can definitely clear a board with something like Whirlwind/card], but with [card]Emperor Thaurissan rotated out I think that this late in the game he could be too easy of a target to be of real use. but again I think the fact that he can clear a board at ten mana is really useful, so we will have to wait and see how he turns out.

    Swamp King Dred -I really like the design of this card. I like that he is a proactive taunt in that he attacks minions as they come out, but the obvious downfall is the presence of poisonous cards which could make him very bad. Also the fact that he will be in the sights of Big Game Hunter make it a scary play. But honestly I would have expected him to be made 8 or 9 mana, and be really bad, but the fact that he is 7 mana makes it better in my mind and that could definitely be wrong. I am curious to see how he turns out because i really want control hunter to be a thing and with cards introduced like Stampede and Dinomancy I think we might be on our way to it being a reality.

    Consider Dusting

    Ozruk - 9 mana 5/5 that gains 5 health for each elemental last turn could definitely turn it in into an annoying card, but honestly I think that it is too little. At 9 mana you kind of want a card that can effect the board more than this and is harder to get rid of. Seriously, with Sylvanas Windrunner out of the picture I think that Soggoth the Slitherer is a better card that Ozruk. Just because he cannot be targeted by spells and doesn't have to have elementals be played to be better. But I could be way off bas, but I don't think he will be a staple even in elemental decks.

    Tyrantus - Honestly i was hoping for a lower cost druid legendary like Fandral so that it could have more utility and then they drop this card. I think that in the big minion meta Big Game Hunter will get rid of this card. Now the fact that it can't be removed by spells and the absence of Silvans definitely makes him not instant garbage, but he is disappointing and just feels put together at the last minute. I mean... that card art... https://youtu.be/pbRUTHGLu9s

    Bottom of the Barrel

    Pyros- Honestly... it is a two mana 2/2 that then will be a 6 mana 6/6 and then a 10 mana 10/10. When the end result is a Faceless Behemoth how can you be excited for that? IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE SYNERGY WITH THE QUEST!!! Blizzard... what is happening.... which leads me into 

    Lyra the Sunshard 5 mana 3/5 that gives you priest spells... wow. Seriously what priest spells are you really going to want, besides the shadow words or power word shield.... and again the QUEST DOES NOT MATCH THE LEGENDARY... why would you not just mix the effects? it honestly makes no sense. Disappointed with this card and kind of frustrated at why they would do that.


    That is the legendaries without going into the Quests too much I did want to say that I think they are well thought out, some might be OP, but we will still how they change the way people approach deck making and I am hoping they don't just streamline the game into that is all people run. But besides that I think they will be fun and feel fresh at least for a while. 

    if you guys dislike my list or think i messed up, please discuss it, again i love seeing what people have to say and how you guys feel these legends will play out. Thanks for taking the time to read.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Is it even worth to start playing hs (f2p)?

    In my opinion they are trying to help get people just starting to have more cards, obviously since you are just starting out you can expect to have the collection that someone who has been playing for a while has, so you will need to work with what you get, but I think this is a quality game. If you are enjoying yourself and want to get a few cards I would definitely recommend the welcome bundle though st just 5 dollars it is a steal, in terms of digital card value. Also getting well versed in game types is important, obviously arena doesn't matter what cards you have and if you get good at it it is a great way to expand your collection. So in my opinion it is still s good idea to continue even if you are just now getting into it. But if you are going to just complain about not being able to have all the cards and not being able to make any deck you want, when you are playing the game for free, then maybe this game isn't for you

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Is Hearthstone dead?

    I just think it's funny that you have been playing since naxx and still feel the need to ask this. Hearthstone, like many other things in life , is cyclical. People get frustrated at the state of the meta, how they keep facing the same decks, and wonder if the game is getting worn out. However, the real problem is everyone, myself included relies way too much on other people's creativity to make decks. I think that because of netdecking most everyone latches onto a few decks and that is what makes a meta stale. So if you are feeling that way, try to play different deck types and bring change to the game.

    I am playing a Mayor Noggenfogger and dreadsteed deck, and I am by no means a deck building master but it has been atleast competitive in the 12-  11 rank range. But overall that is my advice, stop making this game boring to play and stop trying to just be salty it is tiresome

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Spend money on HS?

    I honestly don't know why people are hating on the state of the game... I think it is how it has always been, there is a quick ago deck that everyone is pissed at and blizzard has developed some "counters" which just don't stall them so much. They are coming out with nerfs, and we will see what the game is then, but i am assuming that there will still be the ago decks and the like, but that is part of the game, trying to either rush your opponent or outlast them. I just don't understand why people complain about it. And to get to your question, I think that the overall feel of the game will stay the same, and if you like it in general, and enjoy the fact that it is more random than your traditional card game( MtG, Pokemon and the like) then I would say invest in the game. I personally usually do about 20 dollars every few monthsI mean back when adventures were coming out I would buy them and then pick up a few packs from the expansion, but that might change with their new expansions year. So, if you are a newer player you just need to determine if this game is something you enjoy and if so, invest some money in to it so that you can get a bigger card collection, don't listen to the hate-train about the state of the game, those comments will always be there and everyone is always going to hate some aspect of this game...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Which legendary should i craft?

    In my opinion Rag is the most bang for your buck, he is a guaranteed 8 dmg to something of your opponent. He is neutral so he can go in any deck. Shaku seems fun, I do not have him but I don't think he is essential. White eyes is a card i crafted, and he really hasn't worked out too well, his stats are solid but the whole adding another guy to your deck when he dies is too slow. If it was a battlecry I think he would be better. And kayaks is a solid card, I don't think you could regret that craft either. But that is my opinion, either Rag or Kazakus

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on This game has become pure and utterly shit

    Utter* and I have actually not been running into too many of one deck, I have been playing a variety of people. But I have also been on wild, so maybe try that out 

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Stuff Hearthstone Players Never Say.

    Let me be reasonable about what blizzard is doing with Hearthstone

    Posted in: General Discussion
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