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    posted a message on Antique Healbot

    Reporting from future in absence of this gem, all hope is gone, cancer has spread and our only hero to save us belongs to wild now ...

    Posted in: Antique Healbot
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    posted a message on [Legend] Medivh's Valet Aggro Freeze Mage 70% winrate R5 to Legend
    Quote from Sakubo777 >>

    So this is where all those irritating Mages came from... too bad some guy I played against used it horribly by using 2 Coldlights on Turn 6, drawing 4 cards for a Hunter who's already down on cards.

     Actually just like the author explained, playing 2 Coldlights on turn 6 is perfectly fine as you will be getting your survival/burn pieces lot faster. Also especially against classes who does not run heals (Rogue, Shaman, mage etc) you don't care how many card they draw as long as you have your future 2 turn planned.
    Also if the user has 2 coldlight in hand anyway there is nothing else she can do so no those you faced are not bad you just don't know the deck.
    Posted in: [Legend] Medivh's Valet Aggro Freeze Mage 70% winrate R5 to Legend
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    posted a message on [Legend] Medivh's Valet Aggro Freeze Mage 70% winrate R5 to Legend

    Been playing this deck for a while, as many stated here it is almost auto-concede to paladins, druids any reno deck (except renolock sometimes) and especially warriors, this deck does not stand a chance against warriors unless you start with 2 buffed mana wryms and warrior has no answers. (Which is most unlikely)

    However it does well against tempo mages, midrange shaman and midrange hunter but I wouldn't advise this since there are many druids at the moment.

    This deck does punish decks that does not or can't run any heal or shield to stay out of lethal range (That's why anyfin pala and most warrior decks are hard counter) --->Rip Rogues.

    Here is little tips and advise for playing this deck any extra suggestion tip is welcome and correct me if im wrong:

    +Control the board until to mid game then you can completly ignore it since there is no way to hold or regain control of board (Not like you need anyway)

    +Don't be greedy to hold Fost Nova to combo with Doomsayer because it is almost guaranteed Doomsayer will be removed anyway he is only good to draw in early state of game.

    +Burn your spells as soon as you can, dont be greedy to use them with talnos as talnos is actually only good with draw/Frost bolt and ice lance combo with this deck.

    +Don't play Acolyt of Pains out of hero p unless you are sure it will trigger at least twice.

    +in mid-late game Sorcerer's Apprentice is a much better Emperor Thaurissan so save her to combine with spells

    Posted in: [Legend] Medivh's Valet Aggro Freeze Mage 70% winrate R5 to Legend
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    posted a message on Ben Brode has no love for Rogue
    Quote from Rhyolth >>
    Quote from KKeegan >>
    Quote from Dato_che >>

    I don't understand people saying that class being meant to lose 3 games and win 1 but with style is fine. that is when you want to play fun decks, but when class has only decks like that, it means that there is serious problem.

     So much this. In a game like Hearthstone, I don't see why a fun deck can't be competitive. This is a game, we should all have fun, and be able to play any class without being automatically crushed.
     Rogue & Priest are meant to be skill-intensive, and as such are extremely tough to balance : if the average Joe manage to get even just a slightly above average winrate, then the actuallly skilled guy may perform way too well, to a point where it is unhealthy for the game.
    Take for example Patron Warrior : it was a very difficult deck to play optimally, and thus its performance were totally reasonnable on ladder. However, it completely dominated the competitive scene, as it was way too deadly in the right hands. The problem is the same with Rogue & Priest : make those too accessible, and they will become too good at high level.
     I have been playing hs since beta and roaming hearthpwn for a long time never had the need to create account but you sir.... Made me burst in laught thus i had to create acc. If you think priest is challenging or meant to be skill-intensive you are either maining priest or have no idea what you are talking about.
    In case you didn't know whole removal arsenal of priest is straightforward itself that i dont even count the minions... ( Entombing tirion much skill very risk wow)
    Also pretty much all classes are too good with certain decks anyway apar from rogue and priest couple examples are tempo mage any shaman deck any warrior deck zoo/renolock and list goes on, some of those just counter eachother while they all have same thing in common, steamrolling the face of rogue :)
    Rogue is only one aoe removal away of being stable unless they decide to give us more than one archetype ( not counting the rng bs burgle rogue)
    Posted in: Rogue
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