• 1

    posted a message on Am I the only one worried about the Rogue reverts?

    Yes you are Sort of the only one,

    first, revering necrium apothecary is a mistake snce the thing is literally a narrower barnes which means with proper deckbuilding it's way more abusable than OG barnes , but  I'll elaborate with the "controversial" cards that  i was thinking should've been reverted and are controversial:


    The Caverns Below: With the revert it turns intos what it should have been from the start, a cool and interesting card that enables a playstyle thats fairly different to pre-existing ones without being completely ruined by  easy and wide availability to the most toxic and uninteresting mechanic that for the longest time of the game's lifespan  has gotten more cards nerfed than every other mechanic combined: charge,

    With Boar, Patches and Preparation, nerfed, the deck should be at a point where it's worth considering in certain metas without being  overly oppressive or dominating because you no longer get suddenly attacked in the face by 4-5 5/5 chargers that cost 1 mana


    Blade Flurry was used to push face damage and that was the toxic part with Oil+flurry , the "semi" revert just means it will be used as an AOE instead of a burst tool, yea maybe Kingsbane rogue will find a way where to play it as a 1 of but the hopes are for other archetypes to spark now that they have access to a proper survability tool, Jade rogue? big rogue? deathrattle rogue? anyone?


    Galakrond: There are so many Galakrond cards that were nerfed because they were too powerful for standard that never ever made a dent in WIld, Corrupt Elementalist, Scion of Ruin, and  fiendish ritual plus the rogue's Galakrond card, if they want wild not to be a myriad of the same 3 decks they should encourage this type of "build over time" cards, ie. Shudderwock is nowhere tier 1 in wild and still sees plenty of play because people like the feeling of progressively advancing their gameplan, and Gaakrond decks are actually fun to play around with.


    and last but not least,


    Call to Arms : While this card was toxic in standard,  If you want Wild paladin to play something other than odd paladin then you give them this card in an even slot, specially because contrary to standard where at 4 mana it was used as an aggro card, in wild this was usually used as either a deck accelerator, to be able to find a Combo faster, in decks  featuring Anyfin Can Happen [/card] or  [card]Uther of the ebonblade or  to give a boost to mid-range decks, yeah, Secret and even pally were viable just because of this card at 4. , well anyfin is no longer around, because bluegill, pretty much the only balanced and fair charge minion ever printed  is now a rush minion and the horseman otk with beardo is janky enough  to not happen every game, plus a christhmas tree turn with mysterious challenger while still solid is no longer game winning


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -3

    posted a message on More Reverted Nerfs Announced - Paladin, Priest & Rogue

    It's not a problem with a nerfed boar and patches, the toxic part of the card was the sudden amount of damage that they could deal with a bunch of 1 mana chargers

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on More Reverted Nerfs Announced - Paladin, Priest & Rogue

    Why did you disenchant them in the first place? 

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Wild

    Raza priest is one of the best decks in wild as previous posters stated, and while powerful, it isn't as straightforward as people think, yes you almost autowin against slow control decks, but "wild", "viable" and "slow" really don't go together in the same sentence unless odd warior is involved

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Am I the only one who thinks Rogue is a problem?
    Quote from Infester >>

    Am I less of a bad person if I only play whirlkick rogue? I really only have rogue, hunter, and shaman cards. I don't like the highlander hunter and I don't have cards for meme hunter decks. Shaman is all aggro too unless I want to play a meme deck. And I don't think I'm good enough to get to legend playing meme decks against all of those aggro rogues lol. Maybe I could but it would take forever.

    I don't even like to play the aggro rogue anyways. Yea I suppose it's good. But I feel like I win at a higher rate with whirlkick rogue. Maybe I'm bad at the aggro deck or something, but there's so many decks that I just feel like I auto lose to. Token druid, warrior, that new mage deck with spell damage and tons of spells absolutely wrecks the deck and there's tons of those mages on the ladder. I also don't like losing once someone puts up a taunt or does some lifesteal shenanigans like the combo DH deck. I just hate games where I lose due to luck of the draw. That's why I play whirlkick rogue. I like to have that potential to puzzle my way through any matchup and find different ways to win. I feel like whirlkick is a way better deck.

    It annoys me to play vs the aggro rogue all the time too, but I can beat it with whirlkick so it's all good.

    But still, do I count as an annoying rogue player playing whirlkick? lol

     no not really, you aren't a bad person, i've been saying this forever, while hearthstone isn't expensive to be competitive in (you only need a good deck composed of 30 cards to compete) it's expensive if you want to play multiple decks or meme, if you're either a f2p or just can't afford a lot of packs then the sensible move is to actually play what you can afford.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Tickatus makes Big Priests cry
    Quote from guyopt >>
    Quote from ArcyroX >>

    I been trying to find a big priest counter in wild. decklist please?

     kings-bane rogue with double sap is a good counter.

    or a combo burn deck like Raza priest, Mozaki mage or Malygos Aviana druid.


     This, i've been playing a lot of BP to both learn the matchup, i'm less than 100 wind away from golden priest and because i hate aggro, which the deck is really good against and i can tell you that the matchup against king'sbane with double sap or Raza priest are things that tend to destroy the deck

    I'm on the fence about Mozaki mage or Aviana Druid, though, while a Mozaki Combo is good against BP because it doesn't get stopped by taunts, BP gets in the board early enough, making it hard to handle for the Mozaki mage sometimes,  

    Aviana Druid literally depens of if and when the druid draws his psychmelon  and what he gets with it, now that Kun and Aviana are 10 cost cards the druid relies on getting one of them naturally as well as the lightning bloom.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • -1

    posted a message on Changed Core Cards Will Replace Legacy Cards with Same Name - Discussion Ongoing

    it isn't you DON'T own the cards, you just have a license to play with some of them, go read the terms of service, they do reserve the rights to change everything about this game, even the monetary system,  you agreed to it, the fact that you didn't read them isn't anyone's but your fault, and NO before your entitled pea-sized gringo brain jumps to a gringo-like conclusion where the thing is somehow in "fine print"  no it isn't that clause is literally bolded and in a bigger font-size than other clauses.

    Posted in: News
  • -6

    posted a message on Changed Core Cards Will Replace Legacy Cards with Same Name - Discussion Ongoing

    No fuck, don''t listen to that fucking entitled manchild that is Zeddy wanting  to play whatever deck of old that would probably no longer work in wild anyways, Wild deserves as much care and balance as Bgs gets, they might be "side modes" and them taking the place of standard is something no one ver hopes for, but that doesn't mean they should be unplayable festerpits

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Pursuit of Justice

    Even Paladin is back!

    Posted in: Pursuit of Justice
  • 4

    posted a message on Nozdormu the Eternal

    can't read capital letters, it has to be in BOTH players decks, i want to take my time with my turns so i won't run it and the effect won't activate.

    Posted in: Nozdormu the Eternal
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