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    posted a message on New Card - Coldarra Drake [Mage]
    Quote from DoubleSummon jump

    summonning the cards costs 11 mana though and they NED to survive.

    Unfortunately Ned dies in the first episode (sorry for spoiler).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Clockwork Knight

    As a Mech Mage player, this card has no value to me.  Too slow.  Not enough upside.  By turn 5, I really should have board control and my opponent should be a couple turns away from "fireball to the face, gg".  If I'm going to risk having a dead card in my hand until turn 5, it pretty much has to win me the game on its own once it's played.  This just doesn't do that.

    Pretty underwhelming overall.  I'd much rather have seen this as a 2/3 or 3/2 with the same effect for 3 mana.  That'd I'd consider.  Or if it gave +1/+1 to ALL mechs.

    As it is though?  Pass.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on The Grand Tournament Card Clarifications Round-Up
    Quote from Fluxflashor jump

    Updated with some clarifications.

    Nexus-Champion Saraad

    • The random spell you get can only be spells which can appear in your collection. (Source)

    Coldarra Drake

    • Your Hero Power will become usable again if you use your power before playing Coldarra Drake. Additionally, if he dies, your hero power won't exhaust on that turn. (Source)

    Are you sure you're reading the Tweet on Coldarra correctly?  Adding "on that turn" the the end of what the Blue said is significantly different.  I took the Blue to mean that if you use your Hero Power before Coldarra dies, it won't immediately exhaust once the minion is dead - meaning you can get one more use out of it.  You're saying that you can continue to use it as many times as possible.

    Either way, I'd say just stick with what the Blue actually said.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on How generous is arena?

    As Tahladnas explained, in order to be profitable in arena, you have to do better than average.  By default, this means that most people who enter arena are going to lose more than they gain.

    Thepoxbox, you said yourself in your OP that "the break-even point is around 3.5 wins".  Since you can only obtain 3 losses and have to win 3.5 times to break even, this very sentence shows that you have to win more than you lose.  If you're willing more than you lose, it means someone out there is losing more than they win.



    Posted in: The Arena
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    posted a message on How many Secrets can I have on board?
    Quote from BerryInvasion jump
    Quote from Asulee jump

    Ok, guys, so the point is - YOU CAN'T HAVE MORE THEN 5 SECRETS ATM.

    Below is a proofpic.


    That's not even true. Sure, you may not be able to play a secret when you have 5+ secrets up, but with mad scientist/kezan mystic you can get more than 5!

    Uh...  If you have Mirror Entity on the board and the only other secret in your deck is another Mirror Entity, nothing happens when a Mad Scientist dies.  You don't get two Mirror Entity's.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Roping against Hunters
    Quote from dinamar jump

    I am a casual player, and face hunters type decks are not very casual friendly

    The more I think about it, the more I think this may be the heart of the problem.  A good deck deals with FaceHunter quite easily.  "Spam lots of cheap minions" is a strategy found in many popular decks (Zoo, Mech-anything, etc) and is something that serious deck planners will account for.

    However, casual players (NOT a derogative term, BTW) do not build serious decks that account for all popular opponent possibilities.  They build decks around stuff like Mimron's Head or other things that they find interesting.

    Problem is that both types of players are equally valid and equally welcome.  As much as you hate FaceHunter, there's a person on the other end of that deck having fun (or trying to) and Blizzard (rightfully) supports that.  Fully segregating the two player types is impossible and probably inadvisable.  But Blizzard does a pretty good job of catering to both.  Tavern Brawl, for example is very squarely focused on entertaining the casual playerbase.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Roping against Hunters

    I've never understood the FaceHunter hate.  I've not played the deck, but I've faced it many times.  It doesn't bother me.  My win rate against it is like 75% and the match (win or lose) is over very quickly.  It's the prefect situation, honestly.  Really, I'm glad to see them.  Quick game.  Likely win.  Yes, please!

    To answer your question directly though, yes, that makes you a bad person.  As Mom always said, "Two wrongs don't make a right".

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Does anyone know what you get for wins in the Tavern Brawl?


    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on Does anyone know what you get for wins in the Tavern Brawl?

    I heard that if you win as Ragnaros, the entire Blizzard crew comes to your house and lets you design the next expansion.  Too bad we'll never know if this rumor is true or not since no one will ever achieve this great feat.

    Posted in: Tavern Brawl
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    posted a message on VOTE: Most annoying Class to play AGAINST? Versus which Class you do NOT like to play most?
    Quote from Terribleness »

    The question was not which class you have the most trouble dealing with, it was which one is the most annoying to play against. I win over 70% of my games vs Priest because Priest's are in a real tough spot atm, doesn't mean I enjoyed playing against them.


    I vote Priest.  Honestly, Hunter rarely gives me problems.  Since they're always going face, it means I get great trades and usually win.  And, even if I don't, at least it's over quick.

    Priest is rough because their healing makes setting up good trades difficult and their common combos are hard to play around.  They also tend to have great staying power but low power power - which makes for long, drawn-out, unfun games (even if you win in the end).

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on GvG Card Reveal: Bolvar Fordragon
    Quote from Mosrhun »

    Still no word from Blizzard. It would be nice if they could offer a product like a mature company every once in a while and give a solid release date. "Some time in December" while leaking cards the entire month leading up to December, and ending the day prior to an extended maintenance and it's not even being released. Why leave paying adults guessing at the release date for this? If you don't know when you're going to release it, why even tease it until you're 100% sure it's ready for action? Finish it first, then tease it and release on a publicly known date. None of this cat and mouse bullshit.

    Let's apply logic here.

    There are two possible methods.  Yours (finish, tease, release) and Blizzard's (tease, finish, release).  The day the game is finished is static in both examples.  For example purposes, let's say that day is December 15th.  When December 15th comes with your method, we would still have to wait through another 3 weeks worth of teasing before the game was released.  Under Blizzard's model, they can immediately release on December 15th because all the teasing is already done.

    What kind of crackjob are you that you would ask for a delayed product just so you can get a solid date?

    Posted in: News
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