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Tempo Dragonloc Paladin [Frozen Throne]

  • Last updated Sep 23, 2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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  • 28 Minions
  • 2 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Dragon Paladin
  • Crafting Cost: 11700
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/23/2017 (Evergreen Nerfs)
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This deck was made to maximize the value of the cards I had (i’m a Free to player player mostly. I only spent money to buy karazhan.) While also trying to create a Better Curve than a regular Midrange Paladin deck has, and what I ended up with.
Was a deck that contains The best of Murlocs synergy and buffing in the early game
and The best of Dragons large minions and large value gain in the late game.

3 comments before the match up sections :

This deck gives a better advantage against  Raza Priest because Dragonfire Potion can’t clear your dragons and they have a hard time dealing with big minions.

Because you have more dragons in your deck,
The Curator draws you 3 cards more consistently.

This deck contains no healing.
So putting in Ragnaros, Lightlord could be worth it.

Like against any matchups, you need to mulligan smart. So here’s some suggestions.
Though in most cases you’ll be Mulliganing for curve.

Against Aggro:
Because this is a Tempo deck, you’ll need to Mulligan Low to keep up with the board presence your opponent will soon have. Stall the aggro out and keep playing minions, control the board with good trades until you can keep em at bay by using Taunts, Spikeridged Steed and Bonemare to lock them away from  your face.

Aggro Mulligan :
The Perfect Hand you’ll want to start with against these decks are slightly different from the usual. You’ll want a Vilefin Inquisitor. However if you don't get that on your opening hand, then try to keep Murloc Tidecaller. then you want a Rockpool Hunter to buff the previous cards, and a Stonehill Defender that’ll help you get out some early taunts. If you can’t find a Rockpool Hunter, try to get also get a Hydrologist, and use your 1 cost spells to also keep them away.

Against Pirates :
If you're going first, Look for especially for Vilefin Inquisitor, because they can’t remove it first turn and in turn. They probably won’t play their first turn minion.

Against Midrange :
You’ll want to Mulligan into your Early Murloc Synergies, with that, You'll swarm the board and play on curve. Then you’ll most likely overpower most Midrange Decks and if you can’t. You can use all your all your value Cards to keep yourself in the game.
Finja, the Flying Star, The CuratorNetherspite HistorianBone Drake, and Stonehill Defender

Midrange Mulligan :
The Perfect Hand you’ll want to start with will be. Murloc Tidecaller, Rockpool Hunter, and Murloc Warleader. To set up your Turn 5 Lethal. You’ll also want to keep Hydrologist and Vilefin Inquisitor.
If you have a bad starting hand, sometimes keep Stonehill Defender.

Against Mage : 
You'll want to use Hydrologist to grab Eye for an Eye, to get rid of that pesky Ice Block.

Against Control :
Against Control, You're the Aggro Deck here. Try to beat their face until they can’t keep going. You're going to play much almost the same as you do against Midrange, however try to be more aggressive.

Control Mulligan :
The Perfect hand is the same as in Midrange. However if you have a bad hand, you might wanna keep Stonehill Defender, and rarely Twilight Drake, to keep up with your opponent's value.

Against Priest :
You might want to keep Twilight Drake, since they will have a extremely hard time removing it, and also maybe Netherspite Historian with a Dragon card, to start getting some hard to remove Dragons on the board.

Against Jade :
May Want to keep Skulking Geist if you replace a card for that.

Card Replacements:

This Deck is very compact, many of the cards in the deck synergize with eachother. I would not replace any dragons, because there are only 6 in the deck, but if you have to, only replace one. Because Netherspite Historian  won’t have much to synergize with. Besides that, I'll mention some specific cards I really recommend you not replace, and I'll only mention the Legendary and Epic cards that cost a lot of dust to craft.

  1. Finja, the Flying Star Nothing to say here, this card is crucial to swarming your board back with Murlocs.
  2. Tirion Fordring A Classic Paladin Legendary that sees play in almost every single deck. There's a reason for it. It gets silenced, at least you still have a 6/6 minion. It gets hard removed, you still end up with 15 possible damage in 3 turns.
  3. The Curator This deck loses alot of value without this card, it is a necessity. As it draws cards will give you that extra burst in the end game. It draws you one of your Murlocs, a Gentle Megasaur to synergize with your Murlocs, and one of your 6 dragons.
  4. Murloc Warleader I know this is an epic, so it may cost some dust to craft, but you Need this for a Murloc Deck to work.
  5. Sunkeeper Tarim A newer Classic Paladin Legendary. Works well with all of your low cost Murlocs and Minions and can help out in a pinch against Evolve Shamen or Jade Druid.

Now with possible replacements, there are many possibilities, so I'll list only some:

-You want more Control, replace a card for Deathwing and / or Ysera I mean if your playing a Dragon Deck. Might as well put them in there somewhere. (I don’t have them) Just Don’t Mess up your Tempo Curve to do it.

-You can drop a Gentle Megasaur  for another card. Though I recommend another 4 drop to keep your Tempo Averaging. For example another Twilight Drake

-You can drop Deathwing, Dragonlord for another huge Legendary, like The Lich King, Ragnaros, Lightlord, Ysera, Deathwing

-If your against Control, you might wanna drop a Bonemare or maybe even Spikeridged Steed for The Black Knight With the new expansion, there are alot of Taunt minions out there. And if you want your Murlocs going face, you might want this card. Very powerful against The Lich King

- If your having trouble against Jade, You might wanna drop a Gentle Megasaur or Bone Drake for Skulking Geist. Though I don’t know how much jade will go wild after the patch.

Will update with more Class Match ups if this gets more Upvotes.