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    posted a message on [S12 Legend] Shadow/Fatigue Priest

    I've been experimenting with shadowform since i saw it for the first time, seems like it finally works for me. This archetype always needed a card like antique healbot and more heavy mass removal, now with lightbomb, AH and voljin it has it's shines.

    I've added 2 coldlight oracles for the draw. Since this deck usually goes to fatigue, this is a win-win situation. There are of course matchups where you dont want to give your opponent more fuel (mech mage, face hunter etc.), but then you can just save it in hand until you gain game/tempo control or try to use it as a last line of defence and hope for topdeck. This is a core, top, most important change for me, until i did it i had lost like 2 ranks.

    I also added Emperor Thaurisan, a sick card considering you keep a steady hand most of the time. Something like loatheb but better, especially if you manage to polay it on a taunted board. In worst case, your opponent wastes his turn to remove it.

    Removed holy smite, one SW:P and one Cabal. All of them too situational if you ask me and you REALLY need some card draw engine.

    Everything else unchanged, works great for me. Not a top consistent deck (i hang around rank 9/10), but super fun and finally something that makes good use of shadowform!

    Posted in: [S12 Legend] Shadow/Fatigue Priest
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    posted a message on Crusher Shaman [Legendary]

    This is mostly a comment from earlier, but i wanted to hear your opinion. The post is about reincarnate.

    In my experience, reincarnate proved quite usefull, even though it is very situational. For example, since all those deathrattles players are using to pick a silence into their decks. I found that for like a 50% of the games when i just give Earth elemental only ancestral spirit, i get silenced right away and one free elemental is gone. When you use 9 mana combo with reincarnate it is almost certain that one of them will survive, since players do not have that much hard removals. If they kill both they have to trade much fuel or just use all of the hard removals, making it a lot easier to play on.

    Reincarnate works very well with Kel'thuzad, since he costs 8 mana you can reincarnate him and you have 2 KTs. It also baits hard removal, proving usefull with your other strong minions later, and becouse this deck's point is to overwhelm your opponent with strong minions late game, yuo just have to bait those hexes saps polimorphs starfire and so on somehow.

    It can also serve as a heal. They faceless your Earth elemental, you hit it with your own, both stay on 1 hp, you use reincarnate, possibly with ancestral spirit if you are lucky, and just find 1 dmg to kill the other.

    Works in situations like you have injured blademaster but not that 0 mana heal, you can use this instead, again situational, sometimes it happens in late game you have blademaster but without full hp it is too weak to play.

    Also free deathrattle activator if you need it. I'm testing it with sylvanas right now, seems so great so far :)

    Overall, i think it is good to have at least one in your deck. I would have 2 but it is too situational and just not worth it over other cards. I use one for now. I'm also running two pyros so i can defend myself from the early agression. Lots of zoolocks and hunters theese days.

    I'm testing this deck since like 3 weeks and this is my conclution. I would like to hear your opinion. :)

    Posted in: Crusher Shaman [Legendary]
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    posted a message on Crusher Shaman [Legendary]

    I have to say i disagree. In my experience, reincarnate proved quite usefull, even tho it is very situational. For example, since all those deathrattles players are using to pick a silence into their decks. I found that for like a 50% of the games when i just give Earth elemental only ancestral spirit, i get silenced right away and one free elemental is gone. When you use 9 mana combo with reincarnate it is almost certain that one of them will survive, since players do not have that much hard removals. If they kill both they have to trade much fuel and it could be usefull later in the game.

    Reincarnate works very well with Kel'thuzad, since he costs 8 mana you can reincarnate him and you have 2 KTs. It also baits hard removal, proving usefull with your other strong minions later, or many times people just concede if you have some advantage throuout the game.

    It can also serve as a heal. They faceless your Earth elemental, you hit it with your own, both stay on 1 hp, you use reincarnate, possibly with ancestral spirit if you are lucky, and just find 1 dmg to kill the other.

    Works in situations like you have injured blademaster but not that 0 mana heal, you can use this instead, again situational, sometimes it happens in late game you have blademaster but without full hp it is too weak to play.

    Also free deathrattle activator if you need it.

    Overall, i think it is good to have at least one in your deck. I would have 2 but it is too situational and just not worth it over other cards. I use one for now.

    I'm testing this deck since like 2 weeks and this is my conclution. I would like to hear your opinion. Have a good night sir.

    Posted in: Crusher Shaman [Legendary]
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