• 3

    posted a message on "Technically" full dust refund should be applied with buffs too

    So entitled. Everything has to be want, want, want. They've made a great decision to make some changes to unpopular or ineffective cards in a move which could shake the meta up and keep it fresh between then and a new expansion. 

    If they do this each expansion then it gives some new cards time to shine and stops it being the same decks over and over between expansions. 

    Instead of saying 'you now what, nice one, good idea, we appreciate that'  you get this bollocks. 

    'technically' all you want, you're being greedy and spoiled which is sad. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on IRL Fatigue, Stuck at Rank 15

    One of the biggest things I've learned is not to panic change decks. It's easy to consider switching after a run of say 7 losses in 10 but take a break. Either do something else or play some casual and mess about. Anything that doesn't have any pressure  You quickly forget the times you win 7 or 8 in 10 but if the deck is capable then you'll hit that run again.

    Also, the game is more nuanced than a large part of the community give it credit for. It isn't some trashy roll over kid's game, you do need to practice and get better. Best way to do that is sticking with a deck and fully understanding it. Getting to know properly how other classes play and more so, how different archetypes within those classes play. You'll need to mulligan differently and change your tactics up. That comes with practice. Stick with it. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on I got a golden Lucentbark...any heal druid decks?

    Definitely wouldn't scrap it. There's plenty of time for it to get some really good support in future expansions. Not all cards are designed to be immediately impactful, they will have a map planned of future content and some are designed to get support later on. It seems to me like it's a card that will get some more tools and be a really powerful archetype in future. 

    Posted in: Druid
  • 0

    posted a message on Barista vs Rafaam

    Rafaam has ANY use only in Control Warrior matchup, where he boosts your chances of victory from 20% into like 30%... Bunch of random legendaries (often overpriced considering pure stats) is never good enough and that's why in most cases you should try to avoid playing Rafaam for any cost. But that means, in most matchups he'll be just dead card in your hand, so why would you keep him in your deck? At some point I've realized, that he's not worth it. It's much more efficient to just concede vs Control Warrior (you would probably lose anyway) and change Rafaam for something more useful in other matchups, like Leeroy.

    I mean sure, there are some crazy highrolls that you can get, like Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk (yes, it's triggered by Warlock's hero power!), but in most cases you'll have bunch of Millhouse Manastorm or Zerek, Master Cloner or Commander Rhyssa...

    Rafaam isn't very good in Zoo and for sure he won't work in any future control Warlock archetype, because it's terrible to lose all your control cards and trade them for random legendaries. If you can't beat opponent with your constructed set, then probably you'll lose anyway. I would call him waste of dust, like most Warlock's legendaries at this point... I've crafted him and I regret that.

     Have you ever used him or played zoo? It doesn't sound you have. 

    He's a great card, especially when you start to lose the board or go behind. Zoo can bring people down pretty fast but it can run out of steam if you get cleared and your opponent starts to build the board up. 

    He gives it a boost and I've found from around 150 or so games that the randomness of the Legendarias isn't as bad as you'd think. He's single handedly won me many games and is great fun. Sometimes having a fun deck that you enjoy is more important to some than a deck that squeezes out an extra 7 or 8% win rate. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Do you guys also find the meta insanely boring?
    Quote from Qulx >>
    Quote from endlesstides >>
    Quote from Padge >>

    This is so over the top. Why would you ever do anything that you find 'insanely boring' ? I'm sure you're exaggerating for dramatic efge t but still... There is nothing I would find insanely boring that I would ever do by choice. If I did then I'm just being a complete cretin. Things I might have to do that are 'insanely boring' can be things like putting up furniture, re-grouting the bathroom, being in stand still traffic for hours. 

    I understand if people find ladder a bit repetitive at the moment, the card pool is low due to rotation so the choice isn't as varied. You may even not particularly enjoy playing against decks that are effective at the moment. 

    But to refer to it as insanely boring, or even boring, why are you choosing to play then? You know what I find boring? Farming simulator. You know what I don't do? Play farming simulator. I also then don't go on a farming simulator fan site and complaining over and over that it's boring. 

    Will someone please explain why, when you find something so bad and boring  that you continue to play and discuss it? No one has ever answered this, I genuinely want to know. Its such an easy game to put down and go back to 3, 4 or 5+ months later, there's no excuse, you're causing your own misery which is just stupid. 

     I don't think I've ever agreed with a post on this site more than this one. Most of the time Threads like this are just created for people seeking like minded replies. 

     "Guys, this Meta is Trash. Agreed?" 

    "Yeah man. MSoG was sooooo much better!" 

    "Thanks dude, thought it was just me..." 

     I don't know why some of the posters on here continually hate on all things Hearthstone. Yes it has problems, same as any other CCG, but damn.... 

     And I'm definitely in the same boat as you Padge. I can't stand Minecraft, so I don't play it, don't frequent the Forums and don't partake in Threads about it. If someone really doesn't like something then they won't do it. 

     I do understand that and I obviously exeggerated, when i said, it is "insanely" boring. I do not hate the game, because then i would never ever post on a forum. :P

    The thing is, that i see so much potential, so much cool stuff that could go on this game. I know not every card is meant to be op, but in my eyes it is sad to see, that interesting mechanics and synergies get washed away douzens of times, just because one or two decks are so prominent. It has come to a point, where the last 5 legendaries i got from packs did not make me feel excited, because i knew i can't even play them on ladder. 
    3 days ago, i played with a friend of mine and we just played homebrews vs each other, they weren't super strong but they also didn't suck. The gameplay was so interesting and fun.  

     Fair enough, you're entitled to your opinion and if you prefer to play a certain way, that's your choice. 

    However, this isn't home brew stone. The main reason people complain about not being able to play their wild and wacky decks is that they aren't very good decks. Or they don't pilot them well. It's that simple. The very best deck in the game is a 'home brew' deck. I hate the phrase home brew, it translates to 'something I personally like the idea of and therefore feel I should be able to play with it'  It's no different to the 10 highest performing decks. Someone created them, maybe multiple people had the exact same deck idea but it doesn't stop them being 'home brew' decks either. The difference is just those decks are good so people copy them.

    What you're unhappy about is you not being able to play your way or have the choice you want in a competitive sense but that's the same for every other game, pretty much. I like to compare things with fifa because it's such a different game with such a different audience but complaints and issues still translate. 

    The 'home brew' complaints are the same as someone wanting to play ultimate team and use players they like the look of or build a team with players with the most outrageous hair styles but then complaining because that team isn't very good and they can't use it. But they play matches against their friends, who also use a team that's made using wacky requirements and sure, they have a blast. That isn't the game's fault though. You're wanting it to play how you personally like but it isn't designed for you as an individual. It's designed with a large amount of people in mind. 

    Fifa players also complain that the 'meta is boring'  that there is a number of players that you just see over and over again because they are over powered or the most effective. They will also say things like 'it's not that I don't win, I do, it's boring though'  'I have no trouble competing but it's boring, I want it to play as I want'  

    Different game, different play bases, different devs, same complaints. Why? The people complaining all share the same logic in common. It isn't Blizzard, it isn't EA, sometimes the player has to accept that what they want just isn't what the game is about. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on Dalaran Heist is a bummer
    Quote from FortyDust >>
    Quote from agon_EU >>

    The content is still an improvement from last "dungeon runs" but that's not the point of the discussion. AbusingKel said all the things that I wanted to say.

    Regarding all the people saying "if you don't want it don't buy it" etc. etc. What you say is true but what I'm complaining about is that Blizzard's business model makes no sense at all. They are trying to sell something that was free before and I haven't seen anyone point this out, so I thought I'd share my opinion. As more and more people are essentially agreeing with me I think Blizzard really missed and opportunity with the Dalaran Heist and I hope they won't keep on doing this in future expansions. 

    Adding a bartender and some hero powers is not new content, it's lazy design. Putting a price tag on this sad thing is even worse. 

     "Trying to sell something that was free before" is one of the most effective business models in existence, and one of the most common. Most consumers actually appreciate it.

    Do you sneer at the old lady in the supermarket who is handing out free samples? Do you yell at the car salesman for not giving you the car for free after a test drive? How can anyone honestly find this practice upsetting?

    "They are trying to sell something that was free before" is completely false, though. This product has never existed before. Similar products have existed in the past, and they were free. That doesn't mean Blizzard is obligated to give away all PvE content for free until the end of time.

    This is a new product, and people at Blizzard put a lot of effort into it. Calling it "lazy design" is a massive, immature insult. They improved on a formula people had responded positively to in the past. That's not lazy; that's progress. And it's immature as hell for you to call it lazy while in the same breath complaining that you don't have it for free. If it's such a bed product, why do you seem to want it so much?

    You think they "missed an opportunity" to get nothing from the development time and money they put into this? Really? Are you talking about an opportunity to attract more freeloaders to the game? That is the exact opposite of what Hearthstone needs.

    On the contrary, this sets better expectation for new players -- you get a piece of the game for free, but if you want the full experience, you need to pay up. Just like regular Hearthstone.

     If I could up vote this more than once, I would. 

    Spot on. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Do you guys also find the meta insanely boring?

    I have to admit, despite all the bullshit, the RR meta was....way more fun.

    Like sure, you had your highrolling, your one-card win conditions, your Baku/Genn, but at the end of the day there was some real diversity of playstyle. Pretty much every class had at least 2 playable decks, and even the meme decks had a realistic chance of beating meta decks, because they also had access to all the broken cards.

    I loved playing Discard Warlock because it actually had the tools to beat something like Odd Paladin or Midrange Hunter, just because of cards like Defile, Bloodreaver Gul'dan and Corpsetaker.

    No, after the powerlevel has been reduced drastically only the really broken cards stick out. Mage is basically defined by a single overpowered card, only 3 classes have Hero cards and Warrior'S is the best, and Rogue is the only class with a tempo deck that's comparable to the previous ones in terms of consistency.

    Partially this is because we just have very few cards in comparison right now...but I also think it's kind of upsetting that legitimately good cards are not seeing play because they are overshadowed by the insane ones (Gral the Shark used to be run in some Rogue decks, but right now he's just pointless beause the ROgue class has gotten all about hyper tempo)

    the only class that actually has some deck diversity is Hunter, and even there it's basically all either banking on Zul'jin or just abusing the Magnetize mechanic.

     This revisionism is another thing people do all the time

    X and Y wasn't THAT bad, it was better than what we have now. Go back and look at the threads at the time and you wouldn't think that at all. But once you're distanced from something, you never remember it as it was. 

    I've seen it said about almost everything that people recalling disliking. Things like 'but at least with pirate warrior....' if you traded the game now for back then, you'd be just as, of not more pissed off. 

    Let's not try and pretend people would be less bitt hurt if we swapped back to a RR game state. I personally liked it but then again, I don't really get annoyed at the game like others on here. If I ever feel I'm getting there, I just stop playing for a few months. There's never been a game state where I've felt strong negativity or boredom though. Maybe because I do have those breaks, it's a sensible thing to do... 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Do you guys also find the meta insanely boring?

    This is so over the top. Why would you ever do anything that you find 'insanely boring' ? I'm sure you're exaggerating for dramatic efge t but still... There is nothing I would find insanely boring that I would ever do by choice. If I did then I'm just being a complete cretin. Things I might have to do that are 'insanely boring' can be things like putting up furniture, re-grouting the bathroom, being in stand still traffic for hours. 

    I understand if people find ladder a bit repetitive at the moment, the card pool is low due to rotation so the choice isn't as varied. You may even not particularly enjoy playing against decks that are effective at the moment. 

    But to refer to it as insanely boring, or even boring, why are you choosing to play then? You know what I find boring? Farming simulator. You know what I don't do? Play farming simulator. I also then don't go on a farming simulator fan site and complaining over and over that it's boring. 

    Will someone please explain why, when you find something so bad and boring  that you continue to play and discuss it? No one has ever answered this, I genuinely want to know. Its such an easy game to put down and go back to 3, 4 or 5+ months later, there's no excuse, you're causing your own misery which is just stupid. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on You guys do know there's other classes than priest right?

    No one is going to read this and suddenly stop playing a deck they enjoy or win with. The game doesn't revolve around you, it isn't other players responsibility to ensure you can play whatever niche or wacky deck you want. If you aren't climbing with a deck then either you aren't very good or the deck isn't. 

    Not sure what you're hoping to achieve with this, very much a salt thread post. 

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Let's make all Classic Cards F2P
    Quote from Legendarias >>
    Quote from moloch519 >>

     Bli$$ard giving free stuff? NO WAY, THAT WOULD BREAK THE MATRIX 

     I don't get what your little passive aggressive dig is all about in all honesty, they give loads away for free. They do have to make money though or the game would collapse, you do realise this? 

    Out of interest, what do you do for a living? 

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 8

    posted a message on Old Guardian's Budget Run to Legend - No Epic or Legendary Cards!

    Been watching OG on YouTube and have to say I find him the best to watch. Really chilled and knowledgeable, explains things well and none of the gimmicky stuff other content creators can be guilty of. Have a lot of respect for people who make guides etc like these, takes time, effort and patience. Thanks for putting all this together, I'm sure plenty of people particularly those on a budget will really benefit from these

    Keep up the great work! 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Pack's quallity F2P VS Real money
    Quote from gleic >>

    Surely you can get this kind of items in that way, but I am curious about the frequency and any distinction about if is a pack bought with real money, vs other free/gold  packs,

    In general terms, I think the pity counter is respected no  matter what, but the probability of getting legendaries is different previous tho reach that limit if the pack comes from real money.  Have no real evidence but wanted to know if someone else may noticed something similar.

     And this here is the problem. Things like religious institutions love people like you  You don't need evidence or facts to become convinced about something. You'll just belive it. Even my 10 year old understands that they need evidence to believe something and if, after looking, none can be found, there's a good chance its as real as the tooth fairy.

    If you've no evidence, what has led you to think this way? 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Pack's quallity F2P VS Real money

    I've seen this conspiracy in every game that offers free and paid methods of buying packs, loot boxes etc. There's a section of the fifa community that is similarly moronic and can't grasp that paid packs are the same as free packs. They ignore any evidence to the contrary because they have a 'theory' or a 'feeling'. All it takes is one person of relatively low intelligence to get a good pull from a paid pack and then at some point in the following month or two, open some free packs and get little of value. That's all it takes to convince these sorts. 

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -5

    posted a message on New Hearthstone Cinematic - Here’s the Plan! (Dalaran Heist Adventure)
    Quote from Synthetikmisery >>
    Quote from kitox_me >>

    i will spam this in every blue post until the end of time (or they actually give us the fucking mode)

     You understand that no one from Blizzard will see it, right?

     No, they don't. They just bang on their keyboard and shout like the Internet equivilant of a caveman. Their post makes me cringe, I don't hold out much hope of this one growing up anytime soon. 

    Posted in: News
  • 24

    posted a message on New Hearthstone Cinematic - Here’s the Plan! (Dalaran Heist Adventure)
    Quote from OverholtNA >>

    I was waiting for something interesting, but this whole theme just continues to be generic and underwhelming. Hopefully the content is fun, if nothing else.

    You lot will moan at every bloody thing, won't you?

    'Waiting' were you? What for? What was your great expectation from this, a small cinematic clip for some pve content in a digital card game? Why don't you wash the dorito dust off your hands and elaborate on what you would have liked, instead of acting like a snotty child?

    What do you mean by generic? Do you know what the word means?

    I liked it to be honest. It's a 2 minute bit of fun. It followed the theme of the expansion and along with the others that will be released over the year, will tell a little story of how it all plays out. 

    Posted in: News
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