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    posted a message on I miss wild
    Quote from Pokalypse >>

    Ok, my bad i understand what all of you are saying, that it's not about the OP deck but more about the out value it creates, ok.. Their is the darkest hour warlock who is doing a crazy outvalue stomp turn 5/6, but ok no rez but it doesn't really needs it with the nerubian unraveler, anyway, if BP get nerf one day the next trend will be warlock? :)

    So if it can make you happy this deck can't really reach legend with the actual meta in wild without an insane amount of luck, sorry for the people stuck in rank 10 or more tho. 

    But come on pirate warrior was insanly brainless with the full face, BP is not that brainless tho

     If what you are trying to said is: "Well everyone have something unfair to play and Priest is the class with the less unfair stuff cause Dev team dont want to support stealth minions or go hero power anymore, neither infinite value for play control so what is the problem with Big Priest?" You get a point. Sadly Resurrection is the only mechanic in priest that only priest can abuse fast enough to win games in Wild. They nerf infinite hero power priest and combo priest is pretty easy to dealt with in wild.

    I am not a fan of Big Priest. Even when i am a priest main but yeah in standard almost every priest main was forced to change to Shaman or Warrior for control and removal focus decks because dev team still dont want to support the old control tools of Priest (after 2 years almost). I am still waiting to see when they will stop supporting Armor stuff for 2 years or something similar in warrior or good midrange stuff in shaman.

    So i can tell you why people is disgusting about the deck: Is too easy to play and too hard to play around. Its no that "is hard to beat" its more like your decisions dont really matter against the deck in the long term. Its all about luck. Any deck that depends only into get some luck and play nothing but removal and cheating big stuff (or any kind of busted stuff) early enough to win its even worse than aggro matches. Because atleast forces you to make better plays or thing. The aggro play can play super brainless (or not, aggro need skill to play) but you cant, you always need to think how much damage you can take, how many value trades can afford, how much time can you hold a board wipe. Big Priest match is a lot more linear: you play your stuff the fastest you can and try to prevent big stuff from dying before you can transform them into bad minions (if you can) or play to win before some big taunts hit the board.

    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Why do Priest need VERY good cards in the next Expansion
    Quote from HellOnslaught >>
    Quote from HellOnslaught >>

    Everyone is hyping Cheff Nomi in rogue... but i wonder if she could become a win condition in priest combined with Seance

    And looks like both my predictions were right. Seems like Priest is currently unplayable due lack of AOE and Nomi is the best Anduin can offer in standard.
    I never wished for priest to be tier 1 but Blizzard REALLY dropped the ball this time. I saw what was comming 5 months ago. Other sites/players saw it as well. From my point of view, Blizzard is either being incompetent or they just don't care. Probably both.

     They are not incompetent. They just dont want to support Priest control tools right now. This his happening for long time and priest is not the first class that become "lets puch something different each expansion in this class untill we get to something interesting and stop right here for 1 or 2 years" The first one was hunter and right after was Warlock AND after was Shaman.

    Dev team have a clear mind about this stuff: not like to support evergreen decks for each class in the game. So for example in some point they will stuff supporting elementals and minion care spells in Mage. Spells in hunter. Taunts in druid. And change to something more diverse for a time and people will notice how X or Y class become weaker. It has some logic i guess even when i dont like when they do it for more than 2 expansions in a row.

    Posted in: Priest
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    posted a message on I miss wild
    Quote from Pokalypse >>

    Resurrect mechanic is as broken as magnetic mecanic as discover as infinite jade (no fatigue) as rush and some other mechanic but in the end this "broken" mechanics are what hearhstone is, a variant of different archetype that evolve and change with time and i love it.. 

    Just enjoy what you like and stop crying for one stupid deck who is not that easy to play and who take load of time to progress (i mean half a hour game is what i call a long time to progress) while with any other aggro deck in 5 minute the game is almost done! 

    If you think priest is your evil decks build an archetype to counter it and have fun smash them down.. Find something other than complaint please, we could speak about so many others bothering deck here other than BP.. 

     Nope. Resurrect is more broken. You can tech against others mechanics pretty easy but there is only 2 ways to counter resurrect: Transform minions or take those minions for you. RNG dont count as a counter for me.



    Posted in: Wild Format
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    posted a message on Is this community getting more and more toxic?
    Quote from user-27679277 >>

    Whenever I create post pointing out to tier 1 consisted only of aggro, this is what I got:

    - usual "salt thread" annoying post

    - i have no clue about HS and I must be Rank 20, because there is Warrior! (I am rank 5, legend a lot of times, Warrior is nor tier 1 according to hsreplay, metastats etc.)

    - that I won't be missed after quitting etc.

    I wouldn't mark any post as "discussion" and when I am reading recent topics, it is hard to find any discussion actually. Is community getting down with quality like HS, basically following quality curve?

     I dont know you and i dont know about your threads probably (or i know? i have bad memory for somethings anyway) but even if you have some reason about people being toxic which is pretty hard to tell because "toxic" is a very diverse concept well in my opinion you are toxic too. You literally open a thread without nothing more to said that "this game is just agro agro agro agro and one control deck so i will uninstall the game" that no sounds like something that you said when you like a game.

    People here is not the best i mean just look me. I dont talk english properly so is hard for me to explain myself for example, that should be very annoying for half of the people that read my posts but still no one is telling me something like "oh god learn some english or begon plz" or something like that. My point: "even here" people can be tolerant but, how can they be tolerant with someone that open a thread only for despice the game they like?

    This game is not perfect, there is not perfect card games. Sometimes is pretty annoying like the como meta when Druid literally only play one core package with different win conditions and that were all their decks (and all of them were good enough to be tier 2 to 1) and what the other options were? more combo decks Mage combo, Priest combo, Shaman "combo", Paladin combo and only 3 agro decks (zoo, odd pala, tempo rogue). One of the worst meta in this game literally atleast for me.

    in that time there was a lot of threads about that being a problem and even that this people that you call "toxic" were open to talk and give their opinions. Maybe you are not wrong, maybe there is a lot of toxic people here, i cant tell but you are way more toxic and the reason is pretty simple: you dont like this game and talk only to prove that "this game is bad and is just about agro" there is nothing to learn about that type of talking. Sorry.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Literally nobody uses original decks whether it's casual or ranked (If any, it's like less than 5%)
    Quote from BitterLemons >>

    So many people copy each others decks, I only see original decks at the beginning few days of an expansion release.
    It's really sad to my eyes.

    What do you guys think?
    I think it's one of the main reasons why HS becomes boring (couldn't find a better word) very quickly, and it's more of a grinding procedure playing the most flawless/high-performing decks.

     I am playing my own version of control priest this expansion but also silent priest and control shaman. Building decks is fun and is a process that i love but in a very competitive meta game you need to know the limits of your building skill and the amount of cards you have. Create a legendary or epic card for playtesting is expensive already for some players (for me hurts like hell becuase i F2P for persona reasons) and there is a lot of new decks ideas for persons that already have all the card of the expansion and they are already on Legend but you probably dont match that people if you are wrinting this. People in Ladder uses ladder decks.

    How can you win against the meta decks with your own idea if you dont try it again and again for teching and replacing some cards? in the end your original idea will transform into a meta deck pretty much everytime. People that "copy" decks are just cutting the testing of the process. You know pretty much that you need a way to counter big value in this meta for example even when is very limited for only 4 classes, like Warrior or Shaman, but you also need removal or ways to generate big cards on mid game to counter Mage. All this "you need..." will let you to a meta deck or something similar to that. So its not like "people is not original" is more like "people know that they will face this and this and this" they need to play something that not super lose to meta decks, in short, other meta decks

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Card Nerf - Preparation
    Quote from Xiste >>

    I understand the concept behind the recent nerfs to rogue regarding a 4 cost raiding party but nerfing prep makes no sense. Now prep is so much worse than Innervate its not even funny. Nerfing a card that has been in the game since the beginning makes 0 sense. If it wasnt nerfed in the prior seasons why is it all of a sudden imba? 

    1. You can stack innervates

    2. Innervate can be used on minions

    3. Innervate requires no luck or dust to get, it is a standard card that everyone has available. 



     Preparation was such an out tempo play in a lot of combos. Yes the point of Rogue is cheap and make unfair plays before your oponent get enough cards in hand or mana. But that not means that it card was as unbalance as innervate or Kill comand or Hex (when cost 3) or ice block or excute or equality. The card just let you make something that your oponent cant play around and regardless what happens next you get a lot of tempo from it so make it a little worse for big spells seems find. Yes it hurts a lot in this moment but next Rogue card can fix that. Or next buff to Rogue cause Blizzard show us that they are very open to reduce mana cost as buff.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on So Shaman is now Priest?
    Quote from RavenSunHP >>

    Well, this is the downside of Standard: 

    Your main class is NOT guaranteed to be competitive at one of the things it's supposed to be good at.

    And since classes' portfolios overlap, the situation you mention is just a normal "day" in Standard, however frustrating.

    This thing has its source in the very thing that leads game design in HS: people like spikes of power in a specific direction, and can endure the lack of support as long as they can hope the spike they want will come one day. The same principle, reversed, applies with hated spikes, and relief from them with Rotation.

    "fresh and new" is entirely based on that principle.

    Notice that the same principle, that of spikes, also indirectly makes Wild the place of increasingly obnoxious decks and interactions...

    People like it. And there we go...


     This was the first thing i said. I know how the game works but how many time will past for priest get support in one of their ever green stuff like take control of downpower minions or healing or generate value in late game? only Lazul scheme seems focus on this and is not the first time Blizzards avoid arguely support evergreen stuff of this class more than other classes. Even priest always get combo enablers and good spells generators from other classes. I dont want to play the same deck forever like never, that is why i dont play Wild but when i seem literally any other class everyone feels like they almost get 4 cards that support the class in general and Priest feels more like they try to avoid give them the same treatment because "it was too strong" or "it was not fun" get rekt by that stuff.

    I dont have a real problem becuase i can afford (and i craft for this set) Control Shaman, actually i just open the Threat becuase how similar the game plan feel to Control Priest in the past. One deck that i pilot for almost 2 years before change to control Druid with Fandral, one of my favorite decks in the format of that time actually.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on So Shaman is now Priest?
    Quote from MrE4GLE >>

    do you prefer them to push freeze Shaman?

    They could actually push something like more minion care midrange or control with Shaman becuase the class cares about Battlecrys and that stuff. That sounds good too right?

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on So Shaman is now Priest?

    For long time i was questioning myself about the directions of the classes. I am very aware about how the game works: not every class (except maybe Warrior) retains the same gameplan orientation each year. But even with that in mind i cant understand why Blizzard literally choose to become Shaman in the new "classic priest style" class. I am not only talking about the fact that Shaman get always the best healing options but now even the Shaman minions feels like Priest minions in terms of mechanics. Even Hero Hagatha is obviusly base on Anduyn DK (repeat your hero power every time you do something).

    I will put my hands in the fire and declare that this is actually the reason why priest is so bad this expansions in terms of control gameplan and survavility. Its not weird to thing that if the dev team already design something like Walking Fountain for shaman or Witch's Brew they will try to avoid to make other good healing shenanigans in other classes specially when Druid was already choose to be the second "control" or more like "combo" class with healing stuff this expansion. But as i said this is not just about Rise of Shadows this is something that is hapenning since the very begin of the year of the Raven. And actually feels a little bad because Priest have not enough tools to make their hero power even worthy  to use since that, it fails as a tempo class, also fails as a aggro class and is not that great as a combo class (atleast some OTK with big heal minions still works).


    I am not implying that Priest cant be other thing than control but they hero power and classic/basic cards are designed to be  a Last Long class and right now feels like fails so hard in that.

    Posted in: Standard Format
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    posted a message on Disenchant Elysiana

    Dust her. I will probably not dust her only becuase my only deck for this meta (control shaman) dont cares about the nerf and well i need the card for the value end. BUT even i feel that i can to dust her for try other cards. But i dont know even what cards i want to try next. That is why i craft Zayle in first place when i return to the game. Nice card.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on May 22 Card Nerfs Are Live! Rogue + Archivist Elysiana Nerfed
    Nerfs look at the short term value of the game honestly and makes it so that T5 has no reason to innovate the classes so that they aren't weak to the same strategies. After all if you nerf what [insert class here] is weak against then they don't need to give them new tools that make them better at what the class is horrible at or pigeonholed into. Not nerfing something right away makes it so that the ball is in T5's court and pressure them to make the classes better and actually change them over time. That is talking about health for the game in the long term.

     i dont said that you have a good point about making better stuff or keep in mind some stuff that is why even when this would not be a combo oriented meta like the last one the create a card that was designed totally to try to mess with spell base combos. But the point is not "nerfed conjurer calling because there is not answer now" Conjurers Calling is a very problematic card just by design. You can combo off with 5 mana and get tons of value from some plays and there is not answers to big boards in this moment. What they will do? print a super strong AoE? seems pretty bad solution because, againt, this is not an long term meta. There is not more ways to win without a board and all decks care a lot of their minions because there is not more infinite resource cards aside from an limited number of optiones like Dr Boom.

    Big value cards were not problematic in the past because everyone have acces to infinite stuff. I complain A LOT about last rotation for that. None game except against Paladin was about put presure or even care about the board status. This is not that meta. Any card that proposes something similar needs to be a little more harder to combo because now is not just mid range hunter or odd paladin or zoo locks the ones that are hopeless vs massive stuff. Every class is hopeless to big combos right now.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Planned obsolescence
    Quote from Horkinger >>

    "Planned obsolescence" is what keeps the game fresh.It is necessary to keep the game alive, because it gets super stale if the same cards are always viable.

    Btw, releasinging new cards that will replace some of the present staples is also a way of "planned obsolescence" (removing presently viable cards). And with nerfs you get at least your dust for the nerfed cards back unlike with a new expansion that simply brings a new meta in which former top tier decks might not viable any more.

    And just for the sake of clarity: I appreciate almost all nerfs and new expansions as long as they change the meta.

    Changing stuff for the sake of change is a terrible plan. Most successful games out there don't make their game fresh by going scorched earth on all of their old content (in this case, cards that are no longer the shiny new ones). You guys are honestly spoiled when it comes to change simply because the game is on a digital platform and not a physical one. You know nothing about real staleness when it comes to card games. Try having played Yu-Gi-Oh back in the days of Chaos Control, when one variation or another of the deck kicked around for over a year straight (as the single most powerful deck mind you). Having something around for 3-6 months is HARDLY earth shattering if you've played something other than just hearthstone. 

    Card games by nature are not meant to change as fast as other games. Sure, you do want them to change, but constant nerfing of anything after someone gets bored of just takes all card integrity and throws it out of the window. In a world where you always nerf something the moment the millenials get bored you start getting players that care much less about their collection or the cards in general. After all, why save favorite cards and spend thousands of dust towards crafting new decks when they are all going to get nerfed into oblivion after Timmy gets bored of a 1-2 month long meta?

     This is half wrong. Card games cares A LOT about changes. Look MTG, YuGiOh and Vanguard for example. The last one even create the standard format excluding ALL THE CARDS that were in the game before the release of the format. In yu gi oh konami always hit the most powerfull decks when a new expansion is release (sometimes after 2 expansions) regardless of the cost of the deck. MTG change the standard format every time they can, new expansions are always filled with mechanics that not play with the old ones. Only Eternal Formats like Modern or Legacy keep the stuff in the same spot "forever" (and even in those formats there is a ban list).

    Card Games are about changes. That is the reason for making standard and eternal formats. No one wants to play against the same deck forever and, also, is not good for the business that the same deck can be playe forever without changes.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on May 22 Card Nerfs Are Live! Rogue + Archivist Elysiana Nerfed
    Quote from SinFFX >>

    i still dont get that they didnt nerf conjuers calling or whatever its called... mage is now so broken

    You can't nerf something into the ground and not be expected to reap the aftermath of post nerf metas.

    Should be a good mini make up call / nod back to what happened during the Jade Druid meta.

    Nerf Jade Druid to get Razakus priest then Tempo Rogue. This community never ends complaining about a deck. You instantly get a nerf that is live and immediately find something else to complain about. It's disgusting really.

     sorry but this is not a card game with counter-spells (not talking about the mage secret). Dont expect for people stop checking the combo decks as problems when the combo enabler is too easy to cast into an almost imposible situation. Right now mage can put 4 absurly state minions on board when standard decks cant dealt with big board. Conjurer is not the only card (the one that summon two 6 cost minions can hit the 5/12 but is the fastest spells to do it so...you really wish that card remains untouched all season?.

    You have 2 cards that work in the same way but the one that cost more cant be use as ward removal and can only get you minion of one cost. If dev team designed Power of Creation with 8 mana in mind there is not reason for keeping Conjurers Calling on 3. Both cards have the same board impact and the second one is also better...

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.
    Quote from DarkJak >>
    Quote from frosthearth >>

    I support buffing cards which seem good and you want to make it work, but it's just impossible due to a certain class or certain cards consistently countering your plays. Maybe if the card is just 1 less mana cheaper, it would be more fair to play against meta decks and your strategy becomes more viable. Nerfs create a much bigger impact because it usually leaves open spots for new cards and strategies, but they easily destroy your whole deck strategy or even the whole class. Just look at dr. boom, mad genius. He was never mentioned as a problem during the death knight rotation because every class had a death knight available to them. Now it seems infuriatingly broken because other classes don't have access to a value generator or a viable counter. I think buffing cards should be handled with care, but if the goal is finding an equilibrium where many strategies are viable instead of a rock-paper-scissors meta with three tier 1 decks, then I'm all for it.

     Principle of never nerfing dr boom

     Not exactly. Lets put what he said in other Terms. When everyone have access to combo winning decks that dont care about your armor or your amount of resources Dr. Boom was "not broken" - Last expansion DK heroes was not the only thing that we lose. Most of the OTK decks become useless or rotate. That is the true reason why now people finally finds that one card that give every single minion in your deck (cause almost every minion you play on late game are mech) rush and also give you multiple options of hero power is a little too much. If you compare Dr Boom with Aghata for example your will find that the Shaman hero is a lot worse cause you cant go infinite with her and neither decide or have a notion of what kind of valueshe will give to you. Also technically speaking you "lose" your Hero power for a pasive effect that only triggers IF you spend mana playing a minion. You cant control if you use this pasive or not.

    DK Heroes (the playable ones atleast) provide a similar Value. If i need to Choose what Heroe card is the better in a top  5 i will but DK rexxar and Dr Boom in the same spot at first place and DK jaina in the second spot when DK anduyn go for the 3rd becuase he cant go infinite anymore. Heroes that give you infinite resources that you can control in some way are by far very restrictive cards against any deck that cares about winning with Minions and now that there is no suck a thing like consistent OTK decks the ony way to effectively counter this effects is put massive threats on board that your opponent cant dealt with which is pretty unlikely to happen if you consider that warrior IS THE BEST class for dealing with minions.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Nerfs are not the solution- Buffs are.

    I have an unpopular opinion right here: People said that "some cards are just bad is not crazy to buff them" but for me is more like, some cards are just too slow or bad value because other cards are stricly faster (or better). Buff one card will make others cards of the same slot worse because this card becomes better.


    Buffing or Nerfing cards is not a "solution" there is not such a thing like a "solution" when there is not a problem in first play. When you play one game, any kind of game, there is always a "worse" and a "better" - In fighting games for example there is always attacks that are just too easy to punish to use them even when they look super good. Dev team job is not making everything useful but secure that some decks and some cards see play or rotate from competitive play one time or another. Some cards will never see play? yes but those where designed to be flavorful like the twisted versions of the minions in Whispers of the old gods.

    If you make every card playable you will generate more problems than solutions because one class will have always better cards than other classes and if everyone get good stuff that class becomes even better sooner or later, you will buff that "OP class" in the same way you buff the weaker classes.


    That is why when they buff cards almost never change their effects or dont touch too much stats or cost (only when a card is pretty interesting they really push that card to a better place like Morrigan for example reducing her mana cost by 2 is obviusly because how the card works with Plot Twist).

    Nerf easier to control by far because you are just making one deck worse. But is not an okay deck or a okay class, its always an strong class or card. And yes that hurts other decks sometime but the one that suffer the most is the one that cause the nerf.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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